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New thing that makes you NEVER get your period again!

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I'm always reluctant to pump my body full of hormones. Something that would disrupt my body's natural pattern for such extended periods of time freaks me out totally. I'm a stickler for the theory that for every new advancement there is an equally adverse reaction - however many years down the road. Perhaps the short term gains would be worth the future consequences...I guess it's a personal thing...


I agree. It's best not to fool with mother nature.


There are certain foods that can help with hormonal irregularities, if you have aweful PMS. Like maca root.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ITs no good you have to suffer like you do.

In a lot of women, a fit body reduces symptoms or makes them plain go away all together.


I wonder if you let them investigate? Going to the emergency room sounds a bit like poly cystic ovaries, (little harmless cysts on the ovaries) that will certainly increase discomfort, it will create an inbalance of hormones in your system that exaggerates the female discomforts...


but also, if a cyst gets large enough and bursts, it's likely to cause the kind of pain that sent you to the emergency room

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but also, if a cyst gets large enough and bursts, it's likely to cause the kind of pain that sent you to the emergency room


Hey Sam!


Yup, that is exactly what happened apparently when I had to go to emerg. The cyst burst and bled into some other cavity that it shouldnt have bled into, causing excruciatingly painful stomhac cramping.


I gotta deal with this issue once and for all. Is there a cure for theese kinds of problems that you know of off hand?


Unfortunately, fitness doesnt seem to make a difference for my cramps from hell.


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In my readings on the subject of menses, I found considerable literature regarding Siberian Ginseng. I introduced my wife to several brands but she now swears by a 100% natural product called "Sibergin". What this is basically, is the highest quality Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) commercially available. Botanically related to the Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), the 'eleutherosides' in Siberian Ginseng positively affect hormone levels and tone the large uterine muscle. These properties make it potentially valuable for easing certain menstrual difficulties and menopausal symptoms. Make sure you purchase the "Sibergin" brand (comes in a red/white octagonal long tube). It is expensive ($1.00 per capsule), but my own experience with the product for combating stress and fatigue, has shown me that it has much merit in those areas alone.

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I know how you feel about wanting to never have a period again. I certainly wouldn't miss it at all, and whenever it comes I always have to complain again about being a woman. Fortunately I never get cramps that severe were I can't get through them without painkillers, but they do suck. I usually get them bad the first couple days then they ease up. Usually make me want to stay in bed and I can't walk around with good posture anymore, just hunched.


The thing that seems to help me the most when I get them bad is fasting mostly. Just drinking a ton of water and maybe a little fruit but that's it. It's not hard cause I loose my appetite anyways with the bad stomach cramps and my digestion gets all screwed up anyways. The only downside is that I get much weaker without the food, I guess cause my body needs more iron, calcium, magnesium etc. at that time. I never thought about doing crunches, I guess I will try that next time. Before I had done a ton of crunches right before my period and had some pretty bad DOMS in my abs by the time it came which made it all that much worse and painful. I'll try them during though. I can't stand how I have to take 4-6 days off in a row from working out each month.


I heard that magnesium helps ease cramps. Foods high in magnesium are greens and chocolate is very high. Maybe just add some cocoa powder to some hot water or a shake or something. Red raspberry leaf tea is good too. And ginger.


Bioflavanoids are supposed to help too. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and citrus and citrus pith. Maybe that's why the raw diet helps so much. Vitamin K is good too (greens), it's supposed to help lessen the amount of bleeding etc.


I'm scared of the hormone drugs. I had some shot when I was younger that was supposed to last 3 months and it turned me into a mad woman. I was always irritated, upset, emotional and I had irregular periods, spotting in between etc. It took over a year to get completely regular again. It was horrible.


There are natural plant hormones that can help and are much safer and balancing or something or whatever. Here is a good one from a vegan organic company.





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  • 4 weeks later...

If you smoke (which I'm sure you don't) give it up,as for coffee, sugary foods, chocolate. Jogging is excellent, any aerobic exercise at all in fact. Any foods that can cause inflamation should be eliminated, being a vegan doesn't necessarily mean that we eat healthy all the time. BACH flower remedies are excellent. Also, check your magnesium levels as this may help with cramping. I'm afraid to say, I've never suffered any ailments with PMS, but ALL my girlfriends have. I've never taken the pill, nor do I take ANY painkillers, even after major surgery I refused to take anything. Your body has a way of telling you when there is an imblance of any sort.


