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Everything posted by veggymeggy

  1. I'm jealous! I've yet to meet (in person) a suitable vegan candidate for dating, ever! But, quite happy for you Topher. She's way cute.
  2. i agree. on a tangent... what about domestication of humans? are you willing to give up being domesticated? I'm about as undomesticated as they come.....just ask any guy I've ever dated (Aside from the fact that I keep a super clean house that is. I'm a bit anal that way )
  3. I can see being against domestication, but the problem is that it's already happened, and there are now and overabundance of domesticated animals that either aren't capable of living on their own, or would face grave dangers (as previously mentioned) if they were allowed to. So, what do you do? Take a moral stand against domestication, but there are so many helpless animals out there- They've become dependant on us, and I want to help the ones that I can (by bringing them into my home, as I have). They're safer and healthier. I cringe everytime I see roadkill, but even more so when it's a domestic animal that someone neglected to care for.
  4. The new food labeling laws going into effect require only that a product have less than a half gram of trans fats per serving to be labeled as 'trans fat free'. If a product is labeled as such and still has hydrogenated oils in it, it fall into that category (not 100% trans fat free, but less than half a gram per serving). Silly if you ask me. Trans fat free should mean trans fat FREE, but I guess it makes it easier on food manufacturers.
  5. Shampoo/conditioner: ABBA. It's awesome. 100% vegan (on purpose no less). Smells amazing. And my hair has NEVER been softer. A little bit spendy, but no worse than Paul Mitchell.
  6. I met some fabulous new friends and passed time with old firends at the party of a friend's friend. Good times! Partied the night away, slept the day away - I'm satisified that 2006 has been sufficiently welcomed. -Wasn't able to get new boots, but as I didn't make it downtown afterall, it's ok. Still looked pretty hot in the old ones
  7. I was already eyeing that same pair I do believe we have a Fredericks, the trick though is having boots I want in stock, in my size. That's the part that gets me every time! They would be lovely though! I'll have to see if a trip to that side of town is feasible in the itinerary.
  8. Good choice! I quite like the pants outfit. Smokin hot Though the dresses are lovely as well. I like them both - not sure if I'd call that a "brick" red, but whatever I'm trying to figure out where I can get some stiletto knee-highs by tomorrow. My current pair of boots will suffice if need be, but I'm really feeling the stiletto heel right now. Might be hard to come by on short notice though Good luck with the camera
  9. You're leaving out important details! How are they different stylistically? What's the cut? Length? Fabric???? Also - what accessories? Shoes, jewelry? These things are very important and could make all the difference! You know this! I myself am shopping tomorrow. I haven't the faintest idea what to wear, but I do believe I'll be ending up in clubs downtown, so I'm thinking denim mini, high boots, and a cleavage-licious something or other top. We shall see.
  10. Oooh oooh I wanna see!!! A friend of mine is getting another tomorrow, and I'm gonna tag along.....we'll see if I come back looking the same as when I leave
  11. I read the whole thread, and I think they're crazy. I can't stand forums that disallow debate. Violet, I think it's perfectly clear you were not personally attacking but trying to make a general point. I don't think your general point is as clear as it could be, but it's nonetheless clearly not an attack. Richard, I think you clarified it even further. I'm not sure what everyone is so offended about; I didn't seee anything offensive in any of your posts. Not a very welcoming community it seems!
  12. "5 a day" has been around a loooong time. They may have newer research to beat it to death, but as long as I can remember "5 a day" has been pretty much everywhere.
  13. Topher and I went to see the Chronicles of Narnia last night. It was good! But, the whole way through, one thing kept really bothering us. The 4 kids in the movie are wearing FUR coats, while ANIMALS are saving their lives and protecting them! At one point one of the children even makes a joke about turning the helpful Mr. Beaver into a hat. I know from reading the book that it's in the original that they're wearing the furs, but serious, did no one else see the hypocrisy in wearing animals as they protect and shelter you? It was quite a bothersome nagging detail. However, we did see some pretty cool previews. Like Hoot! It's an animal liberation movie! (of sorts) Or Over the Hedge, it shows what happens when suburbia takes over natural habitat. We were pretty suprised and pleased at the previews! Just not at the stupid, stupid fur coats.
