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W.A.C.S. (Women Against Cosmetic Surgery)


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Hi Guys,


just wondering if you can help. I want to start a movement (unsure if there are any around at the moment. A google search gave me zero), to help empower women regarding their looks. In particular, women who are aware that feeling good about yourself comes from the inside, and shines out.


Obviously being fit and healthy changes the way you feel about yourself, but at the same time may be a mask for underlying feelings of low self-esteem. I want to start a movement for empowering women to learn to love themselves just as they are, regardless of their less than perfect nose, their small breasts etc. this is not to say that I am against women who enjoy facials, make-up, sexy clothes. If it makes you feel good then wear it like you mean it.


I would like as much input as possible as I would like to eventually hold free seminars for women to bring peace, harmony,love, and acceptance in their lives. (this is not anti-man in any way, manner or form). Any suggestions greatly appreciated. (obviously this will begin in Australia, but I hope to branch out worldwide. A waterfall begins with a single drop if water). I know this isn't really a vegan topic, but creating women who truely emulate inner love will help create Universal harmony. Universal harmony will happen when we stop slaughtering our animal friends.


I am posting this request on decent forums that I visit. I am not able to view posts that often with my gym, my study, and my renewed personal self-empowerment movement. I will try to get back as often as possible.(trying to get through 7 books, a DVD and a CDrom at the moment)





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I haven't heard of such a group before, I imagine there are small local groups here and there though. I would call it People Against Cosmetic Surgery as there isn't a reason to not include men. I personally find appearance to be a trivial and unimportant thing, and I think it stupid that people put so much importance on it, and I think it's sad that many people who lack confidence are bullied into the same mentality. I don't target cosmetic surgery alone though, it's everything. Brushing hair, wearing any make up, type of clothing, jewelery etc. Anything to do with appearance which is worn with the idea that it's important to do so or valuable in some way to do so, I think it's kerazy. I dislike the hatred which goes with it. Someone who thinks make-up is important will think that someone without make-up is a mess, and treat them badly because of it, etc. Bonkers. If people dress up how they want, but don't place importance on it, that's cool. I'm not saying 'People who brush their hair are idiots'. I'm saying, it's not an important thing, and people shouldn't make people feel bad because of the way they look, it just doesn't matter.

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  • 1 year later...
Hi Guys,


just wondering if you can help. I want to start a movement (unsure if there are any around at the moment. A google search gave me zero), to help empower women regarding their looks. In particular, women who are aware that feeling good about yourself comes from the inside, and shines out.


Obviously being fit and healthy changes the way you feel about yourself, but at the same time may be a mask for underlying feelings of low self-esteem. I want to start a movement for empowering women to learn to love themselves just as they are, regardless of their less than perfect nose, their small breasts etc. this is not to say that I am against women who enjoy facials, make-up, sexy clothes. If it makes you feel good then wear it like you mean it.


I would like as much input as possible as I would like to eventually hold free seminars for women to bring peace, harmony,love, and acceptance in their lives. (this is not anti-man in any way, manner or form). Any suggestions greatly appreciated. (obviously this will begin in Australia, but I hope to branch out worldwide. A waterfall begins with a single drop if water). I know this isn't really a vegan topic, but creating women who truely emulate inner love will help create Universal harmony. Universal harmony will happen when we stop slaughtering our animal friends.


I am posting this request on decent forums that I visit. I am not able to view posts that often with my gym, my study, and my renewed personal self-empowerment movement. I will try to get back as often as possible.(trying to get through 7 books, a DVD and a CDrom at the moment)






Charmaine, I LOVE your idea! I never wear make-up and I am against cosmetic surgery. I'm also a feminist, specifically an ecofeminist and an anarcha-feminist (focusing in eco-anarchism, green-anarchism, and individualist anarchism). But anyhow, please count me in!

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I for one won't be joining. My fake boobs are the best thing I ever brought


I consider myself a strong, independent woman who chose to buy breasts. It doesn't mean I have a low opinion of myself or did it for any other reason than I wanted a larger chest.


All because you do not agree with something, doesn't mean the other choice is wrong !

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I think this is a great idea! Our society is getting so that cosmetic surgery will someday be the norm, and everyone will look fake. (Or there will be a great divide between humans who look like real people, and humans that have been transformed).


I have never heard of such a group, but I think it addresses an important issue.

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I'm not against all cosmetic surgery...I'm only against it if its for other people views of yourself or if your aging...aging is a good thing. I'm also not a woman so who cares what I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm also a feminist, specifically an ecofeminist and an anarcha-feminist (focusing in eco-anarchism, green-anarchism, and individualist anarchism).

Hi Merched Figan,


I think it is wonderful that you're a feminist, an anarchist and a green/ecology activist, and that you work towards a fusion of those values and practices. I also identify with all the above, although I'm opposed to individualism. (I believe that sexual, political and ecological equality and justice requires transcending the individual ego and identifying with a broader Self that includes all beings.)

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  • 5 months later...

I think it's a wonderful idea. I'd join (radical lesbian anarcha-Feminist here), certainly. I view women's body anxiety as a socially created phenomenon meant to keep them so preoccupied with their bodies that they can't campaign for important things, or use their money for those important things, and to keep them so unsure of their own bodies that they can't defend themselves against an attacker (which of course leads into the whole "state of terror" that women live under and the terrorist act that is rape..), yadda.


Re: "People" Against Cosmetic Surgery:


I think that gender-modifying it is a horrible idea. Women need to stand up for themselves on this -- we can't have men doing everything for us. Also, I'm afraid that many men would join on the basis that CS is not "hot" (which implies that women have a duty to be "hot" for men), and I feel that we need to keep any group like that a safe-space for women -- not a place where men can come in and tell us that we're right because women ought to look as hot as possible so that men can consume them.