A warm bath (not hot) with epsom salts can help:


Suggested remedies:


STRESS LESS!!! try meditation


supplements that you may require to alleviate symptoms are:

vit B6

A & D

Vit C

Vit E

Calcium and (as mentioend above) magnesium



I REFUSE TO BE A QUINEA PIG FOR A MULTI MILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY WHO HAVE PROVEN CARCIOGENIC PROPERTIES. Listen to your body. You can actually feel yourself ovulating if you tune in. Also, if you mensurate around the full moon you may find that your period is really, really heavy, bad cramps etc.

Enjoy your bodies ability to rid itself of free radicals every month (mainly excess iron) after menopause women's bodies hold onto excess iron which is a very dangerous free radical and can cause cell mutations.

In a lot of cultures mensurating is considered cleansing, and a magical event. The onset of womenhood is celebrated (instead of mourned)when a girl has her first cycle. Its only in western society that its considered a "dirty" inconvienent thing.

Learn to love your womb. Celebrate your inner "Goddess".


Enjoy being a women. Learn to love yourself, frown less, smile more.

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hey savebabe,


nice to see you back on the forum.


Well, I love being a woman, but I can clearly do without extreme menstrual pain that is so debilitating that it keeps me bedridden for at least a day once a month. With all due respect, Charmaine, it is easy for you to speak of celebrating your womanhood and your period when you dont suffer from such excruciating pains every month.


As far as your other suggestions, thanks for taking the time to type all that out.


And to reiterate, nice to see you back here. Hope you and your family are well.

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I heard that magnesium helps ease cramps. Foods high in magnesium are greens and chocolate is very high. Maybe just add some cocoa powder to some hot water or a shake or something. Red raspberry leaf tea is good too. And ginger.



Did somebody say chocolate????? I am all over that suggestion.


Thanks for your post Nik. Sorry to hear that your period is also a period straight from hell.

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Fair call ...if I can find the name of the book written by a female gyno I'll post it. She American, an unlike a male physician understands "womens" challenges. I believe there is always an underlying reason, whether it be physical, or emotional when our bodies are out of sync. Also, I read somewhere about your bodies bio-rhythms effecting your menstrual cycle. I know when I'm very thin, and stressed I (apart from not being able to eat) I don't menstruate. The only time I've come close to pain was giving birth (and I'm not going there again) Pushing a turkey through your nostril isn't my idea of fun and games!

I'm afraid I can be a bit of a hard-arse when it comes to some things. I believe in the natural approach, and I won't budge. Its the stubborn wench coming out in me again. Not having a go at anyone, but can't apologise for being out there (a full-on space cadet).

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  • 2 months later...

I know this is an older thread, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents.


compassionategirl, I can relate to your menstrual pains. I do agree with a lot of the other posters here that the pharma-hormonal approach is not the way to go, except in extreme cases....if you are having ovary issues, maybe a form of birth control like seasonale (the 3 periods a year thing) might be good because you wouldn't be ovulating and therefore not creating cysts, which tends to be a hormone related issue. The thing about it is, there are varying dosages of hormones and that particular hormone or dosage might worsen the problem, not alleviate it. (Speaking from veteran experience!) Not having cramps on birth control is one of those widely accepted myths, like getting skinnier on birth control or skin clearing up. Let me just tell you that for me, it was pure hell. My skin broke out so severely I had to take Accutane for a year AFTER getting off of birth control, my breasts exploded, I gained 15 lbs in 3 months, and was an emotional wreck. It wasn't worth the so called "payoff" at all. It took a long time to feel like I got back to normal with my natural hormones, taking a natural approach, and I feel like I haven't been the same since. For this, I'm definitely in the school of thought that vehemently is against fooling with the body's natural rhythms, instead embracing them and bringing them into balance (see below).


I recommend trying Dong Quai and/or Vitex (Chaste Berry) in a tincture, a female balancing herb, and topical progesterone cream (Emerita makes a good one). These balance out your hormones, usually making symptoms of PMS and all cycle related issues (including OVULATION!) less of a painful experience and more the natural one it should be.


I know you probably feel like you just want something to numb the pain, but it's important to get to the root of the problem, not just cover it up, yes?


Hope this is somewhat helpful

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yes I should look into this further because I would love nothing more than to never suffer through another period ever again!



go raw! : )

check out Tonya Kay's experiences as well on her website:




and this interview:




I have also noticed that since I've been primarily raw my cramps, pms,

and period have all diminished significantly..

When I am eating 80-95% local, organic, uncooked produce

I get no cramps, and 2-3 days of light flow.


Definitely better than what I have experienced in the past!


