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Everything posted by Synny667

  1. I am very thankful that I don't work in a nursing home anymore.... full moons make for chaotic times in nursing homes
  2. Ok I started tracking my meals on Livestrong so I can monitor calories in, protein and carb intake. I like it much better than I do fitday. Today has been a really good day for me. Was surrounded by tempting foods all day long and didn't even eat any. Don't get me wrong that turtle brownie and the BBQ chips sure did sing my name I didn't give in. Just need to make it a couple more days to detox all those nasty addictive habits out of my brain. Loading up on protein in the morning since that seems to be the setting off point. Morning: 20 mins elliptical weight loss program PM Sat in sauna for 20 mins Flat dumbbell press: 3 warm up sets at 20 lbs for 10 reps, 2 sets 30 lbs for 10 reps Incline Flyes: 2 sets at 20 lbs for 10 reps Straight arm pullovers: 1 set at 20 lbs for 12 reps, 1 set at 25 lbs for 12 reps Machine chest press: 1 set at 60 lbs for 10 reps, 2 sets 75 lbs at 10 reps Rope pressdown: 1 set at 50 lbs for 12 reps, 1 set at 60 lbs for 12 reps, 1 set at 70 lbs for 12 reps Skullcrusher: 1 set at 35 lbs for 12 reps, 2 sets at 30 lbs 12 reps Overhead dumbbell extension: 3 sets at 30 lbs for 12 reps Arm extension: 1 set at 35 lbs for 12 reps, 1 set at 45 lbs for 12 reps, 1 set at 50 lbs for 12 reps 28 mins elliptical weight loss program Tomorrow is my active recovery day and will probably throw boot camp in for a sweet treat but limit the leg work I do. As for my cardio of choice I will probably do AM bike and PM not sure yet. Meals Breakfast:1/2c dry oats, 2 tbsp flaxseed, 2 scoops rice protein powder Snack:2 scoops protein powder Lunch:1/2 block tempeh, 1/2c brown rice, 2c broccoli, 1 tbsp shoyu Snack: 1c cajun red beans, 1/2c brown rice, 2c broccoli Post workout: 2 scoops protein powder Supper: 1/2 block tempeh, 14 asparagus spears, 4 tbsp saurkraut, 1 tbsp brown spicy mustard Bedtime snack: 2 scoops protein powder
  3. I am the biggest fan of PCRM. Their 21 day vegan kickstart got me on the road to a healthy vegan lifestyle with meal plans and forums
  4. Tempeh is doing good with my stomach so far. I think reason last time was I got the 5 grain which had wheat in it might have been the trigger. Will monitor and at first sign of issue stop using it and resort back to beans Although I am getting a little burnt out on beans and tempeh has been a delightful change of pace. I did eat my kraut, mustard and tempeh today which was heaven!
  5. I know they can but there is just something about man muscles....
  6. Damn makes me kinda wish I was a guy so I could have manly muscles!!! Rock on Mr Derek rock on
  7. My tv is staying off, my pc isnt' going to espn, and I will be enjoying my steamed broccoli hahaha
  8. Knee feeling much stronger but decided to let my knee rest on this leg day and will attempt light weight on the next leg day. Yoga was really good but didn't do 2 poses cause one was chair and the other was a deep squat. Surprisingly cobbler pose and pigeon didn't bother me at all in fact felt really good to stretch. I tried the elliptical today to with no issues but still intend on icing my knee after I eat. BTW I feel like I spend about an hour eating... at least I am to full to think about what my sister bought at the store today hahaha Breakfast 1c dry oats cooked in water 2 scoops protein powder 2 tbsp whole flax seed ground up Snack 1 scoop protein powder Lunch 1/2 block steamed tempeh 1/2 lb steamed broccoli 1/2c brown rice (all of it seasoned with rice vinegar, sprinkle of shoyu, and chinese 5 spice) Snack 1c spicy red beans (seasoned with salt free cajun seasoning. thermogenic at its finest ) .5c brown rice .5 lb steamed broccoli (seasoned with sprinkle of shoyu sorry I need it for a lil flavor and sodium) Supper 1/2 block tempeh 4 tbsp frank's kraut 2 tbsp brown spicy mustard 1/2 lb steamed broccoli Cardio: 30 min random program lvl 4 stationary bike, 15 mins manual program elliptical resistance of 4 Yoga: 60 mins after class was feeling a little frisky so I practiced kicking my feet over my head for forearm stands/ scorpion transition. I think I am about ready to try some handstands next
  9. My cinnamon roll was a treat cause they only make them once a week and it is a 27 mile drive to get it lol. Only time I crave sweets is around that time of month if I dont kill my spicy craving first. But as of today I say so long to my cinnamon roll for 3 months.....