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I think it's a great topic and a great idea.


Now - I have been traveling all over the earth and I have never felt so insecure about myself as I have in the United States. The preassure about being thin, looking great, wearing tons of makeup, the right clothes not to mention the HAIR! I spent a year in HS 7 years ago and two things was I taught: how to do my hair and how to do make-up. All the popular girls wanted to style me everytime we hung out. The only complimants I ever got was: "your makeup looks great" and "your hair looks awesome".

I find that pretty flipping amusing! In a sad way.


These days I don't care much. I hardly ever wear makeup becaus eI'm too lazy (and probably because I was sick of doing it after my senior year) and since I work out a lot I can't be bothered washing my face in the morning + pre training + post training + at night. If we have to look "perfect" all the time - then what's the point of dressing up for special occations???

But there are a LOT of girls and women out there who suffer from low self esteem and that is so sad..


Anyway - all the best of luck to ya!

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I can see where you're coming from and I hink it starts from a positive note but I won't really argee with it. For example I have scars and at some point may may get some them fixed up at some point.


Really I think cosmetic surgery is a sympton of wider social issues and it'd be best to focus on those issues. Issues like very unrealistic body images in the media, great value placed on women's apperance often above other traits, etc.


However people get cosmetic surgery for all sorts of reason and it's a personal choice. And really the amount I, and other's here, want to change our bodies is more extreme then almost any cosmetic surgery, so it's hard to critisize in a way.

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I agree...some people get plastic surgery purely for themselves which is fine(other than things being tested on animals). Also I have a problem with people accepting themselves to a point. Being a bit heavy is fine...but being terribly overweight is dangerous and people shouldn't be happy with themselves in that case. Its fine to be happy with how you look...and you should be...however the emphasis should be on how unhealthy you are. Outside of being overweight I'd say for most people plastic surgery is bad if its made to please others but thats not what its always for.

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I like the idea of empowerment for girls and women. Insecurity is the root of many problems for girls and women.

It is unfortuanate that the media and hollywood set the stage for "norms" of appearance. Most of the photos we see are airbrused and unrealistic.

Isolation of others is one thing that causes insecurity! Women need to work on being sisters and supporting one another instead of perpetuating the caddy-ness we are taught since birth!

My daughter (9 yrs old) stayed at a friends house last night,

Her friend (who was going to play softball this morning) was putting on her make up! She does this everyday!

When my daughter asked her why...she wears make-up everyday, her friend replied, "because I look ugly with out it!"

my daughter told her, "you should not hide what you look like"!

My daughter said, she looks the same with the make up as she does with out it, only a little more red!

I started talking to my kids from day one about this kind of stuff. I try to be a force for empowerment for them and try to discuss what is going on around us.

I myself like to wear makeup sometimes, just because i like color and glitter and to draw on myself etc.

Anyway, I think the key is really empowerment and education. Not isolating others, because it makes people feel worse and not want to listen to you. I like keeping things in the positive.

If I started a group called We hate Meat eaters, the only folks who would join are the people who are already on the same page...what good would that do?

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If a woman wants plastic surgery then it's no ones business to stop her from getting it. It's her body and its her business. How is that for empowerment?


In particular, women who are aware that feeling good about yourself comes from the inside, and shines out.


You are generalizing there. Feeling good can come from outside in as well. Btw someone could be very happy and content inside but if there is something wrong or not "normal" on the outside then it will effect her inside as well. You can cut it how you want but that is the truth. If some surgery helps then what is wrong with that?

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  • 3 months later...

I know this is an older post, but I felt I needed to put my 2 cents in when I came across it. I understand that the person writing about women thinking they have to look a certain way isn't fair,and can lead to a poor self image. But sometimes there is a need for a procedure. I have been working out for a long time, but I had an area that would not yield to exercise.The areamade me look veryout of shape, when I was not. So I found a very good plastic surgeon, and I had the procedure to correct the problem. I want to be a fitness trainer, and this was a step in the right direction for me. And other people have other physical things that keep them from being comfortable, whether its a scar, a broken nose that never healed properly, or women that are unhappy with their chest size. But I do understand the other side of plastic surgery, when people get so many facelifts theirfaceslook rubbery,and when people are obsessed with having different procedures. But like everything else some people will abuse something and give it a bad name, while others will attack something when they do not understand it. That's my 2 cents anyway!!

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I think a big reason why this is a problem is because people assume things like this are bad. Lets look at stretch marks on a womans stomach after kids. Why would she think thats bad at all??? It isn't...its completely natural...but other people think its ugly...therefore the woman may think its ugly. Thing is...its not just not ugly...its supposed to happen that way. I really wish it were less influenced by outsiders.

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I know...and its unfortunate because fake looks are what make people feel the way they do. Hell I've seen Cameron Diaz in person and it was quite a suprise...nothing special at all but she's a decent actress and thats whats important. Also it stinks that there are people that are great talents in acting and singing but nobody will give them a shot due to looks...so they'll never be that person people can look up to as well. This is what bugs me about sport. Druggies get a second chance when they get caught...unfortunately they shouldn't have had a first chance if they were dirty. Same goes for beautiful actors/actresses/singers that don't really have what it takes...they get to stay on top when if society went by tallent they'd just be regular every day people.

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I think that if everyone else didn't judge people's appearance, then nobody would feel 'uncomfortable' with how they looked, to the extent that they'd want surgery. The whole reason that people feel uncomfortable is because they worry about what other people are thinking.

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