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Everything posted by AndiMorris

  1. Ronnie Corbett is a legend! I'd love to meet him. Nice work, strong OHP again!
  2. We tour all the time, but not so much in the UK. We have nothing booked down south at the moment, it's actually been years since we played Portsmouth or Southampton, so maybe we need to get that sorted.
  3. Workout 22/07/13 Warm Up: 400m run 3 rounds of: ——————————— 5 wall balls (9kg) 5 pull ups 10 sit ups ——————————— 200m run Lift: Back Squat 5-5-3-3-2-1 (60-70-75-75-80-85) WOD: Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) 8 rounds on each station, then swap: Wall Balls (9kg) - 6-5-4-4-4-4-4-4 Pull Ups - 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Sit Ups - 9-9-9-9-8-8-8-8 Man it was hot last night. I had sweat dripping off me during the warm up, and I’m not a particularly sweaty person! Still, it was a good session. Squats felt pretty good. I can still feel my knees caving in, and my chest falling down when the weight gets heavier, but I’m aware of it, and I’m fighting it all the way. The goal was to get some PRs along the way, but I knew that wasn't going to happen for me. My previous 1RM is 90kg, but that was when I was a over a stone heavier. I’m pretty pleased I got 85kg though, if I keep up the eating and training I can see me getting back to the strength I was at before losing the weight pretty soon. The WOD wasn't too bad. However I always think the scoring system of the lowest score is the one that counts is the wrong way around. For example, my first set of pull ups I didn't manage to get to the bar with enough time, and then there was some jostling for space, resulting in only 3 reps on the first set. This meant I’d set myself an easy target for each set, 3 is pretty easy to do in 20 seconds. With hindsight I probably should have just gone for as many as possible anyway, regardless of whether the score would count, but at the time I decided to pace myself for the next station. A great session all round, and a good eating day too: Breakfast - 7am - rolled oats with almond milk Morning snack - smoothie & 25g nuts Lunch - kale and lentil soup Afternoon snack - apple and 50g whole peanut butter Post-workout - lemon-lime recovery drink (Thrive recipe) Dinner - Vegetable bake with broccoli from the garden Evening snack - more vegetable bake because it was delicious and I was feeling greedy.
  4. I've added a few more calories into my daily routine to try and add some muscle and strength, but without adding fat again. A typical day currently looks like: 7am - breakfast - 50g oats with almond milk 10am - fruit & kale smoothie with 1 scoop protein and 1tsp maca powder 11:30 - 25g mixed nuts 13:00 - lunch - varies, always homecooked and clean - today was spicy carrot soup with lentils 16:00 - approx 50g peanut butter 20:00 - post workout recovery shake 21:00 - dinner - varies, as with lunch I'll try this for a few weeks and see how it goes.
  5. I plan to try this recipe first. then hopefully if successful make a habanero version. http://notinmoderation.wordpress.com/2011/08/26/nailed-it-ryan-wilders-wicked-easy-paleo-ketchup/
  6. When I get some time I'm going to make some "clean ketchup" and also "clean baked beans". So it can feel like junk food, but there's no crap in there at all.
  7. le bump! I'm TheGoatreich on Fitocracy.
  8. Cheers dude. I have two bands, both with lots of touring, which is hard work when working full time and trying to train too. Desecration - death metal - http://desecration.bandcamp.com Extreme Noise Terror - hardcore punk -
  9. Workout 18/07/13 - Barbell Club Warm up: Mobility Lift: 1RM Clean (Pause at knee for 3 seconds) (55kg) 3-3-3-3-3 clean and jerk (touch and go) (30-30-35-35-37.5kg) Accessory work: 3 sets ME toes-to-bar (9-5-6) Another great session at barbell club. I love the really close coaching attention you get from it, and the analysis of every element of form and the explanation of why it’s necessary, not just for safety, but for efficiency in the movements. Last night’s class was Clean. I’d previously got 55kg in this, and I couldn’t break it last night to get 57.5kg, but I learned something else about the explosive olympic lifting technique which really helped the bar fly up, however it really then emphasised just how much I can’t bring myself to drop under the bar. I could have cleaned so much higher if only I could get under that bar when it is up in the air. It’s definitely a confidence thing and something I need to work on if I ever want to lift any heavier than I am. Once I get it my numbers will go up very quickly in this and the snatch.
  10. Stick at it and it will happen. My belly is a problem spot for me, I've lost a lot of fat recently and it has definitely gone down, but being skinny everywhere else it just accentuates it more. Work hard, eat right and be consistent and I'm sure you'll see progress in the areas you want to.
