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Everything posted by veggymeggy

  1. Kourtney - of COURSE it was ok that you came up! Silly! I came up the night before my birthday, went out with Dave, and ran into a group of 5 guys that I knew from middle school! We all remembered each other though I didn't recognize them all at first....wow, people change between 13 and 22! - I apparently look exactly the same though...not sure if that's good or bad? Anyway, it was a wonderful coincidence, and one of those guys managed to make it out Saturday night with us again, it was great catching up with old friends! I had a lovely dinner Robert and my dad really hit it off! (Which took the pressure off Dave, thanks Rob ) I can't believe how much food my mom made. I'll have her email me recipes, I know Nat has been wanting to get the gnocchi recipe up! She made gnocchis with 'butter' and sage sauce, and with a red sauce, and she sauteed some kale, baked (I think?) some butternut squash, put out TONS of appetizers....it was amazing. There was food everywhere. And my card! Card doesn't even begin to describe it! I got a giant posterboard, complete with photos of my two favorite vegans, and sporting mustaches no less! Plus stickers, the giant El Senor heart with the giant mustache...truly, I can't describe it. I'll have to take a photo Earlier in the day Dave and I took my mom to the Hillsboro farmer's market, which is somewhere I hadn't been in YEARS. It was good, nostalgic fun for me. Unfortunately the apple cider guy wasn't there so after we dropped my mom off we just went to Whole Foods and managed to get some good cider there....but I really wanted it from the farmer....oh well I did get several pounds of fresh apples though, lots of squash, raw soybeans....I love the farmer's market! Dave wanted to kill me for dragging him out of bed so early and driving from downtown Portland to Hillsboro "just to buy apples" as he put it....but it was worth it Unfortunately not all of my friends were able to make it out that night, but I still managed to get a few people together to go out to a club, and we stayed out late having a good time. Got back late, fell asleep, then we were up early for Dave's soccer game. I'd never been to one before and I now have a new admiration of soccer...it was awesome! All in all, it was a good birthday I'm so glad the boys and Kourtney were able to come up. Now I just have to recover from all the fun
  2. As Topher mentioned - out of nowhere the forum suddenly stopped loading on my computer, and it's the ONLY website that's doing it. I haven't been on in 2 days due to this! Withdrawal! But, then today it suddenly seems ok again....I have no idea what's going on. Topher was trying some stuff out yesterday to fix it and nothing was helping, then today, it's ok. Beats me! I just hope it doesn't start being a problem again, I need my forum fix!
  3. I went to a soccer game this weekend to watch a friend play....I was impressed!!! I had much more fun than I thought I would. I think soccer could grow on me. It's more aggressive than I realized, and I love that Plus the guys were HOT Now I'm kind of mad that it's a sport I can't play - I can't make sudden changes of directions on my knee at ALL, and very limited amounts of running. So - I'm not a convert yet - I'm not sure I can love a sport I can't play - but I admire it more now It's still not ok to ditch me for it though!
  4. You guys are so wonderful! Thank you so much!!!! I wish you could all be here to share in my vegan feast. I'm at my parents' house right now, and there is delicious food all over the place....I can't wait for Topher, Dave, and Robert to get here so I can dig in! Thank you again! I am having a wonderful birthday, and it's so nice that my vegan 'family' remembered!!!
  5. Aha! I was wondering why you guys aren't home!
  6. I keep staying up too late and sleeping through my 5am alarm! I wish I could sleep later but it looks like the only time to get a good workout in is EARLY in the morning....if I wait, I have no time! SO - Robert and Topher have agreed to get me out of bed. I slept too late this morning so Robert woke me up before he left, which was at 7:15am...that's not TOO late, I've managed to be pretty productive so far today. Tomorrow though - Topher promised to make sure I'm out of bed at 5am, and he said he can be a real a**hole about it, so I'm sure it'll work!!!
  7. Oooh that does sound good. It has a few more ingredients than what we made - which probably makes it better, but as poor as I am I'm always going for least number of ingredients possible to make it as cheap as possible....but I think except for the mustard those are all things we have here anyway, so I'll have to give that version a try!!!!
