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Need Literature on Vegan Diet and Global Warming/Environment
Bill replied to veggieprincess's topic in General Discussion
You can use the report by the UN: -
I used to live in Peñalolén and las Condes! Bienvenidos!
Me too!
I think your right. A lot of people think Dorian had two or three wins that shouldn't have been. And then there was Arnold in 1980, when he was a shadow of his former self. But does politics always explain it? I think it almost certainly does in 1980, but even then, it was very unclear who was in 2nd-5th place (lots of other good guys , with very different styles). I mean, if it's purely about money, were Dorian and Ronnie really the best possible people to promote the sport for years of uninterupted Olympia reign? Did they connect with the widest possible amount of people? Why wouldn't changing the Olypmia winners every year and having really competitive contests be better for the sport, purely for a money point of view? I don't know...
Politics is defined as the decisive factor that contributed to you getting 2nd place or below. When you win, it's because you brought a lot of things to the table that the competition didn't. When you lose, it's because the judges are corrupt and blind. Seriously though, as just a general bodybuilding fan, it seems to me that for the vast majority of contests, the winner is the person who deserved to win, or at the very least, you can understand why some people might have thought the person deserved to win.
I listened to his interview on PBBW, and although I like and respect Serge Nubret and think he looked amazing, that sounded to me like a bit of an excuse. Of course, I'm not saying that politics doesn't take a significant part in bodybuilding, but in that particular case (he was refering to the 1975 Mr Olympia, correct?) I think Arnold won for sure, in my opinion.
I'm reading ä½ çš„ä¸œçª
I think offense74 is right: Fuhrman recommends uping your intake of nuts and seeds, plus grains if you are an working out a lot. He has a great series of podcasts as well on iTunes. The "Dancng with the Stars episode" addresses some of the issues facing athletes. But I believe his advice boils down to eating more nuts and seeds, plus some more healthy grains. The key is to still get a tons of nutrient dense foods. I basically try to follow a Fuhrman "diet-style", although a bit altered to fit my needs. When I first went vegan, my diet centered around apples, tomatoes, garlic, onions, bananas, brown rice, pasta, bread, hummus, quinoa, waffles, and fake meat products. I found that I felt good and healthy (compared to the omni days), but I was always hungry. I never felt full. At some point, I'd just get bored eating, and then I stop for two or three hours. Since I moved to a more Fuhrman-like diet, with tons and tons of greens, even more fresh friut, more salads, less grains, less oil, almost no salt, and almost no processed foods, I've found that: 1) I often feel full after meals, and the feeling lasts for a long time. 2) My mental function seems better (despite whatver my wife says ) 3) It's somewhat changed m view of how "easy" or "hard" it is to be vegan in a certain area, because to some degree, you just need a decent supermarket with fresh produce, seeds, nuts, and beans. Before, I somewhat measured the ease of being vegan through the prism of if you could easily find fake meat products, or other processed products. Anyway, Troy, that was a great write-up. I hope you keep us updated as check off more books on the list!
I hope the hometown team will win- go Nuggets! But, if I were to bet: 1) Spurs 2)Boston 3)Lakers 4) Suns 5) New Orleans The West is just so stacked. No offense, but I really don't want to see the boring Spurs do it again. I'd also love to see a Lakers vs. Celtics, or Suns vs. Cavs, Lakers vs. Cavss or something like that. Kobe vs. Lebron could be like the Magic vs. Bird days of old.
