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Everything posted by Astrocat

  1. I find it disturbing that a lot of doctors will hand out the pill so enthusiastically, even to girls going through puberty or just starting to, when it is so notorious for screwing up hormonal cycles and they self-confessedly wouldn't know what to do if things went haywire, and would wash themselves of all responsibility. I asked my GPs about it and they couldn't even tell me how it worked other than the total basics, because they didn't know. Then again, i also find it disturbing that so many people are so casual about taking it, and take it for long periods of time, and take it without knowing anything about how it works other than the absolute basics, ie without understanding how hormones would naturally interact and balance one another. I guess that's just how lots of people are with all medication, though just sayin' ... I find it all a bit unsettling.
  2. It's very true.... I guess we were very fortunate, that the fight didn't escalate into us all trying to rip each other apart using our sabertooth-tigerlike fangs and Vulturelike claws, what with humans being natural predators in the style of lions, and thus vegans all having to suppress their natural impulses to jump on a cow and tear it to shreds, the whole time.
  3. Perhaps we could do some kind of experiment , to find out... Of course, we would have to use an ElephantNOT because otherwise we'd have to exploit an elephant in order to do so.
  4. This is very true. The way i was raised, there was no benefit in people comparing non-carcass food to bits of dead bodies, and I was certainly never taught to view things in that context. I feel fortunate to have been raised in such a way.... from time to time i see people saying stuff like "I really like this one type of fake-chicken burger but the thought that it's like meat really puts me off being able to eat them" , "I like these pies but i find their simialrity to meat to be disturbing" I always feel sad for them, that this is the way their mind functions. Of course, i fully understand why they make this connection and are unable to shake it off.... I can only imagine that if i had been fed flesh as a child i would be quite traumatised by it once people started being honest about it, and might well have the same issues with 'fake meat' products. If people went about calling tofu "fake dead dog", then i would just think yeah, whatever you reckon, it makes no difference to me, since really it's just soybeans and stuff, and there's nothing dead-doggish about it to my mind... I mean, I don;t know what dead dog tastes and smells like... for all i know it's identical to tofu.... if that were the case and i had been fed lots of bits of sliced up dead dog as i grew up, then i can easily imagine why eating tofu as an adult might stir up unfortunate memories of eating dead dog, or form some more subtle and less obvious mental connection, whether conciously or subconsiously.
  5. (^-~) Yeah yeah, that's what they all say. You expect us to believe a guy who's drugged up on homegrown magic mushrooms ? I found William to be quite charming, and not the fabrication of Alex's mind at all. (^-^)
  6. I think they should go for snappy slogans, like - "SOY-BEEF-CHUNKS - it's like eating a pice of dead cow, but with soya instead of flesh" Really though, I don't feel offended by the situation described but it does seem very lame to me that products which have no relation whatsoever to dead bodies try to connect themselves with cadavers, in their efforts to appeal more to a potentially closed-minded populace. It's also a bit stinky in that the makers of such products as "veggie beef strips" or "soya-chicken roast" must surely realise that doing that might well alienate vegan people but have the approach that well, who gives a toss about the vegans since it might then appeal more to flesh-eaters and there's more of them so they matter more. That's not really a fair comparison though, I think. For example, i would find it more appealing to consider eating something calling itself "Soy Deli Slices" than something called "Chicken-flavoured Soy Slices"
  7. I haven;t seen any of these shows. Spitting the flesh out seems pretty arbitrary to me, from a vegetarian perspective.... For comparison, is it considered to be a form of celibacy if two pople are shagging away, but then the guy pulls out before he ejaculates ? Is it considered to be cannibalism if i chew on some human fingers... but then spit them out afterwards instead of swallowing them ?
  8. Well, this is all very well, but it doesn't answer the obvious question - What if an elephant holding a loaded gun has group sex while cycling down the street ? Is that still classified as Cardio ? Does the elephant actually need to be cycling at the time, or would sitting in a bike in a cold shower still be classified as cardio, given that the group sex and loaded gun are still factors in the scenario ? It's a compelling question for cyclist-elephants everywhere !
  9. If I had a boyfriend who ate flesh, who asked me why i did not buy and cook dinner for him to eat, i would express that I would be happy to make him dinner, and would be surprised that he imagined that i wouldn;t want to do that. This is assuming of course, that he wants to eat tasty food without wanting decaying flesh or body fluids mixed in with it. If he did want those things mixed in, then obviously the reason i would not comply with his desires that i do that for him, is because i am vegan - which he would be aware of already. Where he is concerned, if what he was expressing was along the lines of "I want you to make food for me. Why do you not do this ?", rather than just a question of "I am curious about why she does not make me food to eat, although i do not expect her to do so", then a better approach would be for him to compliment my food-making skills and express how happy it would make him to be able to eat food which i had made, rather than just asking "why do you not make food for me ?" It would be nicer, and probably more romantic, to enjoy making dinner together though, rather than just me doing it..... for example, "I enjoy your cooking, I would like to make dinner together today, I think it would be really nice to make food together. I'll prepare curried vegetables, if you would like to make some delicious Vegemince and salad to go along with it what do you think ?"
  10. if the Christian afterlife is full of discompassionate people because only those who support and perpetuate animal abuse are allowed inside, then i know which side of the door I would rather end up on if through some amazing feat of unlikelihood I die and it turns out that such a place exists.
