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Everything posted by veggymeggy

  1. I think Corvallis has public transportation, but I'm not really sure....I don't really know very much about this city at all! But my hometown is Portland (or at least a very close suburb, I spend plenty of time in the city) and I feel very fortunate to live somewhere that really supports and encourages biking/busses, etc. Our max system is great, and there is even free fare when you're downtown. Everywhere has bike lanes! Most employers also give incentives not to drive or to carpool, such as cash bonuses or gift certificates. I just got a bike now that I live further from campus ( I used to walk) and I'm really excited! The last time I did any bike riding was when I was in Mexico 4 years ago..used to go out everyday and cover 30 miles or more in the countryside, it was amazing! Now I am just happy that I don't have a reason to drive anywhere in city limits anymore, it's such a small town I can do anything on foot or bike! Good for the environment and good for my budget! Hooray!
  2. Thank you, thank you....you are my vegan kitchen hero! MMM pizza!!!
  3. I am a diet soda addict I go through phases of stopping, then take one drink and get hooked all over again! I like diet Shasta soda though, it uses sucralose instead of aspartame. The studies linking cancer/artificial sweeteners were done in the 70's, and they were rather flawed ( I wish I had the exact info handy, I read a very good article about it recently but for the life of me can't remember where. I think in one of my nutrition magazines, I will look) Anyway - more recent studies have refuted the cancer link. I mostly use artificial sweeteners in small quantities, like in my tea and such. I find they're not suitable for important things like baked goods but handy for cutting out some of those "extra" calories that are so easy to pick up without even realizing it....like sweetening drinks, etc. For me I'd rather splurge once a week on a dessert and save 30 cal in sugar the rest of the days of the week than compromise the quality of my dessert. I'm a sweet fiend! I have tried Stevia....I found that it had a bitter aftertaste, has anyone else noticed this?
  4. LOVE Miami Ink. I'll have to give the septum idea some thought I certainly wouldn't want anything large hanging from my nose, but something small and elegant? Perhaps!
  5. I have a serious thing for nipple piercings on guys....I just don't think it'd work out too well on me. I know what you mean about running out of space though...I want more piercings, but I want to stay within the bounds of "normal". I scar too easily to do anything on my face, and I don't want to be too excessive on my ears, already did navel, decided against nipples, and you're right....never say never! but I really don't think I'm gonna move below the belt. I am thinking about a new tat though, maybe on my upper/outer thigh (like below my hip bone) Even with the handful of piercings I do have, which is not at all extreme, people are suprised when they start noticing them. I generally find people's first impression of me is very "good girl"....then they get to know me! haha!
  6. I definitely had a different experience with my navel piercing...I don't think it bled at all, and it's just fat and skin, no muscle and cartilage...I thought it was comparable to getting a flu shot. A little pinch and then done. Maybe that's just cuz my tummy is chubby and not rock hard like it should be though The tattoo, I think, is a totally different sensation. I find the intensity of a piercing more tolerable than the ongoing annoyance of the tattoo feeling. But hey, that's just me I considered doing my nipples for a long time, but I ultimately decided against it because I don't find the piercing itself very attractive, I just wanted to get another one because it's been awhile since my last. Guess that just goes back to what I was saying about enjoying how it feels! I'm twisted, what can I say! And genital piercings? Yikes. That's going too far even for me. I can't even imagine. I was at a strip club once though here in Portland and saw a girl with a tattoo that started on her breasts/ribs and wound down her abdomen, between her legs....and then between her butt cheeks! It was, um, interesting. I have no idea how they managed to tattoo that, must have been awkward. It was definitely well done though, very intricate. And if she was going for attention with it, she definitely succeeded!
  7. Oh yeah, getting the tongue pierced doesn't hurt at all. The weirdest part of it is just having your tongue stuck out and clamped on to without being able to pull it back into your mouth. Same with navel, it's a piece of cake. The one that actually hurt was my rook....OWWWWWW. I think piercings are easier to stand painwise than tattoos though, cuz they're over so quickly. My tattoo is relatively small but it seemed like it took forever! Some parts were just kind of annoying, but down towards the bottom of it, where it gets onto my heel, or the back along my achilles tendon, that did NOT feel good. But I still loved it, and love the result
  8. Maybe this is a little sick - but I enjoy the pain of a piercing! It's in some way satisfying, and a little exhilirating!
  9. I have one tattoo now, it's of cherries and is inside my right ankle. I've had it about 2 years, and I love it. I hope to get another one soon, but I'm undecided as to exactly where to put it or what the design will be. Plus I don't have the money right now, they're spendy! I also love piercings!!! Probalby more than tattoos, since they don't have the same element of permanence. I have 3 ear lobe piercings in each ear, then upper cartilage, rook, helix, navel, and formerly my tongue, though not anymore. I don't really give any consideration to natural or not, trendy or not, any of those things when I get my piercings/tattoos. I just like them! As for anyone else - to each her own!
