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Everything posted by Gorilla

  1. I agree that's a buff physique. Do you know his name? I guess not. Me neither.
  2. So much contradiction on the web! VegSoc says vegans should take b12 in supplement form. Even Dr. Fuhrman says we should take a synthetic vitamin pill. However, "The Vitamin B12 article" (http://www.living-foods.com/articles/b12issue.html) warns of the danger of taking synthetic stuff. I've never been happy with the idea of taking pills/tablets for nutrition. The Vitamin B12 article suggests relying on organic veg with trace amounts of organic soil. Now I've heard that the small amount of B12 we need can also be obtained from certain sprouted seeds (this page is in German but I will translate the key paragraph below): http://www.alles-vegetarisch.de/article,3AA959FC7B1C4C271627788FC13257BF,bioSnacky%20Linsen%20Samen.html "Linsensprossen enthalten u.a. die Vitamine A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, viel Vitamin C und E, dazu Eisen, Mangan, Natrium, Niacin, Phosphor und Zink." "Sprouted linseeds contain, amongst others, the vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, B12 (!), lots of Vitamin C and E, as well as iron, manganese, sodium, niacin, phosphorous and zinc." Definitely no need for pill supplements then. After all you don't hear gorillas say, "I must go down to the shops to get myself a packet of vitamin tablets."
  3. Jokes! That is really the worst isn't it? Why would anyone do that to their pet cat or dog? Sick sick.
  4. The junk food scandal: When I started secondary school my friends and I started having this obsession about getting six-pack abs like Peter Andre! We would do crunches by the hundred every day but still couldn't get the washboard look. We were all keen on P.E and when we got changed we would see each others' progress. Some of the guys started getting definiton but some (including myself) didn't. Here's the SCANDAL (I feel like suing somebody for this): It's so RIDICULOUS I can hardly bear to write it: Every day at break time there was a "tuck shop", selling chocolate bars, sweets and cans of soda. Do you know where this "tuck shop" was? That's right: in the changing rooms! And who was selling this s%&^? That's right the %^$%^^ P.E TEACHERS! ABSURD! Every day I would buy a chocolate bar and a can of soda from this tuck shop at break time. I didn't even think it was bad: "A MARS A DAY HELPS YOU WORK, REST AND PLAY" How can they get away with this slogan? I just find it really upsetting. When I was 15 I found a book on Yoga. The guys in the book had good physiques and it all seemed to make sense: exercise and diet plans, breathing exercises etc.. I followed the programmes religiously and it brought a lot of discipline into my life. I cut out all junk food and had a lot more energy. When I was 18 I got into training with weights and two summers ago I discovered the Arnold Encyclopedia, which is when I started training even more seriously. My point is that education and knowledge is the key. I really pity people who are still locked in the Matrix, because until about 6 years ago I was still there.
  5. Oh and Richard. I've been rocking out to your demos. They're in a playlist alongside Rage.
  6. I couldn't really not post this link: http://www.themeatrix.com/ It's a real shame about the conclusion of this short film: in the end it sends the message that it's okay to use and consume animal products as long as the animals were "treated in a humane way". What? They were still slaughtered for £%$&*$ sake. Just because they were kept on a family farm and not a factory farm doesn't make it okay. AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH. Sorry to be negative and angry here. But at least if your meat-eating "friends" say, "Have you seen the meatrix video? It's okay to eat meat as long as it comes from a family farm," then you know what they're talking about and you can proceed to destroy all their STUPID arguments and excuses for not being vegan. End.
  7. Of course you forgot to mention that you crammed the tortilla full of healthy salad. I love tortilla wraps too.
  8. Gorilla


    Yes mate. Have you seen the video I posted in the Entertainment section?That just proves what we're talking about: http://www.bofunk.com/video/1096/insane_flips_jumps_and_falls.html
  9. Great stuff. You will need: A blender: the best investment I ever made! 100ml cold water (pour this into blender first: if you put the chick peas in first you make it hard on your blender) juice of 1 lemon 1 garlic clove, finely chopped/crushed 200g chick peas (I buy them ready to eat: glass jar rather than tin) 1 tbsp tahini 1 tbsp olive oil Blend the ingredients together. If your blender has trouble blending, you can give it a hand: unplug your blender and use a wooden spoon to mix the ingredients up a bit. Give it a final whizz and you're ready to go. Great served with salad and pitta bread.
  10. Yep that is my favourite vegan bodybuilding photo too. Great symmetry, great definition and nice size. Just brilliant.
  11. Welcome. I also went from vegetarian to vegan. This site has all the info you need : )
  12. http://www.bofunk.com/video/796/richard_simmons.html brilliant!
  13. Nice work! Yeah I believe Arnold used to do at least 50 chin ups in upper body workouts, taking as few sets as possible.
  14. Big Bertha. This thread is funny but as Seasiren said, probably best not to say anything negative just in case. I don't know if anyone would take it to heart but you never know
  15. lol No I don't own any Prinzen! I heard a couple of tracks years ago and the lyrics seemed to be "tongue-in-cheek".
  16. Yes the UK RDA for sodium is 1600mg or 1.6g, equivalent to 4g salt (sodium chloride). When I first starting training seriously I used to use a sports drink called Viper from Maximuscle during and after exercise. That's really ghastly stuff: it is a luminous powder, to which you add water. I was convinced by the advertsing that I could not possibly do without it. The sodium/sugar ratio was supposed to be perfect for rehydration and recovery but I reckon it did more harm than good. So unnatural. You don't see Gorillas sitting back with a bottle of Viper or Gatorade after they've exerted themselves. These days I make sure I am well hydrated and have eaten enough before my training session. During my training session I just drink water. About 30 minutes after exercise I have a smoothie made with soya milk, banana, hempseed and golden linseed. Then about 1 hour after that I usually have a meal of salad and pasta. The requirements for endurance athletes will be very different to powerlifters and bodybuilders. Different nutrition for different needs, so...
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