  11. I have an immune disorder resulting in me being fairly incapacitated and thus unable to work. Back when i was still vegetarian I used to work as a checkout operator though, and hated having to handle the bits of oozing skanky dead bodies. I worked as a waitress in this crappy hick restaurant as well, and the rude woman who employed me kept trying to harass and insult me into cooking dead bodies or make sandwiches with bits of dead fish in them, but i always refused. She once got really pissed off when she abandoned the restaurant and left me as the only staff there for several hours as she did very frequently, because i sold someone some dead fish sandwiches for minimum marked-price , and they were smoked salmon ones which supposedly means that they are superior bits of dead body or something.... not that i have any idea which kinds of dead bodies others view as inferior or superior, and it isn;t like she bothered to tell me. It just said "sandwiches from £1.50" on the menu, so i charged them £1.50. That seemed a like reasonable thing to do in that situation to me then, and still does. She would have whined plenty if i had overcharged them, that's for sure, so i was damned if i was going to charge more than what it said on the menu. She should have had a less vague pricing setup on the menu if she expected me to run her establishment in her abscence, i reckon. I would have been 17 or something, then. I doubt if what she did was even legal, going away all the time and all. That depends on what sort of omnivore she is, ie whether she respects you and the way you feel, or not. The only way to know the answer to that question is to ask her.
  12. yo' , there's an American version of it - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_(USA_TV_series) FLEEEE ! Staring at this still image for half an hour is 33% more fun than watching an episode of Big Brother highlights. This is a scientifically proven fact.
  13. Oh gosh, you seem to have mistaken what i said for something serious. I was talking about the obscenely vacous and somewhat retarded IMO silly "reality" teevee show which must have run for a zillion series by now, not the overbearing & ubiquitous existence of some kind of all-watching governmental invasion of privacy and citizen-tracking setup, as featured in 1982. People can choose whether or not to watch Big Brother.
  14. That's correct. Richard is a very exclusive, special edition, locally produced UK-only brand of ninja who has never been exported for international usage, or even mass-produced for the domestic market. I ensure to kick every kid i ever see anyway, regardless of whether or not they are wearing ninja-suits.... since ninjas are masters of disguise and all, and for all i know they could be enemy ninjas masquerading as pint-sized snot-bubblers.
  15. It's all true ! Without his ninja-suit on, Richard looks a lot like Rayman. http://www.chairemm.polymtl.ca/etudiantes/melanie_nathalie/genie-info/images/rayman.jpg (^O^)
  16. Religion strikes me as being surprisingly similar to Big Brother, in that respect ... and also in terms of "thought required to follow what's going on"
  17. hi there ! hahaaaa - I was hiding in the shadows just outside the computer-room door, and successfully scored ninja-points by remaining undetected by Richard until after leaping out (by which time he may well have been decapitated, had i been an enemy ninja with a sword) so i feel like a less inferior ninja, now.
  18. I started off eating a vegan diet in my homely nutshell, but because it's was so nutritious I rapidly outgrew the nutshell and how have been left homeless. SOMEONE MUST BE HELD RESPONSIBLE !
  19. WHO ARE YOU ? I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE. STOP FOLLOWING ME. (O.o) One time i was absent-mindedly eating a sandwich or something and humming and reading a book outside and not paying attention, and he snuck up with a big sword and I didn't even notice until he chuckled evilly. I think he assisted me in ageing several years.
  20. Hahaaaa , we lurk about together discreetly, as all true ninjas should. indeed so, t'was me that you saw there. I haven't posted at the Vegan Represent forum for a while, but I have been posting at the Vegan Represent MySpace forum.
  21. huzzah ! I suplex ninjas down flights of steps for entertainment. That's how tough as nails I am, oh yes, it's all true. Edinburgh is in the middle of Scotland, uh, maybe the South sort of, while Orkney is a small group of islands across the Pentland Firth, just off the North East coast of Scotland. I decided to look it up with Google, having realised I wasn;t actually sure where Edinburgh was. on this map - http://www.microsoft.com/uk/partner/training/ignite/images/map_edinburgh.gif Edinburgh is the place highlighted by that nice orange box, and orkney is the cute little blob in the very top-right of the map. It's nice to meet you all, thankyou for the happy welcome to this forum. Additionally, VegansRock is down right now (because the guy hosting my forum did a bunk without warning bah ! He shall incur my ninja's wrath sometime in the shadows, perhaps..... MWAHAHAHAHA..... uh *cough yes.... so uh, that happened, and as such i t will be down for a while, but i made a snazzy new VegansRock MySpace forum which can be found here - http://groups.myspace.com/vegansrok I shall also get around to redirecting the www.vegansrock.co.uk URL to the MySpace one, until I can manage to get the original VegansRock forum back up and running again.
  22. Indignance is commonly a (typically delusional) cover for a guilty conscience. With regards to situations like the one with the people packaged up, many people will choose to feel "offended by something", then use that as their excuse to avoid thinking about it in reasonable terms, if at all.
  23. Apparently, contrary to popular belief, humans taste more like dead cows than dead pigs or hens. Hufu was quite a popular concept, with numerous people ordering either hufu merchandise (t-shirts and so forth) ir hufu utself. Sadly it all turned out to be an elaborate hoax and the hufu website is sadly no more, accordingly. Here's a promotional sort of article about it - http://www.boulderweekly.com/archive/060205/highdecibel.html And a more generalised one - http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=168 http://www.damninteresting.com/wp-content/hufu.jpg That's how i view vegan burgers, sausages etc. There's nothing connecting them to dead bodies, to my mind.
  24. also, voila - for your visual reception enjoyment purposes, here is a lovely date-palm tree, laden down with moistly sexy fresh dates - http://static.flickr.com/23/26561572_6cb168c8dd_m.jpg (^-^) mmmm-mmmmmm.
  25. hahaaa yes i had lots of lovely moist local fresh organic tasty dates when i was in California for 3 months (that was about 2 years ago or something) , they were more like sweet caramel or something, very pudding-y i thought, while I've had assorted more dried ones which ranged from being a bit toffeeish to being somewhat treacle-y but with a touch of toffee about it. They have all been wonderful !
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