  11. Welcome from a fellow Crossfitter.
  12. Biceps and pecs before the beach. That's the way
  13. Workout 16/07/13 Warm Up: 1km run 3 rounds: 1 length bear crawl 1 length spiderman walk 1 length toes-to-hands walk Then snatch mobility Lift: 8 x 2 hang snatch (30kg) WOD: 13 min AMRAP 5 power snatch (30kg) 10 HoG Push Ups 15 air squats (7 rounds, 5 power snatch and 3 push ups) The lift was a repeat of Saturday’s lift session, and I was absolutely fuming at myself for not even making the same weight, let alone beating it. I managed a few single reps at 35kg, but could not get myself to drop under the bar into a full squat snatch and always locked into a power snatch. Definitely needs a lot of work here, I know I can lift heavier, but the technique quickly goes. I should stay at 30kg until I can nail this every time. The WOD was a good blower, all the movements were unbroken, but I just got slower as time went on. 30kg power snatch felt easy (it’s just dropping into full snatch that isn’t, as above) and I was pretty pleased with this. Upon weighing myself this morning I discovered that I’m now 65.9kg and 12.6% body fat. I’m happy with this level of body fat, and I’m pleased at how much has dropped. I have lost some lean muscle mass with this, and I can see it in my numbers, so as of yesterday I’ve added another approximately 400 calories per day, so hopefully I’ll start to see these numbers going up again, but without the fat increase.
  14. Workout - 15/07/13 - Sweating my knackers off!! Warm Up: 3 rounds: 200m run 10 thrusters (20kg) 10 box jumps (24") 10 lunges 30 second front squat hold Lift: 5 x 2 back squat (75kg) WOD: 3 rounds: 400m run 20 burpees 20 sandbag thrusters 16 minute time cap (Did not finish - got to 3 thrusters on last round) Super hot session at the box tonight, doing the WOD outside was nice, but holy shit was I sweaty by the end of it. Us Welsh are not used to this kind of heat. Really trying to concentrate on keeping my chest up and my knees out in the squat, depth is never a problem, it’s the getting back up that is. Went for 75kg to maintain form, which I mostly did, so this was probably the correct weight. Will definitely look to add some weight onto these compound lifts now I’m eating more, and cleaner than I’ve ever eaten before. I’m determined to break the stereotype of the weak vegan. The WOD was horrific, it looked ok when written on the board, but it wasn’t. The sandbag thrusters just took everything out of me, and from the second round it was a huge struggle. I knew I wasn’t going to finish the last round, and I’m fairly pleased that I got to the thrusters. Just a little more push on the last run and I could have maybe finished the workout. Who knows.
  15. Very interesting. I've never noticed much of an effect from it but perhaps I'm not taking enough, or lifting heavy enough to require it.
  16. Workout 13/07/13 Warm Up: 800m run 3 rounds of: 5 overhead squat (with pipe) 5 vertical jumps 10 lunges 400m run Lift: 8 x 2 hang snatch (20, 30, 35, 37.5x, 37.5x) WOD A: 4 rounds: 2 mins max effort wall balls (9kg) - 86 2 mins rest WOD B: 5 mins to complete: 800m run Burpees Score is amount of burpees completed. (12) I enjoyed the lift section of this. My snatch technique is coming along, and I’m starting to feel more comfortable dropping underneath the bar. It’s still not quite fast enough, but it is getting there. I was annoyed not to beat my previous best of 37.5kg in hang snatch though. 4 failed reps and I knew it wasn’t going to happen. The WOD was horrible. I hate wall balls and very quickly blow out on them. VERY disappointed in my score of 86 reps and I was embarrassed to write it up on the board, but if anything that’s just incentive to smash it harder the next time. The second part of the WOD started with an 800m run, which to be honest I was still puffing from part a during, so it was essentially a slow jog with some burpees at the end. The heat didn’t help matters either. I have some time now where I’m not on tour for two weeks, so hopefully I’ll be able to get more sessions in per week, and reap the benefits.
  17. I think if I had rescue chickens of my own, or just bred my own I would eat their eggs as I know they would be happy and cared for. If only I had the space. Don't be embarrassed to post your workouts and meals, it seems a friendly place here.
  18. Strong work on the OHP. That's my worst lift of all the compounds, max is 40kg even when I was 10kg heavier than I am now.
  19. I make Brendan Brazier's lemon-lime recovery drink 2 cups of water juice of 0.5 lemon juice of 0.25 lime 4 dates 1tsp hemp oil 1tbsp protein powder 1tsp lemon zest 1tsp dulse 2tbsp agave nectar Whizz it all up in the blender and you're good to go. It's really refreshing post workout too.
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