  8. Except for when they go bad in the fridge because we forget they're there.....
  9. Last night Topher and I decided to try to make our own mac and 'cheese', but we didn't know how.....I remember seeing a cheese recipe on the forum, but when I went back and read it I wasn't sure if it would be right for mac and cheese so we went on an internet hunt for ideas.... This is what we came up with! 1/4c Tahini 2c water 3T lemon juice 1/2c nutritional yeast 1/3 quick oats 1T onion powder -Blend all ingredients on high for one minute -pour into saucepan and cook on med until thickened It was super easy, I dumped everything in the blender, then into a saucepan, Topher cooked the noodles, then we combined! It turned out really good! Except - I think it's maybe supposed to be 1 teaspoon onion powder not 1 tablespoon because it's really onion-y .....but still good! It was the perfect consistency, and it made lots! I added lots of hot sauce to mine so it even came out cheesy colored. But anyway - it was really cheap too. We didn't have the tahini, onion powder, or lemon juice on hand, but we got it all for 4.50, and have plenty left over....we could eat mac and cheese for a month now! - Oh, and results of the vegan gnocchi sauce with recipes coming soon! After Saturday!
  10. Me too, but I have to do it a lot more often than you! I can't believe how much weight you can lift. I'll bet just your pinky finger is bigger than my whole bicep!
  11. Do you think either Brendan or Tanya would be able to make it too? Afterall, they ARE the vegan fitness team (+Robert). That'd be pretty awesome if they came....Tanya seems super fun I'm really sorry I missed my chance to meet her and Brendan (Still kicking myself for going to that softball game!)
  12. I was going through a bunch of old notebooks and such and came across a 'certificate' I won in the 8th grade..... I was voted Most Opinionated! Somethings never change Probably true though....I was veggy even then, and the only 13 year old I knew that actually gave a damn about the world.....(and not just my lil clique)...and I have a habit of letting my opinions be known!
  13. I've never bought a lottery ticket before! I'm not even sure how to! It would be kind of neat to win....but did you know lottery winners file bankruptcy at a higher rate than the general public? Most people just don't know what to do with the money once they have it! I always imagine that if I did someday win the lottery (after figuring out how to buy a ticket ) that I would try to keep it completely quiet. Usually the media gets a hold of big winners, but I would request that not to happen, I wouldn't tell my family or friends, I would just start putting checks in the bank. I'd get myself a financial advisor (like Dave, hehe(sorry if you don't know who I'm talking about, he's a friend of Rob's who happens to be a financial advisor)) Anyway - so I'd start investing it, keep working my regular job and only use lotto money if I need it to stay afloat, and by the end of my life I hope I would have had enough time to a)significanly increase my wealth and b) figure out the best way to disseminate it. I could just start giving it away immediately, but I like the idea of increasing the amount over time so I have more to donate. I wouldn't want to be famous for it, what a hassle! Plus, I wouldn't want to make any hasty decisions, I'd want to figure out who needs the money the most and where it would be most useful. Oh, and of course I'd want to make sure my family and friends were cared for. Anyway - that'd be my plan
  14. What can you do to specifically work the rotator cuff?
  15. Mmmm, sugar...... Thanks! I also see that stuff often, good to know!
  16. its funny that you mentioned that... I didnt move all the way across the country for nothing ::secret secret:: Whoa, how'd I get out of the loop on this one? I know no secret..... Silly Topher
  17. Don't forget about me! The minute I finish school, I am out of Corvallis and back to Portland!!!! Welcome to the forum
  18. What about the Germans? We have lots of them too.... Anyways, welcome! Lovely to have you here! I love seeing new members, it means more friends
  19. Thanks for the kind words and support guys I don't know if my outlook on life is any better than anyone else's - I'm just glad for all the things I do have and wanted to share!
  20. It's true, I've seen that also. They're making another movie with old man Sly, about Rocky coming out of retirement for one last fight...something...something...something. I don't know the details, but apparently there WILL be another Rocky film
  21. Mmmmm, I do love ketchup on pretty much everything!
  22. Thanks for all the input guys. It seems like there are a lot of different opinions about this! I will have to give it some thought I came across another thing I wanted to ask about too! I realized last night that I have a strand of pearls that were a high school graduation gift from my sister. They're real pearls, so obviously they're not vegan. HOWEVER, given that they were a gift, from close family, to commemorate a special event, I don't feel right about getting rid of them. Any thoughts???? I would be ok with wearing them if they were fake, and it's a gorgeous necklace, but I don't want to be seen as hypocritical if I wear them and I don't want to lie and say they're fake when they're not. What to do?
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