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Everything posted by veggymeggy

  1. Oh man, yeah. Don't even get me started on school lunch programs! Most are ing!!! I want to focus my studies on childhood obesity....maybe someday I can have a role in redoing school lunch programs! That'd be awesome. Everyone who has a kid in public school should be writing the school and pushing for healthier options. If schools hear it from their students and parents, maybe more will make some changes. I know my high school did!
  2. I don't know exactly what the point of this post is, but I just wanted to share with you guys how happy I am with life right now and how thankful I am for everything! I'm completely stressed out most of the time, I don't have time for anything besides work and school, I'm buried in homework and don't have time to sleep enough, work out enough, or do very many 'social' things....but I'm ok with all of that because I feel like I'm working hard on my goals, and that it'll be worth it. I'm thankful just to be here studying! I have NO money whatsoever; I'm truly poor for the first time in my entire life. But I don't care, because my basic bills are being met, and I'm thankful for that! Plus, I'm getting used to not having money and I think I'm learning to appreciate things I never did before! It's a good lesson for me, and I think that's important. I think moving in with Robert was the BEST decision I have made in a long time!!!! I didn't know him all that well when I first moved in, so it was a little bit of a gamble, but he's a totally awesome person. His determination, ambition, and work ethic impress me to no end, and I'm glad to be around such a good influence! Plus, in the time I've lived here I've finally stopped half-assing it and become completely vegan, which is another of the best decisions I've ever made. I have a lot of guilt about not doing it sooner, but I am glad that now I can have a clean conscience! AND, through Rob, I've been introduced to everyone on this board, and this is something totally new to me. I've never seen such a warm community, it doesn't even feel like it's just online, I feel like I really know everyone of you and I know I can count on you!!!! Of course, I can't forget to mention Topher! He's just as impressive as Rob - I love that he just follows his dreams no matter what, and that gives me more inspiration to keep chasing mine. Plus, I've finally met someone that can keep up with my wild spontaneous streak! He's down for anything anytime, and I love that because it's just like me! (Even though I'm a little bit inhibited by work and school, but I've still got the attitude ) When we first found out Rob's Portland competition was cancelled and I said let's roadtrip it to California, Topher was the first one to jump on the idea! I love his enthusiasm for everything! He's one more person in my life I'm truly thankful to know Him and Rob have become my best friends! I think that's enough rambling, you probably all get the idea. But really, does anyone else feel this way? Despite in some ways being in the toughest situation I've ever been in, I am just bursting with happiness and gratitude for the things I do have I love it!
  3. Taco Bell was hammered in the 80's for their unhealthy cuisine. They took the lard out almost 20 years ago. Ha I guess I'm behind the times!!! I just knew that 'real' Mexican food uses lard in everything, so I always wondered about Taco Bell, but not enough to actually look up the answer Thanks!
  4. I hope I have abs to bring on the vegan vacation....my own, not Topher's and Rob's I mean I thought it'd been awhile since I mentioned how excited I am for this, so I just wanted to throw it out there again.... I am REALLY REALLY REALLY excited for the vegan vacation!!!! Robert, for real, let's get some hardcore planning in. It's not that far away really, and I for one, like to have things set in stone. I'm kinda silly that way Now I'm going to be late to class because I've hung around on the forum too long........darn it! Have a good day all!
  5. Topher, that is AAAAAHsome. I can totally see you living in something like that.
  6. I didn't go to the gym this weekend, just like I was afraid of. I kept trying to plan times I could go, but I had homework that I HAD to work on, and then with boy being here it made me even busier, and then work on top of that. No good. But, today I'm back to a normal schedule. I was too exhausted from the weekend to workout at 6am this morning, but I'm bringing everything with me and I'm going straight to the gym after class. I lifted last week and I was sooooo sore for a couple days....it felt really good
  7. I have always wondered if Taco Bell uses lard in their beans, and have avoided them because of that....do they not? Chipotle is the only place I go, it's yum! I love a naked burrito with beans, rice, lettuce, lots of really hot salsa, and guacamole. They're huge too. Unfortunately the company is owned by McDonald's, and I don't really like to support McDonald's with my money. I do think they were being sold off though, not sure.... Anyways, when in doubt, most fast food places have salads now. It can be hard to find one that doesn't have cheese, egg, or meat on the top, but usually there's at least one option, and then you just have to track down a dressing.
  8. And I am Ross's bitch. Ross being the cheesy store I spend a good 30 hours of my life stuck in every week
  9. Working out is one of the few times I like hip hop or rap - the beat keeps me going especially on a long cardio session! I love latin beats too, salsa or merengue keeps my energy up. My single favorite workout song though is Fighter by Christina Aguilera. Yeah, you can laugh at that. I usually listen to more punk/rock/alternative sort of stuff, but that song kicks ass and it always inspires me!
  10. every now and then til I move there. robert has to stay in Corvallis to March 2006. after March we'd like to move to Portland. I should be visiting portland every now and then to find jobs, go to shows, and sightsee and stuff. we totally still have to hangout Then I lose my best friends and roommates and get to be all lonely and homeless! I can't move back home (to Portland) before 07 I think. Boo on that!
