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Everything posted by madcat

  1. Seasiren, thanks for the link. However I am very confused. I have always been told that we have them here in Oregon, but from the map it shows them in the golf. I even remember seeing a guy on the news a few years ago who got a bite on his leg and it left a huge hole! Any way my spiders did not look like the one in that pic, so I think its ok. That one looks long and thin, the ones I found were squatty and fat.
  2. Recently I had some large spiders living in front of my house. Although that’s not too uncommon for my house they guys were beasts. About the size of quarters. And they couldn’t just be nice and live in the bushes, they stated building a web right in front of my door (I think that they were after me). At first I knocked down their webs, thinking that they would get discouraged and move, I had no such luck. The next day the webs were back, persisted little buggers. Saturday I took action. I scooped up as many as I could find (7) in a jar and took them to a wild life preserve area and set them free. At first I thought about taking them to a park, but I was worried that they might use pesticides there. My mom teased me saying I should have kept them until after Halloween, but I think that they might have eaten some of the trick or treaters. My boy friend gave me a hard time for going so out of my way to save some spiders he also said he thought they were poisonous. As far as I know the only poisonous spiders around here are brown recluse, and I don’t think that they get that big… but I could be wrong. I got me thinking, what if they had been poisonous or what if they weren’t native. I wouldn’t want to harm the local wild life, but at the same time I wouldn’t want to hurt the spiders… what would be the right thing to do?
  3. Ok, I’m super way late!!!! Happy birthday!!!!
  4. I think to support the vegan stand we need to eliminate “meat eater phrases” for our vocabulary. Here is a list of my suggestions. “honey”, as in “you sure have a fine can honey”. My suggestion is we stop sugar coating this and just say what it really is. An appropriate alternative would be “bee vomit” or “regurgitated flower nectar”. “porking” this is a crude reference to doin’ it. I think an appropriate vegan substitute would be “makin’ fakin’”. So far this is all I have… please feel free to add to this list!
  5. daywalker, Ich weiß, was es ist. Dass, warum ich es gewählt habe. Although I never read it myself. It is a very popular movie over here, but for so reason the book isn’t. Perhaps it lost something in translation.
  6. good to know. I also wanted to tell you guys about PMU horses. I don’t know if you have heard about this. When women reach menopause they are often put on hormone replacement drugs… know where the hormones come from? The urine of pregnant horses. PMU stands for pregnant mare urine. Of course it takes a lot of horses to produce the amount of urine needed, and it results in a lot of unwanted colts. These ranches are located in Canada, where horse slaughter is legal. Up until about seven years ago this is where all of them ended up. Now there are people in the US who buy these horses directly from the ranchers and foster them until they can find homes. Many of the horses are draft breeds or warm bloods (cross between a draft horses and a normal sized one). This web site has a list of horse rescuing organizations. http://www.pmurescue.org/ranches_rescues.php
  7. I used to have a horse off the track, way back in the day. She was awesome! For some reason I don’t seem drawn to animals who are nice and sweet, they are always a little bitchy and mean from time to time. She loved carrots, apples, and corn on the cob. How ever she hated horse trailers, I think she thought I was taking her to a race so she would always fight it like crazy. It got to the point I would have to knock her out a little to take her anywhere. Five years ago on thanksgiving I got a call from the stable saying she was lying in her stall and refused to get up to eat. Animals that graze have stomachs that are designed to constantly have food in them. Horses should always want to eat and it is a very bad sign if they don’t. I rushed out there, crying the whole way. I called the vet, but since it was a holiday it took her forever to show up. My horse had coliced (her colon had twisted). The vet told me the to undo it she would need to go into surgery immediately, the only place to have it done was in corvallis, since she was old it was likely that she wouldn’t survive the surgery, and even if she did it would be likely to twist again. The vet tried giving her some anesthetic to see if she could get the horses muscles to relaxes enough to untwist on there own. Then she left to go get ready for her thanksgiving diner. For the next three hours I sat in the stall with my horses head in my lap, she shut her eyes and I stroked her face. It was oblivious that the drugs were making her feel better, and she started to relax. I nuzzled my face against her. This may sound funny, but I like the way horses smell (cats too). After a while she started to thrash around, the pain was coming back. I called the vet again and again she made the trip out. There was nothing she could do to fix the problem. We lead Light out of the barn and into a grassy area. I held her on to her as the vet gave her the first injection. After a moment the vet her a push which brought Light to the ground. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she started gasping for air. “its just a reflex” the vet told me “she dosent know what’s going on by now”. I sat down and held her head again as the vet gave her the second injection to stop her heart. I know that some of you probable don’t think its right to keep horses. But I think it’s just about the same as having a dog. They are social animals and bond with those around them. Every time I walked into the barn Light gave a little neigh. When I turned her out to pasture she followed me around. I loved her very much, and I believe that she loved me too. The racing industry ruins many horses. To get them racing as early as possible they start their training before there are done growing, damaging their joints. Many horses develop arthritis by the time they are five. I have heard of cases were the owners of race horses take out large insurance policies and when the horses start to loss the electrocute them to get their money. My horse was a dissented of French race horses. Her name was in French, but translated it meant Light from above. If any one here knows how to translate it back to French I would love to know, so maybe I can research her past. I didn’t win the power ball, so it will have to wait, but on day I hope to be able to have the land to help some more horses who need a home…. I would name it after Light.
