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Everything posted by Synny667

  1. I absolutely love steel cut oats just hate the cook time for them lol. I will so have to try this once I am finished with the old fashioned oats I have
  2. Had a decent day today best parts being before and after work lol. Yoga was fantastic this morning and felt like a great cardio workout and boot camp well it rocks my socks off every time I step into that class. I think the handyman across the street from work is hitting on me... ewwwwwwwwwwww. AM: 25 min fast walk, 60 min yoga PM: 60 min boot camp, 20 min hill program stationary bike lvl 5 Legs Leg extensions: warmup set 60 lbs 10 reps, warmup set 75 lbs 10 reps, drop set 75 lbs 20 reps, 60 lbs 20 reps, 45 lbs 60 reps (OUCH) Leg press: warmup set 180 lbs 10 reps, warmup set 200 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 230 lbs 30 reps, 2 sets 250 lbs 30 reps Lying leg curl: warmup set 20 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 35 lbs 20 reps, 2 sets 30 lbs 20 reps Hack squats: warmup set 50 lbs 10 reps, warmup set 70 lbs 10 reps, 3 sets 50 lbs 30 reps (OUCH!!!!!) Twist: 150 reps each side My legs and knees are not happy campers right now.... I will stretch really good tonight to help ease any discomfort tomorrow. Pigeon, downward dog, twisted prayer and half splits should do the trick Breakfast: 1/2c oats, 2 tbsp flaxseed, 2 scoops protein, 1 banana Snack: 2 scoops protein, 1 brown rice cake, lemon larabar Lunch: 2 oz salad, 1c kidney beans, 1/3c cranberries, 1/4c walnuts, 2 tbsp salad dressing Split pea soup: 1/4c split peas, 1 carrot, 1/4 of an onion, 1 celery stalk seasonings Snack: 1/2 block tempeh, 4 oz broccoli, 4 oz asparagus mix, soy sauce, seasoned rice vinegar Post workout: 1 serving protein powder Supper: 1c mashed kidney beans, 1/8c Daiya pepperjack, 1 ezekiel tortilla
  3. I am hoping to be on stage next year. I still have much work to do to my body
  4. I am getting ready to go on a iTunes spending spree and going to get some Black Flag and Rollins band songs. By far my favorite is Liar but that is for personal reasons lol. Any song recommendations???
  5. I wish I had bison and elk but luckily there is a conservation center in the county I live in at the lake that has them.They encourage us to feed and interact with them but adhere to the rules. Sometimes they are in such a good mood they kiss my hand as they take the carrot or apple I feed them. Sometimes they let me pet their nose or head. I love to watch the kids interact with them but feel so drawn to the bison. I kinda wish I had snow on the ground here but it missed us but we got the cold air instead. I have seen dolphins up close but at Sea World..... My ex took me before I went vegetarian and as a birthday present.
  6. Once spring hits I will be outside working in my garden I literally hand till it cause A it is the green thing to do and B it is extra exercise. But we look forward to any day that is over 50 and sunny so we can go drive around the lake and feed the animals. I hate seeing the bison and elk penned up but I know they are much safer there and have a huge area to roam. For some reason that is still a dream of mine.... bison rescue farm. I did find some trails to take this spring!! Can't wait to try them out and see what I find. Would take my dog but omg that would be basset scent overload!!
  7. Today was a beautiful fun filled day!!! Sun was out so took my client to the store bought 3 large bags of carrots and headed to the lake. We decided we needed to see the bison and elk and feed them. I got a nice dose of Vitamin D. AM: 30 min walk with basset hound PM: 30 min stationary bike lvl 5 random program Calves, shoulders abs Superset Dumbbell lat raise: 2 sets 10 lbs 17 reps, 1 set 12 lbs 17 reps Dumbbell front raise: 2 sets 10 lbs 17 reps, 1 set 12 lbs 17 reps Machine shoulder press: warmup set 25 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 40 lbs 17 reps, 2 sets 50 lbs 17 reps Rear delt raise: 7 reps 10 lbs 12 reps 45 degree calf raise: warmup set 180 lbs 10 reps, 3 sets 200 lbs 20 reps, 2 sets 180 lbs 20 reps Crunches: 3 sets 40 reps Century club: 5 sets 20 reps push ups, 2 sets 50 reps crunches on ball Breakfast: 1/2c oats, 2 tbsp flaxseed, 2 scoops protein powder, 1 banana Snack: 2 scoops protein powder, peanut butter chocolate chip larabar Lunch: 2 oz spring mix salad, 1/3c cranberries, 1/4c walnuts, 1c kidney beans, 2 tbsp salad dressing split pea soup Snack:1/2 block tempeh, 4oz asparagus mix, 4 oz broccoli, 1/2c brown rice Post workout: 2 scoops protein powder Supper: 1/2 block tempeh, 4 tbsp kraut, 7 asparagus spears
  8. Henry Rollins is like a god to me. You rock that shirt well my friend
  9. Mine isn't an article it is actually Derek's posing video. It is just amazing to see how muscular you can be on a plant based diet and honestly look so much better than omnivores
  10. Great day!! No complaints at all Got home to find a package.... apparently a piece of mail has been lost for 2 yrs and it finally made it to me hahahaha AM: 60 mins yoga PM: 45 mins elliptical interval program Breakfast: 1/2c oats, 1 banana, 2 tbsp flaxseed, 2 scoops protein powder Snack: 1 blueberry muffin larabar Lunch: 2oz spring mix, 1/3c dried cranberries, 1/4c walnuts, 1c kidney beans, 2 tbsp salad dressing Split pea soup: 1 carrot, 1 celery stalk, 3 mushrooms, 1/4c split peas dessert: 8 pineapple bites, 6 green grapes Snack: 1/2 block tempeh, 1/2c brown rice, 4 oz asparagus stir fry mix, 4 oz broccoli, soy sauce, 1/2c apple sauce Supper: 1/2 block tempeh, 4 tbsp kraut, 8 asparagus spears Snack: 2 scoops protein powder
  11. Can I ask you how you are checking it? Wrist cuff or arm cuff? I ask cause I have worked as a CNA for a long time now... and wrist cuffs if you don't hold them a certain way will be incorrect. The bottom numbers are actually VERY good numbers and the top you want between 100 and 130. 86 isn't to bad if you are resting. Oh and don't check it back to back you should wait 30 mins between checks
  12. Thanks Robert. Yesterday was kind of a surprise hectic day. We just expected 1 doc appointment and then back to the comforts of home so I didn't pack my work lunch accordingly. My client doesn't keep healthy foods around much. So I made a detour to get a couple Vega bars. Today will be a much easier day since we have no appointment planned just cleaning half the house and tending to the plants
  13. Crazy hectic day!!! I think I need to buy a case of Vega bars or Clif bars for days when I am on the run and can't exactly stop to eat...... AM: no cardio PM: 40 min Turbo Kick, 55 min boot camp Breakfast: 1/2c oats, 1/2 banana, 2 tbsp flaxseed, 2 scoops protein powder Snack: 1 brown rice cake, 1 peanut butter and jelly larabar (by far my ultimate fav!!!) Lunch: 1c kidney beans, 2 oz spring mix salad, 2 tbsp dressing, 1 carrot, 1/4c walnuts, 1/3c cranberries Snack: 2 vega bars Post workout: 2 scoops protein powder, clif bar
  14. I wish someone would kidnap and take me with them
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