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Everything posted by veggymeggy

  1. Probably depends on your definition of abortion and your understanding of when life begins... no? No. That's a misunderstanding of how hormonal birth control functions. It is designed to prevent the fertilization of an egg by suppressing ovulation, NOT by preventing implantation of a fertilized egg. Read: "How do birth controls with artificial hormones work? Hormonal forms of birth control contain artificial estrogen and/or progestin to mimic the hormones your body produces. Your body then responds to these increased levels of hormones in different ways, all of which can prevent a pregnancy. The main way in which these forms of contraception are designed to work is by suppressing ovulation. The extra hormones also work to thicken your cervical mucus thereby creating a hostile environment for sperm. Both of these methods help to prevent fertilization. " (http://www.epigee.org/guide/medfaq.html#hormones) If you read on, there is some debate over if the primary means of preventing pregnancy fail and an egg does become fertilized, if 'the pill' or what have you then prevents implantation...it is however a completely undecided topic, and really the source of more political debate than scientific.
  2. Interesting link, I'd never given consideration to birth control's veganism! I personally use(when I can afford it ) hormonal birth control but NOT oral, so it's not listed. I am curious now however.
  3. OOOHH I had one other favorite part - "As we know, when it needs food, our body indicates this to us with the feeling of hunger. But there are also other signals if specific nutrients are deficient. Meat is the best source of several nutrients. When our bodies are deficient in these, we become irritable and aggressive. This is a perfectly natural signal built into our genetic make-up over our evolution: our bodies are telling us to go out and kill something to eat. This is why strict vegetarians tend to be so vociferous. It is a trait that was recognised long ago; it was, after all, the vegetarian Cain who killed the carnivorous Abel, not the other way round. The vegan Kikuyu tribe in Kenya were the perpetrators of the murderous Mau Mau in the 1950s, not their wholly carnivorous, but peaceful, neighbours, the Maasai" That is GREAT. I'm still laughing.
  4. Interesting yes, and also crazy! I'm always frustrated when someone endeavors to write an intellectual article and then formulates his arguments in such elementary prose. His points are painfully vague - in every paragraph he jumps from start to conclusion without including the supporting evidence. My favorite was this one in which he tries to shoot down vegetarianism and inadvertently promotes veganism: "Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism carries little or no health risk for its adult adherents (although there may still be risk for children if a bulky, high-fibre, low-fat/protein diet is fed). In this category are those who have given up meat for moral reasons: those who don't like the thought of the slaughter of food animals, but do continue to eat milk, cheese and eggs. Here we have the situation where people who cannot bear the thought of killing animals for food, rely on the rest of us to carry the burden of guilt for them – as the production of milk, cheese and eggs inevitably involves the birth and the death of animals. " I found interesting the chart of comparisons between the digestive system of carnivores, herbivores and humans. I recall seeing the identical set up and comparison on this forum, but with drastically different results. In his chart, humans come out looking like carnivores. In the one I've seen here, obviously the opposite is true. I'm confused as to how that can be. Anyway - thanks for sharing. Frustrating to read, but interesting!
  5. That sounds far too healthy. (And girly. ) I thought you might think that It works with vodka too, similar to a vegan white russian. Which I would drink if bars would carry soy! What can I say? I am nothing if not a girl......which is a good thing because I can't afford to buy my own drinks, and I don't think guys get bought for quite so often
  6. Oh, I have gin and vermouth in the fridge, and a solid nickel shaker that I paid too much for in the freezer. I just don't want to drink something that potent at, lessee, 1:45 a.m. local time. Late at night I go for 'chocolate milk' - my own concoction of soy or rice milk with chocolate liqueur....it's a good dessert before bed
  7. I have not read him, but it sounds interesting. I will look into it, I've been trying to do more reading lately anyway! Catch up on some classics I've missed and whatnot....right now I'm in the middle of On The Road (Kerouac) I shall put that name on the list:D
  8. We have the same ordinances here, but it's 10pm. I used to go over to a friend's house to watch their band practices and we had the cops called any time we went a minute past 10pm. We started stopping at 9pm just to be safe.
  9. It wouldn't be a vacation without one
  10. I'll take the olives on a side plate, and a vodka martini, nice and dry. Oh, and a sexy vegan boy too. Let's not be cheap here Actually - sidenote, my favorite bar is a total dive bar but it's "Cheers" to me....and it makes the BEST hummus. (It's owned by a greek family). Totally awesome to be able to go into a bar that has more than fried meat for late night snacks.
