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Everything posted by Ducati

  1. This is one of the most ironic things I have ever heard. Buddha would laugh.
  2. The baseline is based on an omnivore's diet. That doesn't prove deficiency. Symptoms would prove deficiency.
  3. Military targets? The US military has been known to shoot at anyone with a gun and anyone standing near them. That does not constitute a military target. The suicide attacks on 9/11 attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Pentagon is obviously a "military" target, but the World Trade Center can also be consider a strategic military target. The attack was intended to take down our economic system which would have made funding military occupations of the Middle East much more difficult. Of course I have my doubts that the 9/11 attacks were totally perpetrated by a few men with box cutters. And if you claim that the WTC was not a military target, then that makes the US military the biggest terrorists of all when they destroyed two entire cities in Japan with the only wartime use of nuclear weapons in history.
  4. Military targets? The US military has been known to shoot at anyone with a gun and anyone standing near them. That does not constitute a military target. The suicide attacks on 9/11 attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Pentagon is obviously a "military" target, but the World Trade Center can also be consider a strategic military target. The attack was intended to take down our economic system which would have made funding military occupations of the Middle East much more difficult. Of course I have my doubts that the 9/11 attacks were totally perpetrated by a few men with box cutters. And if you claim that the WTC was not a military target, then that makes the US military the biggest terrorists of all when they destroyed two entire cities in Japan with the only wartime use of nuclear weapons in history.
  5. Yup, and so are religions. Corporate fascism is the basis of our current political system and major belief system. Western nation citizens will believe a commercial more readily then a peer reviewed scientific study. They believe our government officials who were sponsored by corporations, even if they lie repeatedly. They also refuse to hold many government officials accountable for their actions. Remember the lie to get us in Iraq? Weapons of Mass destruction. Were any found? Nope. Why are we still there? Why do our elected officials still trust our intelligence community? Why do we still trust our elected officials? Look at the whole issue surrounding the health care debate in the US. People are fighting vehemently against any type of socialism. Yet, we have a great deal of socialism in our society already. Countries with more socialist programs have happier citizens. But because someone saw on a commercial that socialism is bad or wrong, they ignore that we already have socialism in our society and fight against it without knowing anything about the reasons why. The whole idea behind Muslim terrorist attacks is ridiculous when you consider that the US and other Western nations have been committing terrorist acts on many Muslim countries for decades. We call it war, but that is because it is perpetuated by our government. Tell me how our bombing of a suspected "terrorist" in Afghanistan which causes the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians is any different than the 9/11 terrorist attacks?
  6. And I thought the majority of terrorist acts committed at this time were done in the name of commercialism and done so by Western civilized nations. hmmm
  7. Welcome daughter-in-law of seitan:)
  8. Could also be that you need to get laid! LOL On edge can also be the result of stimulants. Do you drink coffee or tea with caffeine? Do you have any supplements with stimulants?
  9. The protein thing again! You don't need to be worried about protein! My primary diet is raw fruits and vegetables and I only do protein shakes or cook lentils when I am trying to lose fat. A 100% raw diet of fruits and vegetables will net around 6% protein which is quite enough to maintain muscle mass. You don't need fish, beans, nuts, etc. Anything telling you to do is just yourself justifying the desire to consume flesh.
  10. I am doing HIIT from the insanity program. I am not looking to get bigger, but I really want to have a lot of performance. I still have about 5% BF I want to cut out as well. I have been doing insanity for a week now and I have seen a noticeable difference in my stomach.
  11. Say what you want, but I will never believe in the gods. You and no one else can take that away from me no matter how much you may judge me or ridicule me.
  12. Not everyone would be furious. The people likely to be furious are those who believe in a different fictitious being. People who believe in no religion wouldn't care anymore than if a child told them that their imaginary friend is going to send them to hell. I have a pretty good life. I have a roof over my house, friends who love me, I have plenty of food to eat, and a pretty decent job. Now, imagine if I were to believe in any god and then look at the lives some people and animals have who live in horrid conditions with people torturing them, starving, on the streets, in pain from a disease or condition, etc. I would think that if that god does have any powers worth worshiping and it does nothing to help these people or animals, then it is one BIG FUCKING ASSHOLE! The idea of praying to an imaginary god to help someone in need is just a narcissistic opiate. If people did less praying and more helping, the world would be a better place.