Also, I've done some research on studies conducted of raw women

and the loss of period, and it seems to happen to over 30% of women

that are 70% or more raw ... pretty interesting, but it's not an underweight issue.. it's about the bodies ability to cleanse and remain clean.


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i can kind of understand the appeal of this but it is definitly not for me.this may sound like a hippy talking but i like to have my cycle,my mood changes and the natural elements of pain and vulnerability i have at that time..it makes me feel closer to nature in a crazy world.

also, my periods stopped for ages when i had an eating disorder and again when i had abotched up operation, i kinda assosciate them with my wellness!

i would also be scared it isnt completely safe until it has been around longer.

i can totally understand why some women would appreciate it though, especially busy ones!

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I'm not sure if this will help you at all compassionategirl but it might be of use (It must be horrific for you each month! I can't even friggin imagine that!)


Ok so this is all from a book called "The Healing Powers of Vitamans, Minerals and Herbs")


-Chasteberry (225mg per day (also called vitex) Take when not menstrating and choose a product standardixed to contain 0.5% agnuside.

*Chasteberry is a leading PMS remedy in Europe. It acts on the pituitary gland in the brain (which controls the estrogen and progesterone in the body) and may be useful in correcting hormonal imbalances. The herb "dong quai (200mg 3 times a day) may enhance chasteberry's effectiveness.


-Vitaman B6 (50mg twice a day)

*It assists the liver in processing estrogen, increases progesterone levels, and enables the brain to make serotonin (advised to be taken with chasteberry)


-Evening Primrose Oil (1,000mg 3 times a day)

*This may help ease breast tenderness and the crave of carbohydrates because it contains essential fatty acids


I hope you feel better soon!!!!!

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Don't think its a good idea...the body has been evolving that cycle specific to humans for way too long to change in in a matter of weeks. Not that this is a good thing but for women with super low body fat...many stop having their periods. I dated a figure skater that was nationally ranked when she was 12 before she got hurt...anyway she started again and never got back to that level(doing icecapades and stuff now). Anyway she had on period when she was healing up and rehabing her foot injury...thats what she told me two years ago and she was 21. East German olympic women did the same in the 50s-early 70s. Mostly steriod induced but now alot of those women are infirtile and have big beards

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  • 2 months later...

I wouldn;t touch the stuff.


Doctors willa dmit (if they are honest) if you ask them, that they do not entirely know how 'the pill' works, and will say that they do not understand how to remedy the situation if you end up with entirely screwed up hormonal balance as a result of taking them.


That doesn;t sound like the approach of a responsible medical authority to me.

I wouldn;t trust people like that to shoot me full of synthetic-hormone chemicals.


I had enough problems from taking the mini-pill, and I'm just thankful to now be weaned off them and back to normal.


Of course, numerous animals will no doubt have been abused during its production, and probably continue to be abused by the company who made it.

Which is just another reason to add to the list of 'why i would not consider taking that stuff'

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  • 1 month later...

Some more info:


Magnesium makes smooth muscle relax, which is what the uterine muscle is. There is a product called Calm (Peter Gillham's Natural Vitality) out there that comes in 1 serving packages so you could try that. Check out a website that sells this and it will say it helps with PMS.


I have found the anti-inflammatory properties of flaxseed oil to work for me (not evening primrose oil that can start to mess with your estrogen receptors- especially if you have fibroid/cysts like me). And the flaxseed oil contains your omega's for your health (being vegan and not wanting to eat fish, I am glad this is an option for me).


My experience with the pill is the same as lizziewill. I had a 100% increase in PMS symptoms. It was horrible, but I wanted to have sex with my now husband and did not want to get pregnant since we were both in college. After 3 months of that hell, I went off of it and we opt for the use of condoms (three months of spontaneous sex was enough for me). Be careful taking anything that messes with your cycle, because it could make whatever is producing these symptoms worse!


I've tried the chasteberry and dong quai too. The dong guai was not beneficial to my body, but the chasteberry was. I would recommend you try the teas of these herbs first and notice if they help or hinder you. As a tea they are a mild form of the herb. You will notice only a slight reaction and need to be aware. Then if the tea helps, then go for the capsules or tinctures (which are the most potent form of the herb).


Keep trying alternative natural methods for your symptoms, while working on the cause. You will be surprised to find all sorts of stuff that wreak havoc on your estrogen receptors from armpit deoderants, to makeup, to your fabric softener. Parabens are the newest ingredient that is used a perservative in many personal items that have been linked to estrogen-receptor miscommunications.

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