Well said. I think the key word there is "joy". It's a word Arnold used again and again in his writings and daily life. Perhaps I'm a bit like Robert, I'm getting back into lifting weights (wouldn't really call myself a bodybuilder) after quite a few years off. When I really started to get into bodybuilding (buying all the magazines and whatnot) I was around 16 or 17, and like a typical teenager, I was a bit angry for no reason. I remember reading in Arnold's book about how people who have road rage, yelling at someone who might have accidentally cut them off, and Arnold said that this sort of behavior isn't balanced. Our bodies need to workout in order for our minds and to function properly. I think lifting weights really helped calm me down, give me balance. I gained a lot not only by lifting, but also by seeing the joy and love that some of the best had for the sport. As far as the steroids, I kind of take a libertarian point of view, and think that they are only hurting themselves, so it's their personal choice to make. It really shouldn't be criminalized. The typical SAD diet is arguably just as dangerous in the long-run, and no one in the mainstream media lectures the average guy who just ate a burger with cheese fries and a large Coke at TGIFriday's about how he's killing himself in the same manner as they shame these bodybuilders with all the steroid talk. Plus, part of me just wants to see the extreme. Like the crazy Dorian pictures in socks. I wouldn't want to look like that personally, but I find the pictures with the insane grain-yness and muscle density to be fascinating. I think it's also great the Wolf seems to be a down-to-earth type of guy. It'll be great to see how he does later this year in the Olympia.
Mayor of Södertälje talks in congress about Iraq
Bill replied to offense74's topic in General Discussion
I think Sweden has been great on this refugee issue. It's amazing to think that 1.5 million people, or more, have been displaced, and the international community has done very little. I used to live in Chile. After the Pinochet coup in 1973, many young leftists fled abroad, with many ending up in Sweden. It's a bit ironic, because many of them came back 20-30 years later, and were very successfull in their careers, probably more so than the right-wing people who kicked them out in the first place, perhaps. I know a lot of them were very greatful to Sweden for helping them out through those tough times. -
I've been running a bit. About 4-5 times per week. I ran a 5k in (the gym) at 22:30, which is kind of fast for me. Generally speaking though, I hate running in the gym because it is insanely boring. I'm still working on losing weight. I think my running will be a lot faster, hopefully, in a few more months. Wow...that's quite a bit of working out!
That reminds me of one of my favorite lines, "The Nazi's had peices of flair that they made the Jews wear." My points were simple: 1) People aren't born evil or good. They have behaviors that can change do to various factors. Society is similar. We once saw slavery as an ok behavior, now we don't. It was once socially acceptable to say fairly sexist things in public, now it is not. Society is capable of progress, just as it is capable or regressing. 2) Barring a scenario in which most people wouldn't want to kill seals, or engage in dog fights, or whatever, the next best option is to enact laws and enforce laws that can cut down on these behaviors. I may be wrong, but doesn't that seem like a path towards achieving real goals? Personally, I've known tons of people who have hunted and fished (granted, seal clubbing is in another league). But if you are trying to change society to be more compassionate, or enact tougher animal rights laws, your not going to win me over by comparing my grandfather (a hunter) to a rapist. xdarthveganx, I certainly see that your point of view about the power structure has some merit, but I think it's not the best strategy for effectively convincing other people, like VeganEssentials pointed out.
Haha! I remember thinking that those workouts would take four hours! I think I often tried versions that were about half that size. Training has moved on since then, but that book still has an emphasis on compound movements, which I like. I also like Arnold's up beat, positive view on life that is runs throughout the book.
I also felt nothing upon hearing of their death, as I don’t know them, and so, it’s hard to care. In a sense though, I’m not sure if I’d judge them too harshly. I think all people have the capacity to harness inner feelings of hatred and rage and power, which could make the deaths of animals (and even people) a fairly enjoyable experience. I’m not saying that to sound ing, but I think history is filled with accounts of "normal" people who enter into warfare and are usually able to access their “killer instinctsâ€
I used to have Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding (back in the mid '90's), and I really loved that book for all the great advice and the pictures of the classic "Golden Days" guys. I probably read it a million times. I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for though DV.