  13. So, you aren't really angry all the time, but more on edge and anything can trigger you at any second? My sisters always blame that on PMS.
  14. As someone who is Asatru, I am tired of poeple using slogans like, "religion is for stupid people." Claiming to be non religious is no excuse for being disrespectful and immoral. In regards to the many questions I always get about being an asatruar, here is the best explaination I can find http://runestone.org/faq/index.html. If a child believes in imaginary friends for too long, they call is a psychological disorder. When an adult has an imaginary friend, they call it religion.
  15. But if you said Sarah Palin is scum, you would be within your right to form that opinion of her.
  16. Atheism, Fascism, Veganism can all be made into a religion with dogma. You don't need a deity to have religious dogma. Mussolini even stated that Fascism is a religion. Yes, people kill people, but when it comes to mass killings, people use religious dogma as a justification. The Soviet Union, People's Republic Of China, and North Korea are very anti religious and have also caused tons of destruction and murder. They are not anti-religion, they are pro-fascism. They want people to worship the government and government officials. They want to dictate their own dogma to the masses because an alternate dogma might lead people to revolt. They want a mono-religious state in which the government is the source of that religion. Any belief system can be turned into a religion. That is when people are twisted to do evil things.
  17. Day Four - Pure Cardio Holy Crap! This is the toughest workout I have ever done in my life. There was around 24 minutes of non-stop intense cardio. Most of the people in the video had to collapse at points during the video. The warm out is similar to the first video and rather intense in itself. It is about 5 minutes of increasingly intense cardio and when you are good and sweaty, you stretch for a few minutes and then it is nonstop until the ending cool down and stretch. My heart rate stayed above 150 for the entire 24 minutes. I did have to take a couple 20 second or so breaks to get my heart rate under 160. I have to give this routine two thumbs up so far!
  18. I am teaching myself the keyboard. I have been reading through a piano book and doing quite well until they stopped printing the letters of notes on the notes. I guess I wasn't reading the music, just the letters. It takes a lot of thought for each not. I still don't understand why the left hand notes are in a different position than the right hand notes.
  19. How much do you weigh? What is your activity level? Your body constantly repairs and replaces muscle tissue, so to maintain muscle, you have to use it, and have enough protein to maintain it. I found I could easily maintain muscle mass on 6% protein a day eating only raw fruits and vegetables. 6% was about the lowest I ever saw and I think it would be difficult to eat less than 6% if you consume even a small variety of of foods. I weigh around 170lbs and on 2500 Calories a day, this comes out to 150 Calories, or about 38g of protein. When I work out hard, I up it to 15%-20% of my calories, which is 150g at 20% because I up my calories to around 3,000 when I want to gain mass. You have play around and see what works best for you.
  20. Atheism, Fascism, Veganism can all be made into a religion with dogma. You don't need a deity to have religious dogma. Mussolini even stated that Fascism is a religion. Yes, people kill people, but when it comes to mass killings, people use religious dogma as a justification.
  21. Read some history books kid. Maybe you will see some trends. The Crusades, Inquisition, Incas, Holocaust, Manifest Destiny, etc. are all the result of religious dogma. You look at any mass genocide in history, and you won't have to dig deep before you discover the underlying doctrine.
  22. I am against the building of a mosque, a church, a synagogue, or any structure devoted to religion. Religion is evil in my opinion. Even the most peaceful person can be persuaded to commit acts of violence through religious indoctrination. Religion allows for the justification of any evil. But I do think it is unconstitutional to favor any religion in this country. But let's face it, that has been going on for a long time. It is purely religious dogma that has prevented gays from marrying or even that married couples get more benefits than unmarried couples. Or that swear words are, well.... swear words and not allowed in certain places, on TV, etc. How about blue laws? Many are still in effect. But most people believe we live in a country in which people are free from religious persecution.
  23. I have heard that before too, but I think it is rubbish. If you didn't eat anything all day, then you would burn fat all day and when you did eat before bed, you would probably just restore all that fat. If you ate first thing in the morning, then nothing all day, you would burn your meal until it was gone instead of the fat. So, I think it all averages out over the course of the day.
  24. Day Three - Cardio Recovery This DVD is very easy. My heart rate didn't get above 100 today. It was all stretches and balance poses, but there were some static positions that did get my legs shaking a bit.
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