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Everything posted by JW

  1. I'm thinking to 220-225 LBS not looking forward to the dietary restrictions though...
  2. curious.... Are there any foods that you just can't eat anymore? I've generally been okay with my foods but I sure can't eat very large portions anymore! I can't believe how much I used to eat when I was younger!
  3. JW

    Reality TV

    I'm pretty sure that's the one! They have some real characters on there.
  4. back from the doctors and workout... doctor.... pretty uneventful except for a blood test (I hate needles) Unfortunately I'm on a nother round of antibiotics for the urinary tract thing. I'll have to watch my diet closely or I'll end up with some major bloating. weighed in at 109KG 240LBS I have definitely put on some upper body muscle. Now I think it's near time to cut great workout! 10 minutes on bike 1x15 1x10 1x5 incline bench lats squats shoulder press rows 200 crunches 3x6 deadlifts hammer curls - 1x8, 1x6, 1x4
  5. you must be sooo sick of the doctor's office by now! I'm going to have to try out that jerk tempeh nuggets! One of the staples in our house is a veggie seitan ribz dish but I've never tried anything like that one. (I really shouldn't be reading about this right now --- fasting for my doctors appointment)
  6. thanks! I'm crossing my fingers (even my bad one)
  7. JW

    Reality TV

    I used to watch a ton of cooking shows but for some reason I just don't watch much anymore. Used to like Iron Chef, Bobby Flay, Hell's Ktchen, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, I think I might have stopped watching because I can't relate to the things being cooked as I couldn't eat any of them. Just saw some show about a baking challenge... contestants competing in front of a panel of chefs/judges. I thought that was a pretty good show.
  8. just saw Star Trek last night and enjoyed it very much!!! I thought it was very well done. The casting was spot on, it moved along at a great pace, just a very good film!
  9. well... it was a fairly quiet weekend... went for a nice long walk, put in another 350 pushups for the VBBF challenge, got my son on the plane for his school trip (had to wake up at 4am yesterday) saw Star Trek last night thoroughy enjoyable! I've just had a ravenous appetite lately. I can't eat until about noon today (fasting for a doctors appt this morning) Not liking that very much at all! 2 doctors appointments today and a trip to the gym at lunch scheduled
  10. and you're not a techno-gadget crazy grade 8 student
  11. JW

    Reality TV

    I used to watch Hell's Kitchen but now I find each season to be similar to the last. See Gordon Yell See Gordon throw a plate of food on a contestant See Gordon swear See Gordon berate cocky contestant See loser contestant cut or burn him/herself........ See Gordon swear again.......
  12. changed things up a bit today 10 minutes on bike then weights: 1 set of 5 1 set of 10 1 set of 15 deadlifts incline bench lats squats shoulder press rows 200 crunches hammer curls 1x8, 1x6, 1x4 that last set was awfully tough
  13. I think he is rather enamoured with the apps for the touch I fully expect him to want the next model when it comes out too
  14. JW

    Reality TV

    YOU EFFEN DONKEY!!!!!!! ya gotta love Chef Ramsay
  15. I grew up playing and it remains my favourite sport but it's getting tougher to play now (injuries) I agree about the free TV thing.... we get mainly EPL and usually not the good games either... Won't take too long to get the gist of the rules.. I can't wait to get overseas to see a game in person. Looks like an incredible experience
  16. JW

    Reality TV

    I've found that taping the shows works best for me. I just can't become a slave to the TV where I have to be home at a specific time to watch. what about the "trainwreck factor" ? I'm talking about the upcoming show I'm a Celebrity, Now Get ME Out Of Here pure trash but there is a certain trainwreck factor about it...... I probably enjoy The Amazing Race the best Survivor is always fun too
  17. thanks MS and LNG it's good to know there are still people out there that appreciate some good old fashioned immaturity!! another 60 pushups for the VBBF challenge last night. looking forward to a workout over lunch today. Been under intense pressure from my son to buy his ipod from him so he can upgrade to a touch. He is one of those gadget crazy people who has to have the latest and greatest. I hope his future income will support this techno-habit going to see the new Star Trek movie this weekend
  18. absolutely!! how long before one of the big clubs snatch him up? Has Oliver Kahn finally been put to pasture?
  19. I blend it with a banana and some soy milk. It's actually pretty good (well..... better....)
  20. where is your hometown? my wife has family in Koblenz. We visited there about 10 years ago. Definitely time to go back again!
  21. this could be a monster of a thread! I have to admit that I've been addicted to reality TV since the first Survivor still watch Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race, The Apprentice, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette.... and then there is the other genre of reality based shows like The real Housewives of OC, housewives of NY, Little People Big World, But I REFUSE to watch Jon & Kate Plus Eight!!!!! anyone else reality obsessed?
  22. hey xphilx are you a big bundesliga fan? I used to follow it quite a bit but now it seems that all the coverage here is on the EPL I still cheer for Germany at Euro and the World Cup
  23. lol and remember.... he is the one who thinks I'M immature
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