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Everything posted by Zack

  1. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap081231.html
  2. If that baby is born, it will be as much mine as hers. I will be responable for supporting that baby until 18. Why are men alway made out to be emotionless dolts, and the only person feelings who count are the mothers? This.
  3. silly you didn't invent the internet, this guy did: http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9731/theinternetoj7.jpg No he didn't. http://www.snopes.com/quotes/internet.asp But he did have a huge influence in the Internet since he pushed it forward in his politics. ok mr serious...I already know it's a false statement, just jokes...
  4. silly you didn't invent the internet, this guy did: http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9731/theinternetoj7.jpg
  5. It tastes atrocious, but if you can handle it more power to ya.
  6. Deep, your delts need the stretch.. halfway is essentially triceps.
  7. The non-whites are probably just waiting for you to get sloppy. Cheat on your diet. Gain a few pounds. Then they will pounce. I assume you're being sarcastic?
  8. I'm not going to say 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice'. Generally, I would consider myself closer to pro life. What I really support is 1) Taking the government out of the business of abortion, and leaving it between a doctor and the woman. 2) Safe sex and education, prevention is the best method. The number of medically necessary abortions is relatively small in comparison to the number of abortions, somewhere around 5% or so. I think that is ing. Who knows the potential of the baby you're killing, could be the next einstein... Also, I am ABSOLUTELY against late-term abortion.
  9. I'm not a fan of wrestling, but I like him as a person. Too bad his family are spoiled idiots ruining everything he made for himself.
  10. I am 196 empty but still look like a stick figure..
  11. they talk about...................................................BONES of steel.
  12. Unemployed and on your own and spending money on clothes instead of food... strong priorities.
  13. I personally think your back is really well developed. Only thing is, Octo's got wider shoulders, which makes his back look wider. Narrow frame makes it hard to have wide lats, but in every other way your back is solid. I wanna see some wings for tom platz to look at.
  14. saving money is very, very cool.
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