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Everything posted by JW

  1. I think one of the hardest things about a rest day is to make it TRULY a rest day. It's always so tempting to go for a bike ride, do some light cardio, etc.... I think I've finally got it into my head though (or maybe I'm just getting lazy in my advancing years)
  2. 70 more pushups last night (for the VBBF challenge) and for fun too it's been soooo humid here lately. I'm constantly sweating. But putting a positive slant on it.... what a great detox!!!
  3. okay.... where to start..... 225 pushups on the weekend Saturday was nuts... my daughter was competing at the provincial track meet. She had an event at 10:00, then went to a birthday party, then back for the 4x100 relay, then we had to go load the van with stuff for the lake, then to a birthday party for us adults. Sunday we were at the lake with all the fun yard work etc... I did go in the water though.. (still pretty numbingly cold) back to the city to visit my father for father's day, and home to crash to the gym this morning it was TORTURE!! The a/c seemed to be not working. the floors were wet, not sure if tit was the condensation or everyone pouring sweat 25 squat jumps 25 burnouts 25 lunge jumps 25 hourglass 25 manmakers (these were tough) 25 runningman 30 second intervals: squat/row combo incline bench lats squats tricep ext bicep curl rows ham curls repeat 30 second intervals again 25 mountain climbers then I ran out of time..... (and energy)
  4. and then you get the people who think they're going to be funny by making pro meat comments around the vegan I'll sometimes respond with a " would you like some more blood on that rotting flesh you're eating???" comment I keep hoping that one or two people might actually think about what they are eating... frustrating! But I suppose it took me a long time to make the connection too.
  5. and they are looking quite strong!!!!
  6. thanks I was starting to get worried there for a while
  7. okay time for a rant!!! I'm sure everyone here goes through this too but it's just ticking me off. Lunch meetings and functions at work where there never seems to be an edible option for me!!! Last week it was a lunch meeting .... pizza all loaded with meat & cheese Today was a BBQ no meatless alternatives everyone knows my diet but they either forget about it or choose to ignore it. I find it rather annoying to say the least!!! freakin meat eaters!!!!!!!!!! would you like some more blood on that rotting cadaver you're all eating???? okay I feel better now (still hungry but better)
  8. who is watching the U21 ? some interesting results already!
  9. Yes!!! I broke the cycle of unfortunate events!!! One full day free of embarassing moments!! rest day yesterday and I'm not sure it helped much. The legs are still not right so I did upperbody this morning warmup at 60% 1x12 bench lats shoulder press rows @90% 3x6 bench 3x6 lats 3x6 lats 3x6 rows 3x6 low ring pullups 3x12 sumo deadlifts 3x100 sprints an okay workout but not really satisfying. Don't think I was 100% mentally there this morning. I shou;d wake up in another hour or so though.....
  10. Robert, you might remember this... there was a guy profiled in VBBF a couple years ago from Israel. Avi ??? can't recall his name but he had an incredible physique at 47 years old
  11. Leave it up to a Canadian to do all the heavy work eh ?
  12. JW

    Reality TV

    totally agree! I wonder how many times the sound "oooooooh" is made during that timeslot?
  13. got the sore leg thing going on today. Where the slightest bump causes a significant cringe. So.... I'm on a real roll lately on Tuesday, I grabbed a pair of pants in the morning while dressing and didn't notice until the afternoon that they were completely split in the rear!!! Yesterday, I lost a screw from my glasses and my lens popped out. A little tape held them together but....... wonder what's in store for today????
  14. yeah...once you get it in your blood it's hard to get it out of your system I still love to play but injuries are taking their toll so I may just decide to be a fan full time too bad about the cable thing.. but at least you won't be a slave to the TV like so many other people I know.
  15. JW

    Reality TV

    anyone watch Wipeout? my wife hates it but my kids and I love it! something about those faceplants that is really funny!
  16. I can't believe you sometimes do TWO x-fit workouts in a day!! Aren't you just spent by the end of the 2nd workout?
  17. always trying to have fun! don't know if it was because I worked out in the morning today or if it was just a very hard workout but I SUFFERED today. 15 squat jumps 15 pushups 30 lunge jumps 100m sprint repeat 3 more times 1x12 deadlifts 15 pushups 1x12 incline bench 60 seconds - stepups on 3ft box 1x12 lats 1x12 squats 1x12 jumping chinups 2x12 woodchoppers 1x12 shoulder press 1x12 rows 100m sprint ran out of time at this point still experiencing a little bloating. I've been trying to avoid the dreaded candida diet but I fear it may be in my future
  18. seems like all I do lately is lift things! our block party was last night and of course who was the one to lift all the heavy stuff??? I guess everbody has their niche in life definitely taking a day off exercise today.
  19. circuit 1 run 1 lap around building (400m) 20 pushups run 2 laps lunges for 80m circuit 2 (30 second stations) bicep curls stepups bike sprint incline bench lats stepups burnouts squats flyes mountain climbers shoulder press rows leg ext KTE (knees to chest hanging from rings) plank on low hanging rings REPEAT CIRCUIT 2 REPEAT CIRCUIT 1 (those lunges were tough)
  20. work filled weekend at the cottage. lots of long walks, yardwork, and of course work on my favourite project... THE ROCK WALL my latest strange obsession! My attempt at preserving the banks of the property. I spend hours hauling rock after rock from the shore to the banks. strange huh???
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