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Everything posted by Hero

  1. what are the 8 (?) amino acids the body cannot produce on its own? and what fruits can they be found in? I also was wondering what food I can find my healthy omega fats in? I am trying to avoid supplements and shakes. I just want to eat fruits, nuts, and seeds. Walnuts have omega fats right? What else has healthy fats in it for brain functioning? I'm trying to eat what my body craves but I dont know what source to fulfill that craving from. like i want healthy omega fats but i dont know any source aside from soymilk and walnuts. please help.
  2. ..."With"? Wow, I must be the only person who hogs them all for myself. nah i eat the whole watermelon too. lol
  3. i know pineapple is very sweet, but it burns my tongue after eating it. is there a way to avoid this? is this normal and okay if it burns?
  4. way rad tattoo! i wanted to get a huge gnarly tree similar to that on my calf. still might some day
  5. i work at a gym in philly now. im stoked to get back to lifting.
  6. heehee, the Cheeke pun made me laugh. nice touch
  7. i bought 8 lbs of bananas today for $3.00 at italian market in philly. ive already eaten a couple lbs worth, and id like to eat all 8 lbs today. but i heard that you can overdose on bananas from having too much potassium. so where do i draw the line?
  8. i liked children of men. i saw it with some friends at their house in denver. good stuff. scary.
  9. looking good dude. lol the outfit made me smile. were you a wrestler? constructive tip: i recommend not pulling down on the skin by the abs to get them to show more.
  10. awesome! i am gonna hop right on that site
  11. im gonna start eating a lot and i mean a lot. like a gorilla
  12. http://consciousgoodsalliance.com/themes/cgazen/images/cgaback.jpg
  13. http://consciousgoodsalliance.com/ http://consciousgoodsalliance.com/ I just saw them in Denver at the wholefoods here. such nice ppl. they are touring the USA in a veggie-oil bus for one year promoting biodiesel and sustainable living and showing others how to do it. they have a lot of sponsors too. veganbodybuilding should help sponsor them too somehow. also check out www.kopali.com
  14. ive lost fat and built muscle. ive also done a zigzag before without even knowing it, and it worked.
  15. i like eating a lot of tomatoes too. i also eat some oranges occasionally.
  16. lots of fruits, and ocassionally nuts/seeds. i cant force myself to eat more than a handful of nuts/seeds a day. im just watching myself getting skinnier/weaker and thats causing problems for me. the thing is i dont truly know what my body desires. but i am just gonna eat fruit and stuff and let my body get really skinny, and then hopefully build muscle on fruit and nuts/seeds. i think if i can afford hempseed shakes, i will be fine. i dont like really sweat fruits sometimes cause my teeth feel sensitive to it. i kinda like plain tasting stuff. im just gonna keep eating and drinking lots of water and see what happens over next few months. i also really like drinking kombucha tea.
  17. strawberries, hempseed, blueberries, blackberries, banana, watermelon, asian pears, apples, nuts, lentils, thai curry, pineapples, flax, etc.
  18. thanks for the advice everyone. i know i am definately not taking in enough food, cause my body calls for certain fruits and i cant afford to eat em. and i also know my body has to go thru detox. my hardest problem is i go thru crazy mood swings, and until i can get them under "control", its very hard for me to go raw. cause not eating lots of calories and/or the foods my body craves causes huge mood swings. i will learn to deal with it all soon and find a way to go raw and stay raw.
  19. okay, so im gonna listen to the veterans and stop being so stubborn. what cleansing program should i use to detox my body? what should i consume in a day? and for how many days? etc. i know something about lemons....? please help. and again sorry for my stubbornness.
  20. so where can i find cleansing programs? i want to detox my body and i dont know what program to use?
  21. its all good thanks for the info. there may be others who do not know.
  22. sounds like a great way to go. i feel best when i eat just fruits/juice
  23. okay, thanks bigwii. im gonna have to do a cleanse then, and stick with it.
  24. oh yeh i was eating Ezekiel's sprouted grain raisin bread too when i was eating processed foods. woah, i didnt even think that i could sprout lentils. i never thought about that. i love lentils so much. that be amazing. how do i go about sprouting?
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