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hilary wright

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Everything posted by hilary wright

  1. agreed . . . I do weights 4x a week . . . dance classes 3x a week . . . cardio or swimming 3x a week along with the yoga. That being said, breathing exercises rock. I rehabbed from a major car accident with them and came back with great cardio strength.
  2. Dan, this is a great and cheap suggestion . . . thanks! I bought a very expensive electro-magnetic pendant (similar to a QLink pendant). I work in video production, and am surrounded by 6 computer edit stations and dozens of other electronic devices (decks, monitors,eq, etc). I felt an almost instant positive effect. I am going to try some crystals as well. Thanks for the idea!
  3. Obi Wan is the master at baiting . . .
  4. This thread is a riot! Respecting life is enough for me . . . take b12 or not, your choice. Being over 50, I inject mine . . . that way I don't have to cook it.
  5. really nice abs . . . and physique as well! Getting cut as we age is hard, so great work!
  6. www.trueprotein.com choose custom mix and create your own formula . . . around $10 per lb packed in a food grade plastic bad.
  7. Thanks Ronnie, that is definately marked on my calender! Ditto, Paz!
  8. Well crap . . . I know a deal is a deal, but I think that Dana is just being pissy . . . UFC has made so much money in the last few years, that he doesn't need it. He knows that Randy's time is running out . . . I like UFC, but this really sucks!
  9. Early this century, it was "scientifically" proven that fresh air was unhealthy . . . so I guess that proves that "torfu" is a real killer!
  10. Hey Tuc, I'm with you all the way . . . I know you'll win! Eating rotting dead animal flesh is not an option! If I can help in any way, let me know . . . I'll post some current pics next week to show that an old fart vegan can bulk! Best of luck!!
  11. Hey, good luck on this . . . I can't imagine having to eat a steak . . . how often are you working out? Are you going to post your workouts? I put on 25 lbs of muscle in just over a year . . . lots of gemma and hemp protein . . .
  12. Hey Stevie . . . I tend to try to be quiet and polite as well, but . . . this "trainer/used car salesman" is just an overly pushy dweeb that you don't need to waste your time listening to. I totally agree with Offence about gym time being moving meditation or "me" time. Please don't let this jerk push you around! You have paid your dues and don't need any extras . . . and he has absolutely no right to try to make you sign up for PT. Don't do his second evaluation . . . remain polite, but distant. And say NO! After that, any further aggressive follow-ups by the PT should be reported to the management.
  13. Perhaps it is just the cage that is bothering him . . . but usually fighters who start posing and not pulling the trigger after big losses need some mental adjustments. Not saying he can't do it, but I think that along with cage training, and upgrading his ground game, he needs to get his confidence back. A major part of fighting is mental.
  14. I think that Crocop needs to get his head straight first . . . last time i saw him fight, he couldn't pull the trigger.
  15. Thanks for the link! I think that Silva should retire and get some Jenny Craig.
  16. done . . . it is just as fun watching the second time!
  17. I hope Rampage sorts things out quickly . . . I also see that poor old CB is going to get trounced yet again this Saturday by Jesse.
  18. Sounds like it is time to completely change your routine for 6 weeks to mentally and physically refresh.
  19. This is a shame . . . I hope he doesn't screw up his career.
  20. I try to do yoga at least 5 to 6 times a week. It works for me. Great for flexibility, relaxation, and mental clarity. Helps put stressful things in perspective. I do yoga after weights, and never get sore from lifting. I also truly believe that it has enabled me to keep very active and healthy at age 55 . . . along with diet. As I said, the breathing exercises are great to work your heart and lungs. There are many different styles, so do a little research to find the one best suited to your needs. Have fun!
  21. I have actually seen people at the gym reading a book while slopping through a weight machine workout . . . go figure. Anyway, yogic breathing exercises are a wonderful heart and lung workout . . . alternate nostril , retentions, fire breath, etc. All can be done in a seated pose.
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