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Everything posted by veggymeggy

  1. Oooh yeah, more visitors! Come on down! In all seriousness - visitors always welcome. I feel the same way about needing a vacation, and I'm just getting started on the hard stuff for the year! I don't know how I'm going to last until spring!
  2. Homework depends on the class...this term I have all science classes, which don't have homework but require copious studying outside of class! English, philosophy, writing classes, etc, tend to have more homework....What are you planning to study? Oh, and at least at my school, there is no music in the gym
  3. Hmm....I'm actually not sure about fast food restaurants, but I wouldn't trust them! That's just me! College I do know about though The way our courses work here, most class grades depend on 2 to 3 tests. (1 or 2 midterms, and a final) Depending on what you're studying/size of class, etc, there may be other course work, essays, presentations, etc. Anway, so each of those things would be worth a percentage of your grade. Most often if you fail any given part of a course grade, you can still manage to pass the class by doing well on other parts. If you get a failing grade in the class though, you can retake it another term. In that case both grades will show on your transcript, but if the class is required for you then that's what you have to do. On the other hand, if you know ahead of time that you aren't going to pass a class, I reccomend 'withdrawing', which you can do until almost the end of a course. You receive a "w" as a course grade, but it doesn't affect your GPA, and of course you can still retake it. All of this is assuming you're going to a public university? Someone can correct me if this is different anywhere else, but I have friends spread out around the country in school, and this is basically how it works for all of us. Hope this answers your question! I'm sure it's not something you need to worry about anyway!
  4. I guess that means your avatar pic isn't really you? That's me! Robert can verify it! So true! -Like forum wide A-D-D
  5. Aww, I wish I were calendar-worthy, but I really don't think I am! Heh, good point on the dates, I'm used to seeing it both ways - you are right though, Topher's is in November, he wrote it as we Americans do My dad lived in Europe for awhile though (4 years in England, 2 in Belgium, and 4 in Italy, possibly more,not sure) Anyway - so he picked up the habit of writing his dates in day/month/year format, and I picked it up from him, so I tend to do it both ways! (which means I always know what I mean, but I often confuse others ) Sorry - off topic again. I'll have to find another way to make it up to you. My next thread you can hijack ok?
  6. I think I'll make it my goal to cook this this week. I have LOTS of lentils, it's one of the few foods I can afford to buy right now!
  7. I do too when I am either inside, it's still warm out, or I at least have clothes that will keep me warm and dry.... but not today, I was unprepared! My fault....I haven't been warm OR dry ALL day!
  8. 10/22/83, I'm older than both of yous! I"m starting to feel old too, at least on campus....so many 18 year old freshman! But that's totally off topic.....sorry!
  9. Yeah, the rain can be the downside....I just made my 2mile ride back from campus, and I am SOAKED.
  10. It's incredible. There are some places here where you buy it at the apple orchard right when they make it. That's the best!
  11. Me too! It was the kind of night that made me feel all content and happy just to BE.... Absolutely!!! I'm down to 2 weeks and 5 days now!
  12. No kidding, that's pretty brave doing the bare razor thing. My skin could not handle that! Heck it can barely handle it and I use a razor with moisturizer strip, moisturizing shave cream, and lotion after!
  13. HARD cider is alcohol, but just 'cider' is like juice, but not all filtered, and SOOOO yummy! Fresh apple cider is one of my favorite things about the fall! I love apples, mmm and pumpkins. I was walking through downtown Portland last night, and there were leaves falling down on my head, and I could see my breath.... I love summer, but that made me so happy. I love fall even more! PS, only 2weeks and 6 days till my birthday That's the other reason I love fall
  14. Eeeeeeven if I tell you all my pictures are fake and I really weigh 493lbs and have no teeth? You'll still be my ninja friend??
  15. While we're on preferences - I side with madcat. A little chest hair is nice. Too much still falls under gross, but it's fun to have a little to pet. That's my two cents And I think implants (for cosmetic reasons) are icky, and I feel sorry for women whose self-esteem is so affected by their breast size that they feel implants are necessary. Besides, playing sports is a whole heck of a lot more comfortable for the smaller chested, luckies. That's my other two cents.
  16. Megan sidenote: I'm kinda jealous of women with small breasts.
  17. Thanks guys It's good to know I'm not the only one. I never considered the angle of the most vocal being the ones secretly considering it...it's hard to imagine in my friends, but maybe? I can hope that's true; maybe in time they'll come around. In the meantime, at least I have Robert
  18. I was just wondering what everyone's social groups looked like? Aside from Robert, all of my friends are not only not vegan, not veg, they're practically anti-veggy. Generally, I deal with this by just avoid all animal/food topics, and tuning out when they go off about the 'yumminess' of meat (which they seem to do just to try to get a rise out of me) I think part of the problem is that when I do that, just tune them out, they don't realize they're actually upsetting me, and think we're all just joking around. Is there a better way to deal with this? I'm specifically thinking of 3 of my friends, and they really are the nearest dearest people to my heard...aside from this issue. I'm currently talking to one online right now and I'm getting so upset because he brought up that he's having a chicken for lunch and won't stop talking about it/eating meat/etc. How do other people deal with this? These aren't people that are going to convert, at least not at my encouraging. I know I have to accept them as they are, but I just get so mad.....
  19. Mine's easy, same as for the forum, and for email veggymeggy
  20. Mmmm turmeric and cumin are 2 of my favorite spices. But what's toor dahl and where do I get it?
  21. Ok, so I WAS fast asleep like Robert said, but I myself am so stressed out about stuff that I couldn't stay asleep and got up to make a cup of herbal tea...so when I do, Robert is on his computer in the living room, and tells me the news....I am so excited! Of course we're both totally behind you Topher, I can't wait for you to get out here! Hope you like my kitties if you're crashing here How exhilarating to finally have a decision and to act on your dream. Again - can't wait to see you! Good luck with all your preparations. and now - I'm going to try to go back to sleep.
  22. Well strictly speaking I'm from Vegas, since that's where I was born Funny, the 2 states I've lived the most in are 2 that are frequently mispronounced by other english-speaking Americans...or-e-gone and neh-vaw-duh Which as I'm sure you all know, should be "or-e-gun" and "nevaduh" (if that makes sense) All of which has nothing to do with pushups or situps....I better get busy
  23. Thanks so much for your support everyone! I figured out today that I don't have to take a lab with my anatomy and physiology course - which means I now have Tuesdays off from class! I can't believe it! I celebrated by sleeping in today Still have to be up at 5:30am tomorrow....but I think I'll get used to it and like it in the long run. And if sleep is for sissies....then I am the biggest sissy of all! Even more than Robert! I also discoverd that Robert is going to be an awesome resource, because he's taken the same course I'm taking right now (and aced it of course)...he even has textbooks that I need. And if I have any other questions, I'm going to turn to all you guys for help Hope somebody here is good at O-chem, cuz I'm pretty sure I'm not! Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
  24. Richard, you rock My admiration of you grows daily!
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