  11. That sucks! I know my favorite is the vegan enchiladas that Amy's makes....I could eat those everyday! Yumm!!!!
  12. Oh wow - that would make an awesome birthday dinner too!!!! I wonder if I can get my mom to make gnocchi AND vegan lasagna. Afterall, if Toph-dog and Rob come we'll need LOTS of food! MMMMMM FOOOOOOD
  13. yeah.....but now this cute girl is home all alone
  14. Um, yeah.....ARE there, not have been there. We're all broke right now! But that's not gonna stop us from hitting the road.....California here we come!!!!
  15. I second the rice cooker thing. It was a lifesaver when I lived on campus, and I still use it a lot.
  16. I have several pairs of shoes and other accessories that are made of leather, that I've had since before veganism. I no longer wish to wear them, but I'm at a loss as to what to do about it. Most of it is very high quality and in good shape. I'm pretty sure I could make a decent amount of cash if I took it to resale shops....and I could use the cash for sure. Or, there is Goodwill. Or, I could just toss it out. I really can't decide. What is the most ethical choice? To give you an idea of what I'm talking about - I have 2 leather coats, original value of several hundred each. 2 pairs leather boots, orginally around 100$ each. Leather gloves, cashmere lined, was 100$. Coach bag with leather trim, was 120$. Kenneth Cole suede bag, was $160. And a few other pair of sandals/dress shoes, were 50-100$ each originally, and belts $30-50. I used to have a lot of leather I'm really embarrassed that I still have this stuff. I should never have had it, but even though I haven't had meat in 10 years for whatever reason I never considered leather. Please don't hate me My lifestyle has done a 180 in recent years/months. Resale of course doesn't pay anywhere near the original prices, but I still think I could get a good bit....but is that an ok thing to do? ARGGG I'm confuuuuuuused Help please
  17. Topher and I actually had a conversation about exactly this a couple days ago, because I have 2 cats and they both eat regular meaty cat food. I too have guilt over it, but I can't afford vegan cat food ( I can barely afford food, period, right now) and I'd be concerned for their health if they did eat vegan. Topher made the point that our goal is to reduce suffering as much as possible, but at some point we have to accept that it's impossible to do 100%. Both of my cats would likely be dead if I hadn't taken them in, and he advised me that with as much as I do everyday to make the world better and reduce suffering that I should not worry about the cat food. And as madcat points out, it is left overs. It still doesn't sit well with me, and I hope in the future to have a better solution, but for now........it is what it is.
  18. Sooooooo not fair! *sigh* I'm gonna go chomp on some celery sticks, enjoy your calories.......
  19. That one gets my vote I'm so jealous of you guys that get to eat so much food.....I'm gonna keep working on my muscle mass maybe someday I'll get to eat a lot too! Right now I need to stay around 1800cal a day...that's not even half what some of you guys eat! Stupid girlyness. Anyway, good luck, I'm curious to see what your results are!!!
  20. Nice! I'm super excited to have a vegan meal at home with my non-vegan family. The boy is coming too, I'm excited! I shall experiment with vegan margarine in my own cooking, I'd never given it any thought and I'm excited to hear good things! .....I just said "I'm excited" three times......did you guys get the point? I'm such a nerd.
  21. Thanks Traditional gnocchi is naturally vegan, I have seen recipes that use egg but those are a variation. The basic recipe is potatoes (preferably older than fresher), flour, salt and water. I'll get you the proportions and post them, off hand I'm not sure. It's a lot of potatoes though I know that!
  22. I've been avoiding vegan margarines because I made the assumption that, as a "margarine" they would be made with hydrogenated oils - something I try to avoid completely - but I decided to do some research and I just looked it up online and apparently it's NOT made with hydrogenated oils and has NO trans-fatty acids! WOW!!! So maybe I will give that a shot - has anyone ever cooked with it before? Does it cook the same as butter? The sauce I want is basically fried sage leaves, I'm not even sure what else goes into it. It's just butter heated in a pan and fresh sage leaves are sauteed in it until they get all crispy and crunchy, then that goes over the gnocchi. Think it would turn out the same? Also - I found a recipe almost just like what you suggested, the only difference being that it has coconut in it - I'm thinking I might go with something like that, it sounds yum!!!!!
  23. Hey, I've said it before, I'll say it again - the more the merrier, and the door is always open! But come summer, I want my vacation AWAY from our place
  24. Hi guys! I think I've announced it in like 300 different posts, but if somehow you missed it....my birthday is this Saturday! (I turn 22 on the 22nd ) I'm going home for my birthday, and the only thing I've asked for is a homecooked meal, cuz my mom is an AMAZING cook. She's not so knowledgeable with vegan cooking though. I know I want gnocchi, cuz that's my faaaaaaavorite food, but I just found out my formerly favorite sauce for them has butter in it, and my mom says it wouldn't good right with olive oil or other replacement So does anyone have any sauce suggestions? THEN - the MOST important part! DESSERT!!!!! I have very few vegan dessert recipes and I don' t think I've ever actually used any. Does anyone have any that are good and would be appetizing to non-vegans too? I looooove all things chocolate, and I love it even more if it's chocolate + fruit. I also love custards/"cheese"cakes and more fruit.... So if you have a good recipe please pass it along! Or any other dinner suggestions! It's my birthday and I'll 'pig' out if I want to Thank you!!!
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