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Everything posted by veggymeggy

  1. Yeah, Topher's got me by maybe half an inch? I think? We're right about the same size. I used to hate being so damn tall....I still don't love it but I think I've gotten used to it. I used to refuse to date guys shorter than me and I finally just stopped caring cuz there isn't an abundance of guys taller than me. Buying pants though - now there's a whole different issue. Why can't women's sizes be like men, where you select by waist AND inseam, not just waist! All women do not have the same length legs, HELLO! *sigh* anyway.......sorry to get all off topic guys Maybe I'll take my rant about womens clothing elsewhere
  2. Isn't anything that has to be labeled to be known as vegan a pre-processed convenience food? Seems to me you either have whole foods, which you know are vegan and don't need labels (e.g. an apple) or you have foods that have been made by some company and either have to be labeled or you have to check the ingredients - thereby being a 'pre-processed convenience' item.
  3. I'm 150... unfortunately it's not primarily muscle. how does being 150lbs and female constitute being huge? kathryn is 145lbs and she is anything but huge. johanna, over on vegan fitness (german international rugby player) is 175lbs+ and she looks great. i hate it that women who are say 5'9" are expected to be 125lb. its unfair and unhealthy. jonathan Amen to that. I'm an easy 5'11" and I'd probably die before I got down to 125lbs...yet that's exactly what fashion models are. My height, that weight. Scary.
  4. Away from the teacher note - There's nothing I love more than a good softball game! I miss the days of practicing 6 days a week in the spring and summer, 3-4 days a week all winter, travelling to tournaments on weekends, playing 4 games a day when it's 100 degrees outside, dust in my mouth, sweat, big ole strawberries on my legs and bruises everywhere, that sounds when my glove snaps shut, the feel of someone sliding right into me and knowing I got there first EVERYTHING! *sigh* Can't wait for spring when I can at least start playing rec ball again....if I can find a team this year I just found out Portland has dodgeball and kickball teams too, how cool is that!? Might have to get in on that too..... Mine isn't as noble as teaching or loving animals, but man do I wish I could get out and play some ball right now...........
  5. Hrmm. Cardio workouts are easy enough, you can go for a run or a walk anywhere. Weights though, I'm not too sure about...there's usually good ways to improvise in a pinch though. And resistance bands are very portable, those might be good to bring along if you have them. As long as there is a grocery store around you should be ok for food though right?
  6. Too true, too true. But I was referring to the sorts of drugs that are illegal. None of those. Ever. I went through a phase at around 13 when I thought smoking weed would be cool....but I could never bring myself to do it because I didn't want to do anything that could damage my lung capacity, and therefore damage my sports abilities. Grew out of that phase, and never have tried it or anything else, not even cigarettes. But, also when I was still playing ball, I would take 6-8 ibuprofen at a time to deal with my knee....that was bad news. Doctor started making me do blood tests to make sure I my liver was still functioning fully and whatnot. Now I just deal with it and only take OTC's when absolutely necessary.
  7. No, just meant that my favorite bar is 'Cheers'-like to me. It's not fancy or trendy, just a regular ole bar, but I know everyone and it feels homey ...except all my favorite bartenders have left over the last few months, and I haven't been there since right after school started
  8. Totally awesome cardio session today. Need to hunt down weight room #2 at the gym. It's semi-secret and supposedly never busy.....and since the meatheads in the weight room are one of the things I hate about lifting at the school gym, I think finding weight room #2 would be quite beneficial to me. Tomorrow's goal: find the other weight room!
  9. No drugs, only fine liquors
  10. My concern is that I'd be working within an organization, probably a clinic or hospital, and that my superiors would expect me to advise clients/patients based on their standard nutrition guidelines. If someone came to me requesting veg counseling that's one thing but if I recommend it myself - I'm afraid that might not go over well - I could be wrong. I've always thought that as someone in the nutrition field I would have a chance to promote veganism as an 'expert' - and that appeals to me. I'm flummoxed. I can always come back to the nutrition part once I'm established in a career though. I consider education to be a lifelong process, so I think maybe I could pursue exercise science now, because I know I can get through school no problem and I do love it, and if I still want to do nutrition I can go straight into grad school for it....you don't need a BS nutrion to get your MS. Plus, as a personal trainer, I still get to make dietary advice..... And, as a PE teacher, personal trainer, or physical therapist, I'm still helping make people healthier, and that's my ultimate goal, the whole reason I know health sciences is the path for me....
  11. I know my love of exercise science isn't temporary because I've always been interested in it - I was always an athlete so knowing stuff about the body and exercise was always important. Like I said, my original decision was between physical therapy and being a dietician.....I'm just hesitating to undertake another major change like this, but I know if I'm going to do it NOW is the time, I can't wait any longer....
