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Too much sleep? Could it be a problem?

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Too much of anything can be bad. But how bad is oversleeping? For me my goal is to get used to waking up at 6am( After going to bed at midnight ) but what is scaring me is my habit of falling asleep early( like maybe 10pm ) and sleeping till 10-11pm. Today I had 11 hours of sleep( Three hours over the recommended requirements ) and I've once slept for 14 hours( A week or two ago )


It's either one of two things that makes me sleep so much. the fact that I haven't slept on a bed( only a couch...and in this case a crappy one with cushions that shift while I sleep ) or a possible B-12 definceancy( Which I am taking care of by hunting for vitamins online )


So. Too much sleep. Health or Unhealthy?

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it can sometimes be associated with depression also.


Try setting an your alarm for 8 or 9am and see how you feel on less. If you feel better on that, then maybe you should get in a habit of setting an alarm.


Besides... you don't wanna waste your life sleepin your days away... there's too much out there to see and do and learn!!!!

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I usually set my alarm to 6am and then feel ready to go. But for some odd reason I usually just end up laying down and sleeping( Usually to continue a dream adventure I was on )


I'm sure being Malnurished could make someone more sleepy. And it's sad because...I hate sleep. If only they could invent a hyperberick sleep chamber which operated on a different time wave then the outside( Kinda like sleeping for 8 hours and waking up and not a second has gone by )

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I think its unhealthy because your basically sleeping away an extra 20-30% of your life...I don't sleep much and wish I did sleep more but I do like the fact that I experience more of my life span awake than most...even if I'm wasting it watching movies.

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Yeah. I'm wasting 4 hours of my day everyday( More if I sleep more ) a person can do a lot in 4 hours. Make food, work out. Play video games


I like to calculate things( Mostly money that I wish I had )


Sleeping an extra 4 hours a day will equal to 28 hours wasted.

After a month that doubles to about 102 hours wasted.

1,024 hours a year.

100,000 + hours wasted in a lifetime.


Personally I'd much rather see my awake hours increase.

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I do like the fact that I experience more of my life span awake than most...even if I'm wasting it watching movies.


Watching movies is not a complete waste when it's good movies


At least it's less waste than sleeping


You're right...I could probably be doing better things but it helps my muscles recover and good movies keep me sane and relaxed.

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Hey Dr Pink,

All I can say is listen to you body and try not to analyse and think about every single thing that happens in your life and around you.

Focus on the things you can control and get out there and make them happen.

If you aren't working, bored and end up sleeping or thinking about things the whole time, it is only going keep your life where it is now and not change a thing.

Get out there and make people hire you, go for a walk, volunteer at an animal shelter.... It will stop you sleeping so much...

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I'm going through the same thing, man. I'm depressed, though I don't really show it. I quit taking anti-depressants for about 2 weeks and was fine until one day I had a mental breakdown over my food processor not working. I had to start taking it again, unfortunately. I have problems finding work since I don't have a vehicle. The idea of driving doesn't thrill me, but I wanna start driving a scooter.. That way it's not as bad for the environment as driving a gas guzzling beater car. Finding a job gets harder when you lose hope. If you have your mind set "Nobody will hire me" which I tend to do.. People notice your lack of confidence and probably won't wanna hire you. If there is simply no work in your area right now (which is a problem for me as well) try taking something you can do temporarily until something better comes up. I cleaned toilets in a turkey factory for a few months (one of the many reasons I went vegan, actually.) it was horrible but the pay was decent. Right now I'm selling T-shirts on the internet lol

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All good points everyone, one other thing to consider is do you sometimes sleep 12-6 and then other times sleep long? Maybe 6 hours isn't enough, and you get overtired.

I know that 6 isn't enough sleep for me.


Also I think sydneyvegan makes excellent points. I was sleeping a lot for a couple weeks recently and the only way I got out of it was by making myself be busy.

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My biggest problem with sleeping is that I have to get up at 5:30 AM, and have 7-8 lessons a day in school and when I get home I just can't take it anymore I can eat anything but I'm soooooo tired that I need to sleep, but if I sleep at this time I can't get to sleep at night and than I would sleep 4-5 hours at night and I'm tired at school too sometimes I feel I could sleep a year

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