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Everything posted by ljk11

  1. How about a photo? It does sound good! Question: I see it mentions 1 3/4 cups flour, but after the first 1/4 cup there is no further explanation of what to do with the remaining flour. Hmmmm....
  2. Strong squats. I am impressed. My stupid chronic back and hip injury make me a crummy squatter - and I can only do light weight. grrr...
  3. Ha, I must admit to clicking on this thread for the sole purpose of viewing Tarz' avatar.
  4. Thanks for the links. I was basically just interested in hearing what others had experienced if they'd tried. it's easy to make sprouts; I've done it in a pan with water, but then just ate them as is.
  5. You can use a step under the Smith bar - instant stretch! Hey, FL - I noted you are planning to do cardio 7 days a week. Do you not need a little rest? If you can do that, great but I know I would totally burn out... The smith machine is okay for doing calves. Only problem is, that you can't go into the stretching position, which i believe to be very important. And when you can't go down the full way, you need more weight to make it a challenge. But try it and you will see if you can hold it. I believe it will be no problem, it's easier to hold a weight than to squat with it. One leg calf raises as Will mentioned are okay, but even if not too easy from the start, it's hard to keep adding weight. You can use dumbells, but the calves are very strong and at some point it won't be enough. If they suit you better than the smith machine, i think the movement is better, so do them then
  6. Nice and strong on those squats! You use a barbell right? (NOt the evil Smith machine?)
  7. If all a person eats is fruit, where does the healthy fat and protein come from?
  8. The place i get my eggs from, the man selling them said he's been to the farm and it's a small, independent local one that is the old-fashioned type, how things 'used' to be before factory farming became the norm, and that the chickens have a lot of room. Still, I suppose it's not optimal...
  9. what is wrist rollering? As the reigning queen of ab exercises I am shamefully admitting I don't know what a bowling ball situp is...
  10. Thanks, guys i have had sprouted grain bread from the store and oh my goodness, delicious or what?! It tastes more like a cross between cake and a muffin or something! But the sugars are natural, not added.
  11. CG, I'll be letting you know soon. My Pure trim is on the way! Rice protein tastes nasty! it tastes like a$$
  12. You know, I've never understood the logic of a Tofurky...if one is ultimately against any form of animal product, why would one PRETEND to eat an animal in tofu form? It seems really backward to me. NO offense intended - this is something that always got me when I saw it and reading about it here, I just had to ask.
  13. that is SO cute with the pictures and all! What is follow your heart mozzarella..some type of cheese analog? Does it melt or taste like cheese?
  14. Unless for religious or spiritual purposes, I truly see no point whatsoever in fasting. It's just not a healthy thing to do. Bodies need food to function properly...
  15. I agree - raw veggies can be tough on the system. Especially broccoli and cauliflower!
  16. Too funny! The comment about the food (not your measurements.)
  17. Hmm...well, the foods I listed are pretty much the bulk of my whole diet. I'm boring, what can I say. It seems that if I eat, i get these symptoms. Actually today is pretty good. It's the first out of several that I could actually have another person living in this house!
  18. Wow, you sure lift a lot for a guy who eats so little! I suppose it's hard to tell since you aren't listing amounts, but the menus are pretty short!
  19. Good God! Who is THAT in the photo? That is one killer physique you have built using vegetables (and some weights... ) great abs...nice shoulders, holy crap, nice everything!!! Oh, a joke. I get jokes. A chain sound like a good idea. I just had a look at your journal, is this what you mean? http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3088/dipsfront2sl.jpg I have a non-leather lifting belt that I think could use a chain to attach plates to, like you have done in the above picture.
  20. I still have really bad gut problems. My diet is basically: (sorry I'll include everything without lies!) - tuna - occasional tofu - veggies and lots of them! - soy protein - very little fruit - some brown rice or sweet potatoes - no dairy - some egg whites - no processed foods, no sugar, no crap Dairy, bread, gluten, oats, yeast, all of them make me ill. So I stay away. Same with things like mangoes, pineapples, oranges, so I get my vitamins from all kinds of veg. by the truckload. I (almost daily or several times weekly) have massive issues with my tummy anyway. SOrry for the details - basically just terrible gas and cramps. I have no idea what to do. I have used digestive enzymes but whatever...also tried Gas-X (simethicone), activated charcoal...but nothing works and I'm always soooo bloated and gross. Can anyone relate?
  21. Has anyone here experimented with making their own sprouts? How about going a few steps further and actually making sprouted grain bread? I saw an intriguing cookbook today for half off, and I nearly bought it, but then I thought the stuff looked really labour-intensive. It had recipes on making sprouts - takes like 2-4 days- and then grinding them up and making bread...along with other cool stuff.
  22. I eat stuff like that...lately I've been having a lot of soy shakes. And if I cook the veggies, it really helps. I got tested for celiac but they said I don't have it. Still, celiac or not, gluten and wheat and oats generally make me miserable so I avoid them anyhow! And dairy is another bleghhh-inducer. Course you don't eat that either since you're a vegan
  23. This time it worked. No idea why. Silly computers.
  24. Correct. And every single time I get "must be under 6" You must have special powers.
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