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Everything posted by veggymeggy

  1. It's true, I am nothing if not an optimist. And I won't change!!! I agree with you about compassionate people not being ruthless enough. It seems everyone who gets high up in politics is an egomaniac no matter what side they're on, and that just doesn't fit with the lifestyle we try to promote. That's why all the work has to be done at a lower level...I hope for a trickle UP effect, not vice versa!
  2. The last day of the term is Decemeber 9th, I think I'm done on the 8th....so what's that, about 4 weeks? Hehe before you But SO much to do between now and then......if I locked myself in my room with my text books now and didn't come out till the end of the term I'm still not sure I'd learn everything I need to.
  3. please give an example of one european or developed country that has a more corrupt political system.... jonathan I will confess to being fairly ignorant of European politics. The country I was primarily thinking of was Mexico. I just don't think because it's flawed and corrupt justifies walking away from it. I think it demands more involvement. I would rather dig in and do what I can than throw up my hands and write it off.
  4. Hehe I am a moron trying to quote people' date=' I never do it right.... [/quote] hahah i fell off my chair laughing when I read that. "A moron trying to quote people." ya, that sounds just like me too!!! and I just see that i fucked up the quote again. i give up Hehe, and we totally hijacked this thread I can't even follow the quotes anymore it's just a jumble! We rock
  5. let me know when you are available and I am totally in. I am done school (finally) in April. Thereafter, I am free at last, free at last.... and down for ANYTHING. oops i fucked up the quotes there but oh well. Hehe I am a moron trying to quote people, I never do it right.... Being done with school is a distant dream! But it will happen and thereafter I'm celebrating with a world tour! A vegan travelling partner would be awesome....if you're patient we can make it happen And Alex, you and K-Oz can be stop number one, if that's ok with Nat of course
  6. I met two (absolutely gorgeous) boys from Germany two weeks ago (and their girlfriends too ) and I heard that about Germany too, the girlfriends are American and have visited over there with the boys, and they all agreed it is just impeccably clean and beautiful. Nat, we should gang up and tour the world together!
  7. All I need is about a thousand dollars and I'm there! I wish....but if I make it to Finland next year for school, I am going on a grand tour of all vegan inhabited countries and visiting ALL of you, whether you want me to or not!!!!
  8. No, that would suck! I always hear things like "Oh, you look just like our nephew Knut!" or "You remind me very much of XY!" I hate that! I seem to have a very average face. Argh! That's why i do bodybuilding! Does Knut do bodybuilding?! Okay, that's not the reason why i do BB... but maybe it's among the infinite reasons I ALWAYS hear that I look like Sandra Bullock. Like, random people on the street will walk up and tell me that....it gets kind of old actually. Even my best friend, who always agreed with me that she didn't see the resemblance either, called awhile back and said she was at a grocery store and saw a tabloid photo of Sandra B and that it looked just like me. I guess there are worse people in the world to be compared to though....
  9. There's a good attitude, I need to think like that too!
  10. Oh, I didn't mean JUST being a hypocrite is worse than JUST eating meat.... sorry, let me clarify.... I mean I think it is worse to call yourself a vegetarian and eat meat (thereby being a hypocrite) than it is to just eat meat and fess up to the fact that you're a creton. Does that make more sense?
  11. Has anyone else seen the music video for "Sugar We're Going Down"? Topher told me about it and he said he liked the band before but saw the video and it was pro-hunting and was turned off by it. But then I saw, the video, and I have a totally different take! I think it was totally anti-hunting and promoted a message of tolerance and compassion! I think the hunting artifacts hung in the background were probably real, and that's gross. The message was still good though I think. Has anyone else seen it, do you have an opinion?
  12. I agree with you Will! I'm all about local, community involvement. (Although sometimes the small elections are the ones I know least about....like sheriff!?! He ran unopposed this year so I voted for him ) I hate that right now I'm in a position where 90%+ of my time is already committed to things that are only beneficial to me - work and school. I am looking for ways to work more in though, especially as elections approach again. I'd love to work on local campaigns, collect signatures, whatever I have to do to help around here. Of course since I'm not registered to vote in the county in which I currently reside, I don't know how that'll work.... Even when I am living down here though I always keep track of my local politics and still vote in my home county/district! Our system isn't perfect, and it may not even be good, but it could be a LOT worse and we've got to work from within to keep things honest and improve what we can. There are good people in politics and I think there are a lot of good intentions, just somewhere along the line as power increases so does corruption. I will NOT give up my belief that that can change though!
  13. Tofu needs an image makeover! First off, happy birthday Crash! Second, that meal sounds fabulous. The moussaka sounds amazing. Go with it! Sidenote- is there much in Greek cuisine that is vegan? Pre-vegan, greek was one of my favorite types of food and I had no problem getting vegetarina stuff. The Greek Cuisina downtown (some of the locals might know where I'm talking about ) was my favorite! Think there's much there I could eat now?
