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Everything posted by apple

  1. Wow! These are fantastic, it looks like everyone had a blast! I want to join some day...
  2. Whoops, forgot the ab ripper workout too. Yesterday: fuckton of ab exercises. abs hurt so good right now. Today: Plyometrics.
  3. I have a similar love/hate relationship with that book. I love the message, and I love that people are reading it and getting the message because it's not a long scientific bore to the general populace. BUT I just don't believe that many people who go vegan for weight loss purposes alone are going to stick to it easily. People will decide they want to try it but will be more focused on the foods they can't have, and will feel resentful about the deprivation. No one can last long with that mentality...and I hate to see once-vegans everywhere telling people "I tried veganism, but..." because it's more damaging to the vegan cause in the long run. I estimate maybe 15% of the people who read it go completely vegan anyway. I'm betting at best they'll go mostly vegan (and hey, that's not a terrible thing!) but have a few "treats" here and there (because that's how most people diet). The few that go completely vegan probably do so because they are moved by the ethical logic presented in the book, and not the promises of weight loss.
  4. oh. my. god. YUM! I used to love scrapple, I can't wait to find some vrapple.
  5. So I need something more to keep me from falling off the bandwagon because I keep getting that "I'll do it tomorrow" attitude and I'm definitely looking to change that. A training log sounds like just the thing. Currently doing P90X. Starting over since I took like a week off when I went to mom's. Feeling especially wimpy in strength right now. 80% of pushups were on the knees, all pullups were with bands. Le sigh. Probably need more fuel. Going to use all the names that the P90X worksheet uses, since I don't know any other names for the exercises, lol. chest and back day: standard pushups: 15, 13 wide front pullups: 20, 20 military pushups: 15, 11 reverse grip chinups: 20, 20 wide fly pushups: 13, 10 overhand pullups: 20, 20 decline pushups: 13, 11 heavy pants: 12, 10 (with band) diamond pushups: 12, 10 (form mostly dead on the last one) lawnmowers: 15, 13 (band) dive bomber pushups: 13, 7 back flys: 13, 13 (band) goals: get strong enough to do a real freakin pullup. the band is hardly any work at all.
  6. You look incredible!! Congratulations! I find that high intensity interval training (HIIT) is really helpful with losing fat, and it really helps your core muscles develop too. http://www.intervaltraining.net/HiitTraining-30.html I started doing these a little while ago; they completely wear you out in a half an hour workout. They've also helped me to run faster and for longer stretches of time when I do my long runs on the weekends. They might be just the change in workout that you're looking for.
  7. haha I'm doing the same version of P90X as you! A little vacation here and there...a little "oh yeah!..." in the middle of the week where I remember that I set aside time to work out and am currently stuck in the "about to start working out" mode.
  8. I can hardly eat 2000! Seriously, I take a mental tally of what I've eaten for the day and it's like 1200-1500 most of the time, it's TERRIBLE. I need more since I'm doing weights and running...I'm just kinda poor. I eat like...bananas, oatmeal, quinoa, red beans, lentils, peanut butter, kale and broccoli. I could easily eat more calories on the same budget, it would just be more fat though, and I don't really want that. Damn the cheap American diet standards!
  9. Wow! You're looking great. Congratulations on your veg journey!
  10. good lord. it always freaks me out a little to see people lifting nearly my entire body weight, haha...
  11. Are you still tired all the time? I just found this thread and was curious about your bmr...so I googled your stats for you, lol. Your basal metabolic rate is 1365, so that's how much you should eat minimum to provide energy for all your bodily functioning--like breathing, digesting, synapses, etc. If you consistently eat less than your bmr, your body will go into starvation mode, which is probably why you couldn't lose those last 5 pounds. I ran a half marathon in October and I had to start eating way more (I was just hungry all the time!) so I put on a few pounds. BUT I've lost all the extra weight because I found this article a few months ago: http://www.debramoorhead.com/blog/index.php/how-i-lost-25-pounds-in-one-month/ Again, I was curious about your calorie needs (maybe nosy is more like it, lol) so I followed the link through to this: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/content/PED_6_1x_Calorie_Calculator.asp and put in your goal weight and set your activity level to "moderate" even though I think you miiight technically be doing "heavy," depending on your training schedule. It came to 1934 calories per day! Bet you didn't think you could be 115 and eat that much, haha. Anyway, I was incredibly glad to see at the end of this thread that you are more accepting of your body!! It took me a long time to get to where you are today, but once I started thinking in terms of what I could DO with my body, instead of trying to value it numerically, I became much happier with it!!
