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DeadLift personal best

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Today i got up 405 without straps or grip aid. I'm pretty stoked about it becasue March of this year was the first i ever trained deads and was extremely weak. I use over under grip without chalk. My grip is still behind, so i'm working hard on that, so i'll be at 455 in no time. Now i got to get to mans weight over 500 without grip aid.

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I don't do 1RM. Its psychological, I'm afraid of failure.


I'm the same way. But I just started deadlifting about 2 months ago, hopefully I will try to max it out soon.

Currently my best lift is 120 kg x 7. If I would try a 1RM what weight should I try?

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Good deadlifting, Couture547. Regarding the chalk, at my old gym I just kept the chalk in my workout bag, used small amounts, and tried not to leave clouds of the stuff everywhere. No one said anything, but some gyms are probably more strict/watchful than others. The best option would just be to find a new gym, of course


I'm the same way. But I just started deadlifting about 2 months ago, hopefully I will try to max it out soon.

Currently my best lift is 120 kg x 7. If I would try a 1RM what weight should I try?


Might be a better way, but I'd just warm-up as normal, hit 120 for a single, then 130, then 140, etc.

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I don't do 1RM. Its psychological, I'm afraid of failure.


I'm the same way. But I just started deadlifting about 2 months ago, hopefully I will try to max it out soon.

Currently my best lift is 120 kg x 7. If I would try a 1RM what weight should I try?

Jackal's Gym Max Calculator


264lb/120kgx7=324.984 pound = 147.410 262 77 kilogram


One Repetition Max Calculator


264lb/120kgx7=317 pound = 143.788 781 29 kilogram


When I get bored and I like to do addition and conversions on my free time.

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Yeah in KG. That's a good total, would put you in 17th place I think, 485kg or so.



My bench is pretty soild at 315-325 range, but have a ways to go on squats and deads. My squat is in the ball park of 350 on a full squat. WIth a belt on i bet i could do more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I got 606lbs last night, no straps.


Guy who started training with me hit an easy 400lbs, bodyweight is 154lbs. He's only been squatting and deadlifting for a month!



606 is amzing for no straps. whats yout weight? what's your friend do for a living? manual laber. There are alot of manual laber guys that never totch weight yet they can deadlift a shit load becasue they have function strength. how tall is he?

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606 is amzing for no straps. whats yout weight? what's your friend do for a living? manual laber. There are alot of manual laber guys that never totch weight yet they can deadlift a shit load becasue they have function strength. how tall is he?

I'm about 220lbs.


My friend's an IT guy, not a manual labourer. He does play some (field) hockey though, and he's quite fast. I reckon he's 5'10 or so, he's thin. I didn't think he'd have such a good deadlift in him. By the way 400lbs went up he must have more in there too.


Sometimes having no preconceptions of what is heavy can help. The only guy he's seen deadlift is me so he doesn't consider what he's lifting to be heavy. If he went into a gym where no-one deadlifted heavy he'd show too much respect to the weight and it would defeat him.

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Today i got up 405 without straps or grip aid. i'll be at 455 in no time. Now i got to get to mans weight over 500 without grip aid.
Messed around with deads last week, pulled 330 with good form.

I know I can easily get into the 400's in a month or so.

I'm pretty new to the forum, but I think I'm seeing how it works.


When you lift a weight, you add a hundred pounds to get the "true strength"?

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  • 3 weeks later...

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