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Everything posted by JW

  1. sometimes cycling sounds pretty good (although I've had a nasty bike accident too) yes, we have a crossfit place here. Actually, the place I go to is pretty darned close. The weekend workouts are especially x-fit like For the last 2 weeks I've been lifting heavy and avoiding the cardio in my efforts to increase muscle mass. Do you think that you can add much muscle mass doing the x-fit program? I don't want to be a hulking 270LB guy or anything but I'm quite focused on adding upper body muscle mass
  2. JW

    Reality TV

    I really need to get a life
  3. thanks for the recipe!!! I will definitely give it a try!!
  4. I am soooooo ready for a rest day today!!! feeling quite tired and muscle fatigued. I've been reading up on the DOGGCRAPP program and I'm considering adopting it. Wouldn't be too much of a change as I'm already training 3x per week. Not going to rush into it though... I'm only 2 weeks into my "lifting heavy" program. It's working for me right now so I may wait for the next plateau. The appeal for me is the working out different body parts on specific days rather than the full body workout. I'm not entirely sure that doing full body Monday, Wed, fri allows the muscle groups to recover adequately. Time will tell
  5. sooo true..... your words really ring true with me. When I was younger I used to get so many coaches bugging me to play saying how good I could be. Basketball was perhaps the sport I should have played. I must have drove the coaches in high school crazy because I could beat everyone on the team one on one but I refused to play on the team. Volleyball.... I'll never know how far I could have gone because of the injury. Sometimes I think that it would be best to just close those chapters and move on to something completely different. I'm enjoying the physical fitness/bodybuilding thing right now but there is something about the competition that drives me. Finding such a sport might be tough with a bum ankle though. In the last 10 years: Tried running and have run 3 half marathons and a full marathon but that took too much of a toll on my body. Tried playing volleyball again but gave it up beacuse it took 2-3 days to recover from ankle pain after playing. Tried soccer with the ugly injury results I'll find my way eventually. Not that I view myself as being THAT old but there is a 97 year old man from my city who is still speed swimming and holds multiple world records. Now that's cool!!! It's good to know that I'm not the only one out there who has these feelings and angst. appreciate it MS
  6. oh well..... it was still a pretty good season for them don't worry, I'm not the type that will let this result cause me to do physical harm to myself!! You guys getting excited about World Cup yet?
  7. Thanks so much for translating Mellon very useful info appreciate it!!
  8. JW


    I can relate with the protein struggles. I just have to supplement with powder. Welcome!
  9. JW says: "the abs are coming along nicely, I now have a well developed 3 pack" virtual vegan potter says " yeah, 2 breasts and a belly"
  10. JW

    Reality TV

    oh.... and does anyone remember a short lived show called My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss? it was cancelled about halfway through. The boss was an actor who did an Apprentice-like show. Absolutely hilarious!! I'll never find out what happened......
  11. here! just to make you feel better +5 33,164 just did them in my office (don't think anybody saw)
  12. arrrrggghhhh!!! I'm missing the UEFA cup final right now!!!
  13. nice workout today! the arms don't have much left 10 minutes on bike 1x10 1x8 1x6 deadlifts incline bench lats squats shoulder press rows leg ext 200 crunches 1x8 1x4 hammer curls one of those days that you're still sweating a half hour after your shower
  14. that would be awesome! everytime I read your log I get hungry! Ill PM it to you tonight! unless you want me to send it to you some other way. PM would be great thanks muchly!!!! (getting hungry again)
  15. making funny eeeew-like faces as I type....... vacuuming out the sinuses?? these medical procedures are so torture like don't you think?
  16. Thank you so much for your words MS you don't know how helpful they are to me It's truly amazing what decisions like this do to your mind. I'm at the stage now where I'm just flat out angry at the sport in general. When I was 17 I blew my ankle out playing soccer and that ended a promising volleyball future (I lost 6 inches off my vertical which never came back) Last year I broke a bone in my hand and was in a cast for 8 weeks. (still can't do burpees) Now this! So when I look back and see what these injuries have done...... I'm actually quite happy now that my kids have chosen not to play. I will definitely do something, because I like the competition and training but it will definitely involve less contact. really appreciate it!!!
  17. lots of good reads in there. thanks for posting vegan joe!
  18. interesting observations I'll be following with great interest as I'm trying to cut bodyfat% without losing much mass. btw.... how do you define a "butt load of soy icecream" ?
  19. LOL just kidding, you are welcome here veganjoe!!! glad to hear that things are well with you!
  20. went for a RUN last night!!! First time in many months. Did it for the dog!!! 25 minutes. cardio was fine but I definitely felt it in the legs. My increased weight just makes the old injuries hurt more. I probably won't run too much and favour lower impact cardio but I'll still get out there from time to time to mix things up. I have always found that running is a great metabolism booster. Back to the gym today at lunch. It would sure be great if I could cut bodyfat% without losing too much bodyweight. We'll see........
  21. JW

    Reality TV

    do you remember Average Joe? I thought that show was hilarious!! What a perfect guy to cast
  22. that would be awesome! everytime I read your log I get hungry!
  23. I think I'll have to be quite adamant with the surgeon about how this affects my daily life. I imagine I'll get the story of "it might be just something you'll have to live with" I have pain everyday and it definitely stops me from doing certain excercises and even carrying things ......... I'm pretty dejected right now because I've realized that soccer is probably not a good idea for me. I have had 4 major injuries in my entire life and 3 of them were from playing soccer! think I might concentrate on the physical fitness thing for awhile.
  24. Oh crap!!!! Doctor update..... the finger is worse than was thought. There is a torn ligament in the finger which function is to hold the tendon in place. Acts as a pulley-like system which allows the finger to bend. The doc says he doesn't know if it can be repaired as it is a very unusual injury. He is referring me to a plastic surgeon now to see if there is a possibility of fixing it. The more I think about it, the more I want it fixed because it causes me pain on a daily basis and it also limits my functioning (carrying things, exercising, etc...) Not good news
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