  10. Hey Diva. I haven't tried the elliptical yet cause I don't want to rush it. The stationary is feels right right now. I usually do use it on level 12-14 so level 3-4 is pretty light for me and keeps me from rushing back in. I don't swim at all and pilates well I never tried and isn't big here in Missouri unlike yoga which I will be trying today. I already know that if my knee starts hurting I will drop down to childs pose or into down dog. Since sleeping with the knee immobilizer on my knee pain has pretty much gone away but by the end of the day is a dull ache so going to try the low level cardio twice a day and assess from there. I miss working my legs a lot but not willing to risk more damage to my knee to feed my ego. I keep a brace on all the time just to keep my knee protected from any misstep I might make lol. Hey Simi thanks
  11. I don't beat myself up. I acknowledge my binge and just put it behind me. I just hit the gym hard but that is a given period for me anymore. They are calling me beast now haha. But seriously don't beat yourself up over it. Just portion it out and enjoy
  12. I said farewell to my vegan bakery for 3 months... Was a sad moment. Got a new pair of hand me down jeans and I managed to do cardio and my knee didn't complain. I took some new pics for my before for this new program. I have some cropping and resizing to do. Breakfast 1 cinnamon roll 3 bite size cupcake yeah I went there!!! Lunch 1 1/2c sweet potato chili 1 cornbread muffin Supper 1c baked mac and cheese w/ peas 2 cornbread muffins I did drink over a gallon of water today hehe Cardio: stationary bike 20 min hill program level 3/ stationary bike 20 min random program level 4 Flat bench press: 2 sets 45 lbs 20 reps, 2 sets 55 lbs 15 reps, 2 sets 75 lbs 12 reps Flat bench fly: 2 sets 12 lbs 20 reps, 2 sets 15 lbs 15 reps, 2 sets 20 lbs 12 reps Smith machine military press (counting plates only) 2 sets 20 lbs 20 reps, 2 sets 20 lbs 15 reps, 2 sets 20 lbs 12 reps Reverse flye: 2 sets 10 lbs 20 reps, 2 sets 10 lbs 15 reps, 2 sets 20 lbs 12 reps Rope pressdown: 2 sets 40 lbs 20 reps, 2 sets 40 lbs 15 reps, 2 sets 60 lbs 12 reps Skullcrusher: 2 sets 15 lbs 20 reps, 2 sets 20 lbs 15 reps, 2 sets 20 lbs 12 reps Ready to start my new program and test my will power with food hahahaha Took 2 advil and am icing my knee to keep any swelling down that might come up from doing cardio. Tomorrow is supposed to be legs day but I think I am just going to focus on abs and do some cardio instead.
  13. Upright stationary bike was what I needed. Will ice and aleve when I get home as precaution. Broke it up into 2 sets of 20 mins at a light pace.
  14. Switching up your workouts every 6 weeks helps. You could try some cardio classes like zumba or turbo
  15. Yeah I know my partner could around the.next corner.
  16. Wow Simi love the pics! You look awesome!
  17. Not a problem. I know the struggles of living in the midwest being veg... and I do love to help people out I do highly recommend Mud Pie bakery for your friend and his wife. They use local coffee and use several kinds of "milks". They converted a house into a coffeehouse very friendly. FuD is a small restaurant and hard to get into it seems. Can't wait to try it myself
  18. I am truly thankful for what my body is letting me do and why I power it with plants. It has had a rough life and now I am treating it better
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