  12. So I've been really debating this lately. Right now my major is Nutrition, dietetics option, and my minor is in Exercise Physiology. I'm starting to wonder if as a vegan nutrition isn't a good path for me to go down. I could never advise someone to consume meat/animal as part of their diet, and yet I won't be ablet to get through school without at least pretending that those things are ok so as to pass my classes. Then once I'm out, the only way I could support veganism through dietetics is through private practice, which just isn't realistic coming straight out of college. I'll need several years of clinical experience, and to get through grad school. Basically, many years down the road I might be able to counsel in favor of veganism, but for a long time between now and then I'd have to play along with more 'mainstream' dietary advice. Also - dietetics turns out to be a lot more chemistry than I find enjoyable or interesting. On the other hand, exercise science is currently my minor, and I LOVE it. I love anatamoy, I love kinesiology, and I find those classes to be the ones I'm really drawn towards. Back when I first chose my major, it was a toss up for me between pursuing physical therapy or dietetics, and I'm wondering if I should have gone the other way. I'm still not sure phys therapy is where I want to go, but getting my exercise science degree would set me up beautifully to roll right into personal training, which my old trainer always pushed me towards because she thought I'd be really good at it, or even getting into PE school work, like in high school or something - I could definitely see myself going that way. My family has always said I should be a teacher. I don't know, moral of the story is right now I'm confused and frustrated with school, and feeling like I really need to make a decision about this ASAP to save myself from being here any longer than I have to. Right now I could switch without too much extra time in school, but if I wait even another term..... someday I just want to graduate!!!!! Please advise........
  13. OHHHH now you're in trouble!!!! I can't imagine what voice you might say that in! Don't be a POC like you know who.
  14. Unless you're pronouncing it Gully-ermo you probably want to throw another L in there, and switch the I. Try Guillermo
  15. As everyone in our little apartment knows, I am just "Vegetable" (abbreviated as, "Vegetable"- to Topher) - christened by the boy at our first meeting, and it stuck. The rest of my friends call me: Megs Veg Ruth Meggers Megaroo O'Con Ms. O'Connor (I have one friend in particular we're always jokingly very formal) And, my personal favorite, The Big O (though sadly the originator of that one had to be kicked out of my life, so it doesn't get used much anymore) That covers the most common ones I think. I answer to any of the above.
  16. Cool!! 92% average error: 17 miles 375 seconds I'd have been screwed if I had to start with TN, KY or any of those midwestern states. 82%, avg error of 33 miles, and 262 seconds to complete..... Better than I expected!!! And I had to start with Illinois, which I consider as part of the middle. As it turns out the only state I had NO idea where it is is Delaware....without that one my average error would have been a lot smaller, but apparently Delaware is a few hundred miles to the South of where I thought it was
  17. Funny this post is here, I was just reminiscing about these places today: (all on the McKenzie River in Oregon, just a few miles apart) http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a209/veggymeggy/DSCN0202.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a209/veggymeggy/DSCN0213.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a209/veggymeggy/DSCN0221.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a209/veggymeggy/DSCN0229.jpg So peaceful and beautiful....
  18. I know someone who thinks exactly the same and eats it's directly out of the can Or on anything... baked apple with spray cream comes to my mind here - or rather, spray-can cream with apples Wow-oh wow. I want this. So awesome. Something else I thought I would no longer have as a vegan, but no, some smart vegan has gone and made sure I can still get my fix
  19. Everyone already knows this, but just so I can participate in this thread ... 22 years old (yikes) and currently residing in Corvallis, Oregon (which would be OR, Jonathan), but home is Beaverton/Portland. I think the other abbreviations already posted have been MD -Maryland, PA-Pennsylvania, WV-West Virginia, NC-North Carolina, if that helps. And if you know the geography of the US then you are indeed better than most, because even I can't place all 50 states. I could at one point back in grade school, but now I just have a general idea. Plus, if it's in "the middle" I tend to ignore it. I don't have much use for the middle.
  20. I've heard hypothesis of this nature before, interesting. I myself have never lived in a 'warm climate' exactly, but my food can never be hot enough. Seriously. I put hot sauce on everything. When I go to Thai restaurants the waiters give me funny looks because I'm this young not-thai girl asking for their hottest stuff and they don't think I can handle it - but I'm no sissy
  21. No My schedule has been all over the place so I haven't been able to make it to the gym often, and my knee has been really unstable lately...I'm not sure what's going on with it, but even doing the elliptical machine has been difficult as of late. Nonetheless, I intend to proceed. I WILL be running shortly. Winter break will help! I'll have more free time for the gym. Can't wait...........
  22. I should have thought of that! Darn it.
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