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Everything posted by maybenot

  1. Don`t forget to include a nice count of healthy fats while bulking. Eat something like 1g of fat per kg of body weight, That made a lot of difference to me.
  2. You should definitely bulk. Aim for a 0.5lbs to 1lbs increase per week and don't eat trash, eat clean stuff. =)
  3. Soy protein gives some good results, but gives me gas. The best protein so far I tried is SunWarrior Rice Protein. Tastes good, digests good, good results =)
  4. My wife had Vitamin D deficiency and started taking this vitamin suplement: http://store.veganessentials.com/veglife-supreme-vegan-vitamin-d2-capsules-p2119.aspx Worked great, her blood tests are back to normal. [edit] As soon as she gets home I will ask how bad her deficiency was and how much vitamin she takes.
  5. Gallons of cold water, ginger, lemon juice(no sweeteners, no sugar, pure lemon juice), exercises, hypocaloric diet... =)
  6. Starting the week, fast forward to 13 minutes =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhUY-6ghM0k or try this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhUY-6ghM0k#t=715s
  7. The exercises are basically using hand grippers and this one with palms facing up and palms facing down, I do 3 series of 15 of each using dumbbells, but using a barbell also works just fine: http://www.passion4profession.net/muscles-exercises/forearm-exercises-l.jpg
  8. I get this all the times! I`m a programmer, so this is due to some kind of inflammatory process because of repetitive strain injurie. I'm trying to do some stretching and forearm specific exercises to increase my grip strength. When curling, to prevent the pain, I'm using a wrist strap. Generally people don't use straps because it may cause strength imbalance between your forearms and biceps. But if you are doing specific exercises to strengthen your forearms it is not a bad idea, I do them at the very end of my training, because after them your forearms will be sore. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/WristStrap.JPG
  9. Well, that seems perfectly fine for me. Nice calorie count, great balance between carbs, fats and protein. I don`t see a thing that would be bad for your health.
  10. watch out doing punches with weights! never extend completely your arms o you will get in serious joint problems!
  11. Don't over-stress about your weight =) I wasn't judging you, just encouraging some weight loss =) Show this to your husband, maybe it will help =)
  12. I hoped your husband would think about being vegan. Craving trash isn't a good motive to go back to slaving animals =( Well, good luck with your workouts, focus on losing taht weight what you gainned!
  13. Welcome Charlotte =) I'm a fat skinny myself. Enjoy the forum.
  14. I'm a noob but some other people already answered some of your questions for me so I will try to help. 5x5 is good, but you should stick to a good 5x5 program and record your progress always(a notebook and a pen would work great for that). In order to build some muscles you have to make sure your are progressivelly increasing your work load. Abs are just another muscle group, you should do some classic ab exercises, but focus on doing something like 12 to 15 repetitions and when that get easy using only your bodyweight use some weight to exercise your abs. As a rule of thumb people use 1g protein per lbs of body weight ( or something like 2g per kilo ). As long as you are achieving that you should have no problem if you don't want to take a protein smoothie. But it surely gets easier to achieve that mark with one. 4 meals are fine. You don't have to drop anything of your dinner if your caloric intake is ok for your needs. To figure out the number of calories you need you could search for some formula on google to have a number to start with(all the formulas are just good guesses). Lets say you find out you need 2400 calories for your goal, you should consume around that number of calories and start noticing the changes on your body. If you are gaining too much unwanted weight you should decrease that number, if you are losing too much weight you should increase it. That's about it =) Hope I helped, if anyone could improve my answer it would be great. Good luck and work hard.
  15. found this: http://www.livestrong.com/article/353898-belly-fat-caused-by-bloating/ hope it helped even if just a little
  16. I'll be sure posting as soon as I start my experiments. Bear in mind that I was extremely sedentary for more than two years and now I'm gaining muscles easier than an active person would. When I was active I used to do almost only body-weight training as well, I used to train wing chun kung fu. Push ups, pull ups and bodyweight squats were a heavy part of my routine, punch training and kick training as well. I read your log, training krav maga like you do will make you a walking weapon !
  17. Are you absolutely sure you need a carbless protein supplement? I'm not doubting you, but could you explain why? As far as I know(that is not that much) your body will use protein the same way it would use the carbs, am I wrong there?
  18. IMHO 3 meals are enough to prevent catabolism. If you meet your caloric goals for the day in just 3 meals then it is ok. No need to obsess about the number of meals. But remember to stay hydrated throughout the day.
  19. As far as I know this is really good, because the sugar cointained in the fruits(mostly fructose) triggers an isulin spike that helps the transport of the protein to your muscles(the protein alone should do this role, but the sugar really helps here). If it doesn't exceed your carb count for the day I believe that there is no problem.
  20. Yes, exactly this one. Genuine guy indeed. Here goes the link for those interested: http://www.allthingsgym.com/2013/01/dorian-yates-interview/
  21. I listened to a podcast with Dorian Yates and I pretty much agree with his opinion: take the drugs out of the equation and the best would still be the best. It's a shame that every elite level athlete is drugged, but that's what the sponsors want.
  22. Can't afford food in powder? Eat regular food. Focus on your diet without supplements. The downside is that you will spend more time preparing food. That's my advice =)
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