That's a really good article. I like how they talk about some of the complexities of promoting veganism. I’m not sure if I buy the argument that this particular strip club was exploitive, or whatever. But I would generally agree that it’s probably not a wise idea to sell veganism through explicit sex appeal because 1) world culture is awash in sexual images, and I doubt seeing one half-naked girl/guy per day out of a few thousand will have much long-lasting effect, and 2) veganism can be unhealthy, if one simply eats refined grains, vegan packaged “meatsâ€
Big Health Benefits Attributed To Raw Diet--Diabetes
Bill replied to Taz's topic in Health & Nutrition Programs
That looks like a great, up lifting movie. Thanks for posting Taz. -
Live Food Rock Star diagnosed with breast cancer
Bill replied to Tasha's topic in Health & Nutrition Programs
I was thinking about this post as I was listening to one of Dr. Fuhrman's podcasts "Childhood Diets Can Create Adult Cancer" in which he gives scientific eveidence that shows that the diet that a child ate when young (especially between 0-10 years) and the diet that the mother had while pregnant, dramatically affect cancer rates in the children as they become adults. From this point of view, even if one eats ideally (however that is defined) later in life, it may be impossible to completely remove all chances of getting cancer, especially if you add in additional environmental factors, like air pollution, household chemicals...etc. -
I went to CU Boulder and loved it. (The People's Republic of) Boulder has a lot of good supermarkets, restaurants, farmers' markets, bookstores, bars....etc. There is also a great fitness culture of bikers, runners, skiers and so on. If you're not working out really hard, you can easily feel like a slob, which is a good thing, in my opinion. I'm origianlly from Golden (or near Golden, in the mountains). So, I am biased towards Colorado (and the Denver area) in the sense that it has, in my opinion, the best skiing near any major city (minus SLC). CO also has 300+ days of sunshine per year. When it snows, it's cold and freezing, but otherwise, the weather isn't too bad in the winter, and isn't too extreme in the summer. On the other hand, I've heard that the veg scene is great in OR and Seattle, and everybody I know who has lived there also loves it. I also really like the Bay Area. Good luck!
I run, but only at around 15-20 miles a week or so. Two or three times a month I try to do a nice, slow long run of an hour and a half or two hours. Last month I did a half-marathon in 1:52, which is a decent pace (for me). It's kind of strange balance, lifting weights and running.
Recently, in one of my grad classes, we had a visiting legal professor who has worked on many environmental cases in the United States. He came to give a talk on global warming, and one of the strategies that people have employed to combat global warming is using the Endangered Species Act. Under the Act, if an animal or plant is considered to be endangered by scientific experts, the government must take measures to ensure the survival of the plant or animal. Obviously, at the time of passing the Act, most people were thinking of saving cute, "sexy" animals, like whales, polar bears, bald eagles...etc. But the Act has come to encompass a much broader spectrum of animals, as shown in the article. The Bush administration, it seems, has gone to great lengths to weaken the Act's power and scope: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/22/AR2008032202204.html?hpid=topnews Anyway, any thoughts?
We'll have a new President soon - will you miss these?
Bill replied to robert's topic in General Discussion
I agree. I've always kind of liked his folksy style, and I don't think people should be punished too much if they're not great speakers. On the other hand, I think it's worth pointing out that the "Bush" that people see in public is, to some degree, a self-made caricature. I think to understand the Bush public personna, you have to look back to his first political loss to Texan Kent Hance, in a run for Congress back in 1978. Here's what Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times wrote about it in 2000: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F05E3D71F3AF934A15754C0A9669C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print Of course, I'm not claiming the Bush is a suave, cosmopolitan intellectual behind closed doors. But when people criticize him for being an "idiot" (ie. see: everyman/ common Joe) or "being a cowboy", in a sense, they are feeding a narrative that Bush, as the elite son of a President and grandson of a Senator, had to create for himself in order to be viable. Although I disagree with him on most issues, I've always thought that Bush is a very capable politician compared to many of his opponents. -
You're right. Quinoa has .31g of lysine per .25 cups of quinoa, which is 13.92% of your daily value. http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrientprofile&dbid=143 I tend to eat more like a half a cup or a whole cup of quinoa per serving. Also, quinoa is about 14% protein, which is pretty high for a grain. It can be sprouted too, if I'm not mistaken.