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Everything posted by JW

  1. thanks it's been a bit nuts here and it just reminds me of how I just really don't like what I'm doing. I'll survive though. I wish it wasn't so long until my next vacation though....
  2. OMG!!! now I'm NOT going on my trip because of a few stupid emergency projects which I haven't got time to work on came up!!! Did I mention how much I hate my work????? I have just GOT to figure a way to get out of this line of work!
  3. JW

    Reality TV

    you really didn't miss much. I have to admit that I'm getting sick of all these wannabes pandering to the cameras, seeking as much attention as they can get.... And what for? I suppose they think they will be "discovered" ?
  4. that was proposed about 6 months ago but I don't believe it has been finalized yet. we still have all those texters on the road!
  5. rest day today. which is good because its been not a great day here at work. Just feel like going home and crashing! going away on business tomorrow for a couple days but hope to get my workout in tomorrow morning or in the evening. (carefully selected hotel with gym)
  6. interesting... I've been finding that cutting the cardio way down has really helped me with adding muscle mass. Seems like when I do more cardio, my body just leans right out. I've always played cardio intensive sports so I guess there is significant muscle memory involved. How did your body react when you started reintroducing cardio? I'm a bit worried that my new found gains may diminish
  7. on a non-fitness note..... I HATE WORK!!!!!!! I wish I could just retire right now! Or at least take a mindless job which I enjoy. Of course I may have to relocate to a van down by the river........... (do I need permission from SNL to use that line?)
  8. I just can't do it for longer than 2 weeks. It makes me crazy!!! It's a great thing to do every now and then. Definitely an eyeopener when you see what you are eating versus what you think you are eating.
  9. and I am soooo sick of seeing people texting as they drive!!!!
  10. JW

    Reality TV

    don't think he's changed that much saw about 20 minutes of the new show and I'm gonna pass! Looks semi-scripted to me.
  11. somehow I just knew you would like those ya gotta wonder who thinks up these things!
  12. ya just never know..... a hot goalie, crosby and malkin waking up.....
  13. wow! I imagine that must be very tough to live with. My symptoms are relatively sporadic. I just get the odd comment from friends who see me shaking. I agree on the surgery thing. I just looked at my doctor with disbelief when he mentioned that. I hope that the continuing clean diet will help you overcome this thing.
  14. unfortunately the fats aren't a problem for me What can I say... I like my peanutbutter did you find that you needed the protein powder to get your protein up? that certainly has been the case for me. I just can't seem to get enough otherwise.
  15. great move joining the gym!! I joined one for the first time last September and it's been the best thing I've ever done (fitness wise) keep us all posted on your progress!
  16. 13 he's always been very popular with the girls at school. I really don't know where he gets it from. (I was scared of girls) He's actually got a steady girlfriend now for the last 3 months. They talk on the phone every night, go to movies... (I'm told that it isn't an overly "physical" relationship) I hope He's pretty good about telling us everything. Better stay close to this one! Thankfully my daughter still thinks boys are gross
  17. read somewhere recently (just can't remember where..... short term memory) that the effects are much more serious to kids that to adults. Sometimes I wish the darned things were never invented. Was out for dinner a couple weeks ago and there were two guys at the next table. The ENTIRE time thaey were there, they sat and sent text messages. (hopefully not to each other)
  18. Have you ever seen such a broken man afterwards? He was just shattered I suppose one could wonder why Fuhr was playing so far out of the net?
  19. Soooo my son came home from a week long school trip on Friday All the kids came down the escalators with their friends boys with boys, girls with girls and then my son comes along with 3 girls! THEN he's out the next night at a Hot Tub Party with 8 girls and 3 guys I don't know whether to be concerned or give him a high five!
  20. lol I know... it's a pretty insane exercise. I made the mistake of doing it at the end of my workout so that's why I could only push out 3 reps. You REALLY suck wind when you do those too because you are supposed to do them fairly quickly.
  21. I remember the Steve Smith incident well!!! I cheered for them too and I rememeber almost screaming at the TV screen!!!!
  22. I grew up when manmakers were running lines in the gym but at the gym I go to it's a bit different. You do a pushup holding dumbells. While your body is raised, you pull one arm up (like a one armed row), put it down, lift the other arm, put it down. jump forward into a crouch, stand up and shoulder press the dumbells. that's one rep If you use a challenging weight, they are extremely tiring!!!!
  23. oh Lobsteriffic..... found a new place for burittos!!! driving on River the other day approaching Osborne st. There's a new place called Burittos Del Rio Taqueria pretty good! grilled veggies, beans,lettuce, cilantro, Fabulous salsa (just like mexico) I've had better (Anna's Taqueria in Boston) but this is a big thing for Winnipeg!!!
  24. I'd recommend both very highly
  25. JW

    Reality TV

    can't see myself getting hooked on it but I have to satisfy my curiosity. Saw an interview with Stephen Baldwin and he said that he has done several reality shows including Fear Factor and this one scares him more than any of them.
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