  12. You have a great overall figure. I'm excited to see your progress!
  13. thanks! I try to keep up, but I've never followed a routine before, I just kind of do push ups and crunches 2-3 times a week...or when I remember to. So this will be a big change for me!
  14. I'm just starting the P90X workout program (minus their bad meatlover's diet plan) because I'm hoping to tone up, and dare I say, maybe bulk up. I think it would be fun to prove to my family that I could be muscly AND vegan AND a girl. abs arm flexed body shot Body measurements: chest (underbust): 28 waist: 24 hips: 37.5 bicep: 11 forearm: 9 thigh: 21 calf: 13 Right now, my arms are pretty twiggy, and I hold almost all of my body fat on my butt and thighs. So I'm hoping the plyometrics will help me with the leg region, and the chest/back/arms/shoulders workout will make my arms look more impressive. I've had 6 pack abs before, so I know already that I can do that again. I'm looking forward to coming back and posting some progress/after pictures to see where I get!
  15. I grew a few things on my porch this summer (tomato, basil, etc) but I wish I had more room! I live in a little apartment with three other people (and I had to right my name on EVERY banana I bought because they don't care who buys what, and I DO), so I don't have much room for a banana tree.... That said, I really want some pancakes right now. Wheat in any form, really. I've been trying to see if I have a food intolerance, mostly, and I ate some baked beans on Thursday and they made my stomach HURT like hell. They were from a can, and I hadn't had salt in a few days, so maybe that was the problem. Or the sugar in baked beans. But I'm wondering if it was beans themselves that killed my stomach. I'm hoping that if I have a food intolerance, it's to some kind of preservative, and not to soy or wheat. Does anyone know much about food intolerances?
  16. I suppose people who are REALLY under the influences of drugs are a threat. I know I would want a crackhead handcuffed.... But arresting a couple for CHOCOLATE is just ridiculous. And their interrogation and lack of apology for the whole ordeal is far more atrocious than the handcuffs.
  17. omg how do you guys afford this?? I was hoping that my $60 of fruits, veggies, and nuts would last me throughout the week, but I'm already out of apples and bananas
  18. Yeah, I feel like bananas are my main source of fuel right now. Literally ate 6 bananas yesterday, and 3 so far today. I managed to get 1700 calories in yesterday (it was a lazy no workout day). Today however, I ran 10 miles and am a little concerned that it will be difficult to get in 2700 calories. That seems like such a huge number!!! I just want to eat falafel wraps and french fries when I see that number....
  19. Cool! That sounds easy enough I think I didn't eat enough last time I tried; I would go into the kitchen and say to myself, "but I've already HAD a banana today!!"
  20. I want to make sure I do this right. I have tried raw foods once before and I got extremely depressed while doing it, but I'm not sure I can blame raw foods 100% for that--I was pretty stressed out at the time, too. Anyways, I want to try again because my skin is just looking terrible right now!! It cleared up a bit when I did a raw month and I'm hoping that by doing between 90-100% raw, it will do so again. I went grocery shopping today and picked up a ton of fruit (bananas, apples, tangerines, avocados) and vegetables (kale, spinach, onions). I also got a raw hemp protein powder that was miraculously sitting on a random shelf in the store!! So I think I'm all set to start out anew, but I want to know: What kind of ratio of fats/carbs/proteins should I shoot for? I'm 5'9", 135 lb female. I'm training for a half marathon right now, so I do 3ish runs a week, one of which is around 10 miles.
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