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How attached are you to your gym?


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I realized the other day I pass by two gyms on my way to my gym that are probably just as well equipped and cheaper than mine. Right now my gym is a 40 minute busride away and I could probably cut that to 10 if I switched to either of these gyms. But I don't. I really can't imagine working out anywhere else... I like so much stuff about my gym and its people... Although lately I flirted a bit with the idea of switching to one of the closer ones - but not enough to actually go check it out yet.


But what about ya'll. Are you attached to your gym or more into working out wherever?

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No not attached ... I try to put everyone one "ignore" when I work out and get in and get done. However, being there, and one of the only females in the weight room ... I draw a bit of attention and have come to know a lot of the members. I like my gym, but would move if there is one that offers the same equipment and is more convenient.


I also practice posing and T-Walks .... and one of the area gyms did not want me on their aerobics room floor with my comp shoes. So obviously, they can stick it .... well you know. Anyway, I want a gym that I can train for competition, not just a "fitness center" lol

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I really like my new gym. I didn't like the gym I was going to when I first moved to Portland.


Now that I am at 24 Hour Fitness Hollywood in Portland, I love it! I have friends there, co-workers there, and the gym is nice. I look forward to training each time I go there. Lot's of motivational physiques there too!

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[...] I look forward to training each time I go there. [...]


I think that's one of the keys for me. I really look forward to each visit. I've been heard pretty frequently dropping lines like "I'm stoked! I get to go to the gym today!". Getting my stuff together, packing my gym backpack... it's like taking a little vacation or something - if I make sure I set aside enough time to do a thorough and enjoyable workout I'd say it's comparable to a day at the beach for me. I love going. If I recovered faster I'd go everyday

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There might be a new gym opening within walking distance, and if it has what I need, I'll gladly drop my current 5 mile away gym for this new one. I'm not super attached to a place unless it has some kind of really good incentive for me to stay (price, distance, equipment).

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I train at my college gym. It is pretty well equipped. The only thing I wish we had that we don't is a plate loaded hack squat machine. We also have an area for olympic lifting with bumper plates. It's pretty cool.


I know a bunch of the guys there either by face or maybe by first name basis since we see eachother when we train. There are also alot of hotties there. I don't usually look because I am busy and focused but sometimes theres one, like this one girl there, doing cleans and freeweight squats and I'm like "God damn!".


My only complaint is that there are alot of rookies there, especially at the beginning of the semester.

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I am most definitely attached to my gym. I go to a YMCA, and there are 22 other Ys in the central Florida area that I could also go to. I've tried a few, but for me the Downtown Y is the best in the area. I'm not the only one that thinks so either. A lot of other members travel quite a distance to go to the Downtown location. The trainers, and other staff also say it is the best run. Besides it being my favorite Y, I like it above other name brand gyms. I have belonged to several other gyms in Orlando, and found that they really didn't care about your experience there at all. The only thing they cared about was getting your money, and signing you up. One gym had a ridiculous idea that once you were hired as a personal trainer you had to learn their way of training so all the trainers could train the same way. I can't even fathom what they were thinking. For me all trainers if they are good have their own way of doing things, so you need to find one that works well for you.

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I train at our school gym as well. It's pretty crowded, the equipment is fine. Weekends are best to go there. I'm not very attached to this one, but I get pretty anxious if I cant go to the gym weekly.


We only got 1 gym here in the city and it gets super crowded all day and to get any decent time on the machines you have to go after 10pm (they open til midnight) so im not attached to it at all, i cant see how you can be attached, i would go for the best gym with the latest equipment and cheapest prices.

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I absolutely love my gym at home. I know lots of the people there and most of them are pretty supportive of me. There are a lot of "old time" weightlifters there who are really cool to talk with. Here at college, the gym is extremely crowded and many of the people are rude. They have a tendency to leave their weights on the bars or on the ground. Stuff doesn't get fixed quickly. I always look forward to my time at my home gym.

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I work at a university so I have free access to the gyms here. There's at least five gyms that have free weights but I only go to two of them due to location (I work near one, my workout buddy works near another, so we alternate).


The one by me has a single squat rack which sucks if it's even mildly busy. I usually end up going in the early afternoon. After 4pm or so the gym is absolutely nuts.


The gyms are ok. I like that there's a rock wall at one of the other gyms, which I go to once a week. There's also a variety of cardio equipment at my gym: treadmills, ellipticals, stairmasters, stairstepers, bikes, and rowing machines. I haven't been a member of a commercial gym (though I've been inside a few) so I don't know what to compare it to. I doubt I'd pay much for this type of gym though, it just gets too busy to effectively do anything at certain times of the day.

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I work at a university so I have free access to the gyms here. There's at least five gyms that have free weights but I only go to two of them due to location (I work near one, my workout buddy works near another, so we alternate).


The one by me has a single squat rack which sucks if it's even mildly busy. I usually end up going in the early afternoon. After 4pm or so the gym is absolutely nuts.


The gyms are ok. I like that there's a rock wall at one of the other gyms, which I go to once a week. There's also a variety of cardio equipment at my gym: treadmills, ellipticals, stairmasters, stairstepers, bikes, and rowing machines. I haven't been a member of a commercial gym (though I've been inside a few) so I don't know what to compare it to. I doubt I'd pay much for this type of gym though, it just gets too busy to effectively do anything at certain times of the day.


You work at Rutgers?

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