  11. Good for you CrispyQ! Nat is right, we are all here for support, and Alex wins for best ass kicker
  12. But the real question is, are you a gin or a vodka girl? I'm slowly regaining my ability to drink gin after the world's worst night my freshman year of college....that was a learning experience. Generally, I'm a Grey Goose vodka kind of girl. And I like 'em dry. Tanqueray Ten is tolerable for gin though. Kourtney - are you vegan now? yes, that is the REAL question isnt it. I like both vodka and gin martinis. The vodka must DEFINITELY be Grey Goose, and I prefer Bombay Saphhire Gin (tangueray 10 is alright). I used to hate gin but I started liking it when I tasted a dirty gin martini. Gin and olive juice go very well together. But to be fair to vamp, going from the standard american carnivorous diet to strict vegan in one shot isnt easy, so kourtney, dont be hard on yourself if you arent fully vegan yet. I KNOW you will get there soon, because, as you put, any girl who isnt vegan is sick (i LUV that as you can probably tell by now). Same goes for Michelle. I have SO MUCH respect for both you guys who are striving to go from carnivore STRAIGHT to vegan -- with no vegetarian in between time!!!! Seriously, that is amazing. I think most of the rest of us on this site (though by no means all of us) were vegetarian before we went fully vegan. Oooh, yeah Bombay Sapphire is good too. Those are the only two that don't make me feel like I'm eating a juniper bush. Lord knows I did my time as a vegetarian! I've no doubt it's an eaiser conversion to go from meat to vegetarian to vegan than straight there. Muchos kudos to those who do!
  13. But the real question is, are you a gin or a vodka girl? I'm slowly regaining my ability to drink gin after the world's worst night my freshman year of college....that was a learning experience. Generally, I'm a Grey Goose vodka kind of girl. And I like 'em dry. Tanqueray Ten is tolerable for gin though. Kourtney - are you vegan now?
  14. *deep breaths, deep breaths* As either of my roommates can tell you, I get IRATE when it comes to reproductive issues, pharmacy, the FDA....one only needs to venture over to my MySpace blogs to see what I'm talking about...I'm constantly ranting about these very things. I cannot imagine a job where one can refuse to do the perfectly legal demands of the work. F#$&(*$ing ridiculous. I forget what they're called....conscience clauses or something like that? That states are enacting to let pharmacists off the hook for this behavior? Birth control pills and emergency contraception are vitally important drugs! And if the right wants to prevent abortions, I think they ought to be passing them out as quickly as possible, not PREVENT access to them!!!!!! I get SO angry!!!!
  15. That would be awesome. Italian and Greek food are my favourites. That WOULD be awesome. Life without Greek food just wouldn't be worthwhile ...and Italian, and Indian, and Mexican. MMMMMMM. I think I love food just a little too much!
  16. Ha, who calls them A-tops? Hanes? Wifebeater does indeed originate from all the programs where they show domestic disputes and the guy is invariably wearing such a tank top and drinking cheap beer. (at least as far as I know) Vulgar perhaps, but nonetheless, a wifebeater it is.
  17. no no you must point out exactly who is who wearing what?? is Jonathan in the red t-shirt looking away from the camera? Topher is of course the half naked guy on the left. It would never be any other way with Topher
  18. That one is my all time favorite. Makes me think of a certain boy I once loved.... I'm hopeless! Two Princes, btw, is also awesome.
  19. I think of the gym as my ME time. I like to have a workout buddy to get me motivated to go, but once I'm there I zone out and do my thing. Especially cardio work outs. I get some of my best thinking done when I"m doing cardio
  20. That makes me feel better, those are the only 2 I know right off hand too!
  21. vamp, i like the way you put that. so simple yet so to the point. ya, I drink a lil - a glass of wine once in a while with a nice dinner cannot hurt. I even dont mind an ice cold beer on a hot day or a dirty martini. I may have one drink like once every couple fo weeks or something. dont hate me because I like my wines or my dirty martinis Hmm, the wine I'm down with but diry martinis....that's a different story! I remember once I was at a bar and guy bought me one, and I took one sip and almost gagged....it was like drinking pure olive brine. But I choked it down anyway cuz he had bought it for me afterall, and I'm a nice girl. A nice girl perfectly happy to stick to a simple vodka tonic.
  22. I don't even know if we have MTV....I watch almost no TV and when I do it is C-Span or EPSN or the History Channel! I'm a nerd. Whatever video it is that I"m referring to, and I'm not even sure what it is I saw on their webpage MTV is pretty lame if you ask me... Dance Dance is probalby my favorite song on their new album though! Good call!
  23. Why do you like the music but not the band? That's confusing.... GOLDFINGER ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! They are totally down with veganism and compassion and anti-cruelty and all that stuff. And they did that video awhile back.....urg what was it called? The one with the animal clips.... I saw them at a concert in 2000........hmmmm, happy memory, that was a good night! (for a multitude of reasons) Anyways......
  24. Hope you didn't have any math classes this term Unless the one that can't counte is me.......but I hope not, since my number was smaller
  25. Can I come too? I'll be finished with school about the same time as Megan...indefinately hehe. Isn't that feeling of having no idea when you can escape just AWESOME? Just gotta keep at it....gotta keep going....I tell myself this everyday! But you're totally invited
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