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Everything posted by maybenot

  1. You have just gotten yourself one more happy youtube subscriber =)
  2. Diary: As I said previously, I`m still with a sore throat and a light fever. My body feels incredibly lazy, that didn't stop me from going to the gym yesterday but today I decided not to go today and compensate by going Saturday morning. I tried to go to work, but asked to leave early as I wasn't feeling well. I deeply appreciate all input here, specially PoPe's. Man, I will try my best to eat large amounts of fruits and incorporate a green smoothie(powered by oranges, banana, kale and broccoli) in my breakfast. Just trying to figure out a nice recipe. Tomorrow I will call in sick again and rest to hit the gym by 8pm. So that's it, just my thoughts today. Thanks guys =)
  3. People who work out do need more protein - this is correct - BUT complete protein sources aren't exclusive from animal sources. So he is incredibly wrong about vegans. Check out the logs in this forum and the profiles section on the main website ( http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/?page=bios ) to see the vegan monsters that exist out there. Read about it, there is information in lots of places in this forum, on the main site and on the net.
  4. Diary: Woke up with a sore throat and a light fever, not a good way of starting the day. To avoid the cold from the air conditioning I called in sick to work and managed to get rid of the fever by staying in bed. By 7pm I was feeling good enough to hit the gym =) Felt pretty weak by the end, but I managed to do all the sets and reps without lowering the weights. Meals: - Lots of rice, quinoa and TVP - Oats with banana, cinnamon and some flavorless soy protein isolate . Total achieved: 2672kcal 163g protein 367g carbs 70g fats 2.5 liters of water Exercises: A: chest, shoulders, triceps, abs
  5. Not fair using professional pics!!! =) Dinky looks like a smart dog and nice looking as well.
  6. When I was in shape(16 years old) this was my favorite song to workout =) Godzilla fan since then(today i`m 27 and not in shape lol).
  7. Boosts insulin? I`m not an nutrition expert, but that sounds pretty odd. IMO Vegans can get everything they need from vegetable sources, apart from B12. That`s what everything I read tells me.
  8. Oh yeah! That`s workout music! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln8-Y-fIbqM
  9. I use supplements to control the calorie count. But even without supplementation I manage to hit 100 proteins/day. My protein powerhouses are seitan(gluten), TVP(Textured Vegetal Protein - soy based), Tofu, Quinoa and Lentills. I bet there are more vegan protein powerhouses out there =) Check out my log, started last week. I`m currently trying to bulk up =) viewtopic.php?t=34845
  10. Man, great training, good luck achieving your one arm planche pushups =)
  11. For anyone interested, you can also use a coupon to have further discount! Promotional Code: welcome10
  12. Diary: Woke up with lots of energy after two days of pure rest. Diet is going ok, didn`t could calories and macros today, but I think I reached all of them. Today my main meal was Quinoa + Carrots + TVP, delicious and proteic =) Exercises: B: biceps, back, legs + abs
  13. PoPe, your input is deeply appreciated, you are always welcome here! Thanks for all the good info for a newbie =D Fatty acids I`m getting from seeds, nuts and olives and complete package of essential aminoacids from Quinoa, but when I get the chance I`ll look for some hemp based product. The only supplements I`m taking right now are the protein isolates(soy based now, moving on to Sunwarrior afterwards), dextrose to add a little flavor to the protein and a daily Deva multivitamin, just to make sure I didn't miss anything during the day. The rest is all vegs(a lot) and not a lot of fruits ( always 3 bananas and some other fruit ).
  14. He was a "stray negleted". He lived in a 'indian(native brazillian - indigenous - don't know the correct term, correct me please) village' . The indians(indigenous people?) adopt some dogs but they totally neglect them, so they are pretty much like strays dogs left in the woods. Now he has zero fear, he is just active and playful. Happy to know about your chubby lady, it is always nice to know more people that care and help animals in all ways they can(either not eating or rescuing them). I've helped many abused dogs, that's something pretty hard to handle, lots of cruel and nasty people in this world.
  15. PoPe Thanks for the suggestion!!! Actually I eat green leaves, but I generally dont log them. I eat about 200grams of spinach/kale/some other dark green leaf, do you think I should eat more? Hemp produts in Brazil are non existent, and importing is expensive, what would be the beneficts to my health? This month I already bought SunWarrior Protein and Spirulina is my next target =)
  16. By the way, thanks for the compliment =D
  17. Video is in portuguese, but I think it is self explanatory
  18. Hi David, I'm 5'8'' also and 143 lbs. I think that you are like me, the skinny-fat type of guy =) Before start training I had 160lbs also, so I started consuming only 1600 calories/day working out only using my bodyweight(pushups, pullups, bw squats). In a month and a half I managed to reach 141lbs and decided to start lifiting weights. So overall I think your plan is pretty adequate, good amount of rest which is important. About the nutrition, I'm always aiming at 1g protein/pound (2g per kilo), 0.5 fat/pound and the rest of the calories I'm eating carbs. Sometimes a little more fat or protein, never less and the same amount of calories. This worked to lose weight in a healthy way but I can't still say that this is working to gain mass because I started lifting last week. Hope I helped, good luck!
  19. This is one of my six dogs, his name is Pirate and was rescued by me in 2011. (Pirate because he has an orange eyepatch) By far the most intelligent dog I've ever had.
  20. Thanks for the support =) I'm trying to follow PoPe's suggestion to eat more fruits and stop using dextrose. My plan is to use only fruits, but when I'm at work I am unable to mix the protein powder with fruits, so the dextrose comes handy in this case. I recently bought some flavored Sunwarrior(currently I'm taking unflavored isolate soy protein) so I can just shake the protein and take it 'alone' and eat the fruit separately. Apart from that I'm also seeking highly proteic vegan food options, so far I'm sticking to seitan, TVP and Tofu.
  21. Well, I'm not an expert, but to cut weight you need to expend more calories than you consume. Simple math. So the key is a hipocaloric diet for an extended period(until you are satisfied with your body fat), but by doing this you will lose some lean mass also. That means that a good workout would be something that you enjoy doing and can manage to do lots of it in order to burn more calories. Personally I enjoyed training martial arts(wing chun and hung gar kung fu) when I was a teenager. That burned calories like hell and it was fun, highly recomended =)
  22. Hey MF, I had nothing important to do this sunday so I started watching your youtube channel, really nice vids there. thanks for the inspiration =)
  23. Diary: Rest day, lots of sleep and eating - fun day overall =D. Some minor weight gain. Biometrics: Weight: 65.1kg (143.5 lbs)
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