  14. Ash, you crack me up. Love the diet! Good luck with the boy
  15. Oooh good catch! I did mean 2006 obviously! How ditzy of me
  16. Is coming to town (Portland) on 1/5/05 and I am SO going to be there. As previously mentioned, John of Goldfinger is vegan, and I believe other members of the band are various forms of vegetarian. He's down with animal rights, and has done videos and promotions for Peta, etc. Saw them in 2000 at the Crystal with my high school sweetheart. One of the best shows I've ever been to! Now almost 6 years later (and 4 years post break up with the high school sweetheart) he and I are going to see them again, at the Roseland. I am indescribably excited! One of my favorite bands, with one of my favorite persons, at one of my favorite venues. I'm a happy girl
  17. I had a weird moment of panic this morning. I stayed up late and slept in until noon today.... And I woke up completely disoriented, and FREAKING OUT because I thought I'd missed all my morning classes. Then I realized, I'm done! AHAHAHAA. (evil laugh). But seriously. It wasn't good for my heart to start the morning like that. I haven't even had a chance to really celebrate, I've been at work full time since before finals were over. Anyone else having any winter break fun? I do have a concert coming up on the 5th though....Goldfinger! I'm pretty psyched. Saw them back in 2000 with my highschool sweetheart, and it's him and I going again this year. Awwww. Can't wait!
  18. Heeeeeey, I remember reading this article (in the original newspaper) when I went home for Thanksgiving. At the time I was planning on cutting it out to show you and Topher, and I totally forgot. Guess you found it anyway!
  19. Heh, I thought of this thread the other night as I headed out in some ripped up jeans with gold heels on. New hair too. It went over well. Many positive reactions
  20. I've probably posted pics of these two elsewhere on the site, but I love to show them off, so here are some more This is Cava, my shelter kitty. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. She was wide alert in her shelter cage, and the moment I walked in she made eye contact and just kept watching me....it was like she KNEW I'd be the one to take her home. I don't know too much about her life before me. She was brought in as a stray with her litter of kittens, all of whom died I believe. She's somewhere around 2 years old I'm guessing. She's a little shy, but once she warms up to you she will demand your attention. Even gives (gentle) nips if she feels neglected! http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a209/veggymeggy/iChatImageHBr.jpg This is Queso, my first kitty. She is MY kitty in everyway. She follows me like a shadow, greets me at the door when I come home, and hops in my lap everytime I sit down. She's become slightly less dependant now that we've been living in the same place for awhile again (we were quite transient this last year), but still clingy and lovey. The pair of them hate closed doors! Cava has figured out how to open a lot of doors around here, but if they can't get it open, they'll just sit outside and paw at it until someone lets them in. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a209/veggymeggy/101_0153.jpg
  21. Hmmm, is this the same cat who has a crush on Rob? Naaah, Rob thinks Cava has a thing for him, but really she stares like that at everyone She just huge, wide open eyes (Plus it's Topher whose side she never leaves...she's completely latched onto him! Sits on his head while he sleeps )
  22. Exactly, Yay for super feminine Vegan Women! Jeans and heels (actually 4" high heeled boots) is what I wear to work most days. Compash, seems we may have quite a bit in common. I try to keep the heels under 3inches, just because that by itself puts me at 6'2" ...but hell yes for jeans and heels You can count me in as super girly vegan chick #3
  23. Person actually. And now a brand. But first a person. But hooray for translation errors, they're always good for a smile. Just ask thin thin what's his name him, were it not for that translation he'd never know how to sign off his posts.
  24. Aww, hooray for more locals (even if you are currently displaced- I am too) Welcome!
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