  10. My vote goes to 8th Continent for chocolate. Trader Joe's makes their own soy milk too, and it's good - very inexpensive. Silk makes (eggless) eggnog that is DELICIOUS. I can't wait till it's in stores again in the winter. Some of the brands mentioned I've never even heard of - but I know there are tons I haven't tried, the New Seasons Market in my hometown has an entire wall of soy/rice/almond/whatever else there is milks with tons I haven't tried yet. It's really quite an impressive selection.
  11. Robert thinks you are damn hot...True story, he woke me up just to show me your pics But it's ok, cuz he's right
  12. I love my vegan bodybuilding shirts too I have the one Kourtney is wearing, and I just got a new tank top from Robert yesterday - it's adorable. Makes me proud to go out and wear it!
  13. Adorable! And good for you for saving his life! I do have tons of pics of Queso and Cava....seems like every time I turn around they're doing something cute again, so I snap another picture. When I got Queso she was a flea infested runt, and pretty sick. She was a barn cat, but the owners of the barn didn't want her, so I took her in. Now she's fat and spoiled! Cava I got from a shelter...I was in a pet store getting stuff for Queso, and she'd been brought in to the store to by the shelter hoping to find someone to adopt her....the moment I saw her I knew I had to have her! She'd been brought to the shelter as a stray with her litter of kittens, but all of her kittens died. I'm just glad it was a no-kill shelter so that I got the chance to adopt her! Someday when I'm a bit more settled and not moving every 6 mos, I hope to be able to take in more abandoned animals....it's so sad how people treat them as a commodity they can dispose of as soon as they become the least bit inconvenient.
  14. compassionategirl, you sound like my kind of girl! I am absolutely planning on making it to the vegan vacation, I just have to figure out how to swing it on my budget! I can't wait to go shopping now that I have some new suggestions to check out....
  15. I like what I've seen so far, thanks for the suggestions! This stuff is even affordable, which has become really important now that I'm a poor college student again ...I miss having a real income! Oh well, the education is worth it...and looks like I CAN still accesorize while giving up leather, hooray It's true, I can be a bit of a girly girl, Robert can probably attest to that.
  16. MMM, it's good cereal, I've bought it lots of times before! I'll have to go get some now to check out your boy:)
  17. oh WOW, I think I love you. This used to be my favorite breakfaast when I was a little kid, and I haven't had it since I stopped eating meat 10 years ago.....I am SO excited to try this!
  18. I was wondering if anyone knows where high quality purses, shoes, etc can be bought that are vegan, or specific designers/brands? I've realized that much more difficult for me than eating vegan is shopping for these sorts of items! I know Stella McCartney is vegan, but I can't realistically afford anything by her, and wouldn't even know where to get it. I used to by a lot of Coach products, if that gives you an idea of my price range. I'm fanatical about shoes and purses/wallets....I just need to know how to convert my collection from leather to not! Thanks everyone
  19. I am! I talked a meat-eater friend into doing it for the next 30 days (starting 9/1)...and I figure there's no point in him trying vegan out if I'm not doing it with him, and there's no point in me only doing it fo 30 days....so I'm making the switch Should be easy enough I think, not like I'm chowing on flesh as it is!
  20. Yes, the Phoenix family is reportedly all vegan, and yes he is River's brother. Yay, I'm not the only Joaquin fan
  21. Yeah....Tom Lenk not so hot....but good for him for being vegan anyway! I recognize him now, he played a bad guy!
  22. Whoops, you already posted Pam Anderson under vegetarian, I missed it the first time.... And no, no need to limit it to celebrities. I'm just curious about people's opinions (and taste I guess )
  23. (blushing) Thank you! Who is Tom Lenk? I did not know either Shania Twain or Kelly Osbourne! Alicia Silverstone is a perennial favorite I think, probably the most active/outspoken vegan in Hollywood? I admire her. If Tea Leoni is, is David Duchovny? He's pretty good looking and I think they're married.... What about Pam Anderson? Is she vegan? I seem to remember her doing some PETA stuff.....though I don't find her very attractive, I know plenty of people do!
  24. Was anyone else a bit surprised when Chris Martin was voted sexiest vegetarian in the PETA contest? (And Carrie Underwood for females, a surprise there too I think) Personally....he's just scrawny and pale to me.... My vote goes to Joaquin Phoenix! (vegan....and so hot! ) Anyway, I was just wondering who else you guys would vote for? Or maybe you do think Chris Martin is hot? Kind of a silly thread I know, but I'm curious
  25. I love that cartoon link! It made me laugh....especially "Put a two year old in a playpen with an apple and a rabbit. If it plays with the apple and eats the rabbit, you've got a carnivore." So I saved it, and now I'll be passing it on to others. Thanks!
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