  14. Right on, now I have at least some defense for my copious salt intake Iodine deficiency is a nasty thing when it's severe. I believe it's India that has a particularly bad problem with this, and it leads to horrible deformations and skeletal/muscular problems, all sorts of bad things. I remember seeing a show on it in a class a long time ago. I can't believe it's considered beneficial that a cleaning chemical is 'leeched' into milk that people drink. Even if it's 'just' iodine, that is GROSS.
  15. I hope he comes to his senses madcat. At least he's made an attempt....I think that shows there is hope for him. Maybe it's just a harder transition for some than others. Sounds like he hasn't adapted to ignoring the societal pressures to eat meat. In my observations, it's harder for guys than girls - what I mean by that is, it seems like there are a lot of men out there that almost expect girls to be at least vegetarian, and they just write it off as a girl thing without consideration....but for a guy to be vegetarian or vegan, that catches attention and makes him not 'just one of the boys'. Has anyone else noticed that? I don't mean among other veg's obviously, but around the standard population. So far in my dating history, the boy I loved the most was nicknamed Beefy because of his eating habits....we were an odd pair. He's since changed a lot and no longer eats beef, though he's not a vegetarian. Maybe someday. After him there was the boy that said at the beginning of our 3 years together that he'd give vegetarianism a shot, but didn't until 9 mos. after we broke up and he wanted to impress another vegetarian girl...I stopped talking to him so I don't know how that turned out. And most recently, the boy that I 'like' is vegan friendly, and will eat vegan around me. He even went vegan earlier this year for several months but then slipped back into the meat habit. He says he thinks he could go back to vegan, but I don't know what would motivate him to do so. It certainly wouldn't be interest in me since he's just playing me! He does seem to brag about my veganism to others though, which is weird. Anyway, the point of that is, so far you're doing better than I (or Robert or Topher for that matter) at finding a match, just keep at him. Don't let him be a hypocrite, that's even worse just eating meat. Good luck!!!!!
  16. Darn it, I am LATE! I'll just have to make mine the biggest and brightest to make up for it HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOPHER!!!!! El Senor wishes you the best as well http://blog.kevintodora.com/images/stache.jpg
  17. Sorry That's pretty much my whole memory of it. I know it's a really cute little town, but I'm not useful beyond that. My parents went through there recently and picked up some type of 'hard to find in America' german sausage they were all excited about because they hadn't had it since they moved back to the states....gross
  18. Is that the little bavarian town? I know for sure I've been to Leavenworth but I don't remember it clearly
  19. Check out the raw-vegan thanksgiving thread-some pretty yummy stuff was listed there. I'm also trying to come up with ideas though. I won't have much money for ingredients so I'm on the lookout for very simple dishes that I can take home with me.... I'll see what I can find
  20. This is probably true, I know I've heard people say they just hate exercising, and I don't understand that! I know what I am though is a habit person......when I'm in the habit of working out, I do it all the time and never miss it......but if for some reason I do have to break my routine it is SO hard to get back into it. That's where my motivation issue comes from, I just get set in my ways whether they are good OR bad!
  21. Kalani! SO good to see you back! I didn't jump in on the thread earlier, but I will now....we've really missed you! Welcome back!
  22. OOOOOH, poker! Behind this sweet, angelic face lies a poker genius. Hope you guys know what you're getting into
  23. \Actually ES&S and Diebold control the votes and they are owned by brothers who are right wing shills. Coincidentally exit polls no longer accurately predict outcomes of elections after having worked fine for 20 years. The chances that the 2004 election final tally could have been that far off from the exit polls is less than a million to one. So actually if you want to effect change, you need to understand that voting will have little to nothing to do with it at this point. Yeah, we've all heard the conspiracy theory bit. Maybe there's truth to it, maybe there's not. Most things looks suspicious if you try. HOWEVER - this is the more important point that is going largely unnoticed I think.....there are MORE than just presidential elections in this country The president is a figurehead, some are better than others, but day to day not much is going to change regardless of who is in charge. The place where your vote REALLY MATTERS is at home! What about local elections? And ballot measures! I know Oregon is a very evenly split state, I think we're known for being liberal, but that's only in the Portland area, and Eugene. (Corvallis is mixed) You go east of the Cascades and you're in all rancher redneck territory. We've had some hugely important measures and issues come up, and every time there's a vote it's super close with the condensed Portland area holding one side and the entire rest of the state on the other. Oregon is in the Supreme Court right now over assisted suicide! Portland legalized gay marriage and the rest of the state got pissed and banned it! Medical marijuana is legal here! Everyone one of those was a bitter campaign and vote. Local votes matter Whether or not presidential votes do...true, you're individual voice doesn't stand out as much. That doesn't justify not participating though. If you didn't vote, you don't get to complain about the outcome.
  24. Ugh, I'm sorry your mom is so against you. That's gotta be tough. My parents aren't exactly supportive, but they don't attack me either. They just write me off as weird. They do accomodate me though, which is nice. It's my sister that really thinks I'm a freak!
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