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Everything posted by JW

  1. Detroit is just too solid throughout its lineup. The only way teams seem to be able to beat them is through an extremely hot goaltender. Doesn't look like that's going to happen this series.
  2. nice one today feeling pretty spent. 10 min bike 2x8 deadlift incline bench lats squats calf raises shoulder press rows tricep ext leg ext hamstring curls 100 crunches 2x3 manmakers As much as I've enjoyed this HST approach over the last 3 weeks, I'm getting a bit bored. Just a week and a half left and I'll change it up again. Results have been very good but I kind of miss the cardio.
  3. wow! you get more protein in than I do! are you using fitday to track your diet?
  4. JW

    Reality TV

    I'm a Celebrity Now Get Me Out of Here starts tonight. Still not sure if I want to watch it. For the most part I feel like "who cares?" but the train wreck factor might make me tune in.
  5. JW

    Reality TV

    my favourite was Doctor Will ! I found him to be incredibly amusing. I think he is the alltime greatest player in a reality show I've ever seen. I'd love to see him on Survivor. (I admit that he is awfully strange, self absorbed and slightly demented but I respect his gameplay)
  6. pretty quiet weekend. (workout wise anyway....) Ate reasonably clean with the exception of a couple pastries yesterday. went for a long walk on Saturday and again on Sunday. Almost went to the gym on Saturday but forced myself not to. I'm glad because the muscles feel much more relaxed today. Back to the gym at lunch today!!
  7. just because of the gym I go to. It's based on circuit training... going station to station. It's a bit small so it's tough to haul out the free weights. I will sometimes use dumbells and the kettlebell but it's just easier for me to use the machines. I should mention that these machines are cable-based allowing full range of motion. If I do bench for instance, I really don't notice much difference from free weights. I think that in a couple weeks, I'll be back to the circuits for a few weeks.
  8. Wow!!! thanks so much for posting that RawVgn! I experimented with eating raw a couple years ago. I find it tough (for me) to keep on the diet. (I should really focus on substantially increasing my raw intake. I totally agree with you about the diet part. I'm prone to candida and eating high raw was the only thing that really helped. I was interested to read about your essential tremor. I was diagnosed with that a few years ago. It's not horrible but every so often people get a bit freaked out because my head or hands are shaking. How has yours been? My doctor told me that there are a few options available to control it but recommended waiting until the tremors got to a level where it was "socially noticeable"
  9. I find that I really don't care about the number (age) It's all about how I feel. Sometimes I feel old when aches and pains hit, but in my mind I'm still young! Doesn't bother me at all sharing my age.
  10. It was in Charlottetown, PEI big AND tasty! my personal favourite is a grilled burrito. grilled veggies inside the tortilla, then grill the burrito with a little sauce of your choice to braise the tortilla ok I'm getting hungry again!!!
  11. that's a nice clean diet!!! ya gotta wonder who invents these EVIL exercise machines
  12. mmmm Burritos!!! a favourite in our household. sometimes we'll do an asian stirfry and make it into burritos I was in the maritimes a couple years ago and went to a mexican restaurant. They had a menu item called "Bigger than your head burrito" (it was)
  13. hmmm facing another issue soon (and believe it or not , it's NOT injury related) I've been using machines mainly at the gym. It's just easier and faster for me to get my workout in over the lunch hour. However, there are a few machines that I'm close to maxing out on the weights. Lats, Squats, Deadlifts, Rows are the main ones I could always do one armed/one legged exercises but it would obviously take longer. I don't envision myself lifting massive weights or becoming massive in phyique but this could be an issue. Don't really want to change gyms have to think about this
  14. nothing beats running with your dog! the best training partners ever! sometimes I can see that she is bored or restless and it just gets me off the couch and out for a long walk or run. best of luck on your journey!
  15. the arms are feeling a bit spent! people on the bike so I did a 5 min run followed by 5min on bike 2x10 incline bench deadlifts lats squats shoulder press calf raises rows bicep curls 1x10 flyes 20 incline reverse crunches having a protein shake and a massive salad right now and wishing I could have a nap!
  16. Ha! I found it!!! this photo started out from an off the cuff comment wondering what I'd look like with my head shaved... Richard worked his magic and............. http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j145/darthjamer/JW_Ang.jpg
  17. lol np! I kinda find it funny too ( well, now anyway......)
  18. JW

    Reality TV

    Big Brother starting soon! maybe we should have a pool
  19. it's bound to get better soon! I'm sure your breathing isn't 100% and you've had a bit of a layoff. I think it's awesome that you even attempted the workout at this stage!
  20. fortunately I've lost my taste for soy icecream. Not sure why but I just don't like the taste much anymore. Haven't read up on that diet but I'll definitely take a look. I am amazed at how slowly that stubborn lower belly fat wants to disappear (I'll have to remember just how stubborn when I get junk food cravings!)
  21. Gym day again!! Going at lunch and looking forward to it! been upping the protein intake lately. Found an awesome hemp powder which is blueberry/pomegranate flavoured. Mixes very well with plain water without needing a blender. I had an INCREDIBLE craving for chips this morning! Not sure why but I was able to overcome it with a few almonds. Funny, I've seen such progress in muscle growth over the last month or so but that has also highlighted the extra bodyfat in the lower abs!! It is sooooo stubborn!! It has definitely decreased but very slowly. I'm staying the course though. Just have to avoid those chips
  22. OMG!!! that's a nasty accident!! Mine is actually quite comical in comparison A story that only a true animal lover could appreciate: I was riding to work along a path and caught some movement out the corner of my eye, turned and saw a duck and about 7 ducklings swimming in the ditch. I was marvelling at the beauty of it, turned around and saw a big metal post right in front of me. (Put on the path to prevent motorists) My only thought was "Crap! this is gonna hurt" collided, went over the handle bars and hit the pavement in a roll. Of course I did the guy thing and immediately popped up in the "I'm okay" stance, realized nobody saw it and then sat down to check out the wounds. Not too bad... big bruise on the inner thigh, various scrapes, gravel burn.. front brakes were torn off the frame, bike seat was twisted at a very bizarre angle But those ducks sure were cute!!!
  23. Probably the biggest challenge I am facing which I attribute to age is stubborn bodyfat in the lower abs. It is so frustrating to see great results in muscle growth and bodyfat% reduction but verry little reduction in that one area! I'm pretty sure that if stay the course it will slowly disappear but man!!! does it go slowly!!!
  24. just a couple 15 minute walks today. That's it! I have a tendency to overtrain so I'm forcing myself to take it easy. (either that or I'm just getting lazy)
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