  8. God bless vegan cheese! I am so hooked on roads end! http://img439.imageshack.us/img439/9110/yhst1780018889836718595895904o.jpg
  9. You have no idea how happy this makes me
  10. I am getting less stupid by the day!!!! I finally figured out how to add my avatar!!!! Before I couldn’t figure out how the condense it from this computer. http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/1381/yellowboat1hs.jpg
  11. I would like to own a big piece of land where horses, that would other wise be destroyed, could live the rest of their lives. I saw a show once about some people who did that. They weren’t rich thought. To help pay for vet bills the couple would sell bags of carrots. All the kids from the area would buy the carrots to feed the horses. Some of the horses they had were off the track, some were lame, one had been taken from a lab the night before it was going to be put down. I thought it was a cool idea.
  12. Right now the Oregon power ball is up to 360 million. I figured I’d pick up a ticket or two on the way home…. It fun to dream. What would you guys do with that kind of money?
  13. good to know... i see that stuff everywhere
  14. I knew there was a boycott against kfc but whats the deal with taco bell and pizza hut?
  15. So whats better? For a while my boyfriend was training me. He had me doing flat with a barbell and inclined & declined with dumbbells. Wouldn’t I get a better work out if I just used dumbbell because I would have to stabilize them more? When I was seeing a personal trainer I asked her and she told me a barbell was better, but I don’t remember why.
  16. How about something like this http://www.furisdead.com/donate.asp . As for the necklace… I don’t know what to tell you. There are people out there who NEED shoes and jackets and the like, but I don’t think anyone needs a necklace. If it doesn’t bother you I vote you keep them. That is some thing I don’t think you would wear every day so there would be less chance of it coming up in conversation. Did you get them before you went vegan? If so, and it came up, tell people that it was a gift and they mean a lot to you, and it would be a waste to toss them. As for topher’s comment about burying them, it would be a great sign of respect. But at the same time those things are only a physical part of those beings. Since they have passed their souls no longer have a use for them. If I was killed to make a jacket for someone then I would hope that it would be passed on when they were done with it so that my death would at least help as many others as possible. Well that’s my view anyway.
  17. Fat boy slim, crystal method, daft punk
  18. I have a four year old and I am going to take him trick or treating. I think it’s very important to not make him feel left out. I also think really no matter how you bring your kids up in the end they are people and will make their own choices. When they grow up and move out they might stick to the health life style they were brought up with or they might pig out because they finally can. I have known my best friend since I was 4. She grew up in a very religious anti sweets house. I was raised the complete opposite. When her and her brother moved out they both gained a bunch of weight and now are both atheists. Again I am the opposite.
  19. If you want to be close in to all the vegan stuff then I would suggest the Hawthorn or Belmont neighborhood. But come check it out first. A lot of times you can find great rentals on craigs list.
  20. I say there is nothing wrong with selling it, or donate if you want. Personally I hate goodwill. Did you know that the president makes over a 1/4of a million dollars every year…. Just seems strange to me, for a none profit business and all. Plus I hate to make people pay for something that I donated. There are many organizations out there that just GIVE the stuff away, like women’s shelters. Whatever you do don’t throw that stuff away. It wont bring the animals back and there are a lot of people who could use it. Plus maybe it would stop them from buy new leather items instead.
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