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Everything posted by Trev

  1. Robert, you are very, very patient, and that's why we all look up to you.
  2. I think any light that emits high levels of UV (for a light) would work, as I think it's the UV in sunlight that we respond to, or the lack thereof that we respond to. Grow lights are probably pretty UV-intense. S.A.D and vitamin D are definite concerns where I live.
  3. These days all I'm eating for breakfast is a bunch of fruit, or a fruit/kale smoothie and not a stomach problem to speak of. Before I was vegan, even, I used to have tons of stomach problems, it was rare that I didn't have some ache or bloat (I'm talking about the first 33 years of my life here). Going vegan totally changed that, and stacks of fruit, no prob. Don't think it's the fruit causing their problems.
  4. No matter what the martial art, discipline is a key element - self discipline. Without it, you'd never accomplish anything, let alone the conditioning it takes to be a good fighter. Even before you engage in live sparring or grappling, you need the discipline to learn so you know what to do, so you don't get hurt, and so you don't hurt someone else. The other thing that martial arts teach you is respect -- for yourself, for others, for your art, for other martial arts. Maybe you didn't explain what you meant very well. If you mean that ninjitsu, karate or tae kwon do are not practical for mma fighting, that's largely the case. BJJ, Pankration and Muay Thai are more practical. BTW, GSP has a black belt in Karate, as well as a BJJ background. He didn't beat Matt Hughes on the ground, did he?
  5. Yeah, welcome to the forum. I'm not a bodybuilder but I do spend plenty time working out. Vega is my powder of choice, but I mostly just eat tons of fruit and veggies. I don't ever really worry about protein on its own, I just try to get enough calories. I also eat hemp protein, in powder form, hulled seeds and hemp nut butter, but not in huge quantities. Here's the link to the Vega website: http://www.myvega.com/
  6. I've finally written a re-cap and some restaurant reviews and posted them on my website. Check 'em out if you're interested at www.veganunderground.com The link to the article's right on the homepage. There'll be a couple more restaurant reviews added soon.
  7. Ong-bak also has some of the best parkour I've seen in a movie.
  8. Awesome, pelicanAndrew! Any martial art would be an incredible addition to your life. Muay Thai and Aikido are polar opposites on the martial arts spectrum - are they taught at the same club? They're great choices. You will never look back. Keep us posted on your progress, how you like the classes etc.
  9. ya can't wait for cro cop. Tim's toast... round kick to legs, round kick to ribs, round kick to head...
  10. I thought BJ Penn was going back down to lightweight. Heard or read that somewhere in the last month.
  11. Yeah, gotta try harder. More raw. It just makes too much sense to ignore.
  12. Looks like they have a few things going for them, experienced promoter, 3 year cable deal with Showtime, and they're flexible about allowing fighters from other organizations. Seems like they're willing to roll with things to get good fights. Oh yeah, and female fighters - it's about time. They've got a lot of ground to make up with fight fans though. Hopefully Mike Goldberg as an announcer won't make it feel too much like pro wrestling (no offence to pro wrestlers, pro wrestling fans or anyone who used to want to be a pro wrestler and lived down the street from a pro wrestling school.) I've been watching a bunch of the Bodog Fight series online and it was okay. Smaller names. I went to one of their live events here in Vancouver in Sept. to watch my sensei fight (he won in 28 seconds, TKO with a jab, weird fight, pretty anticlimactic). Also I work with one of the Bodog announcers, Paul Lazenby, from time to time. But Bodog is not in same realm as UFC or Elite XC if it lives up to its promise. I don't know, UFC has got so much momentum, and apart from the odd boring fight, has the formula down. A little competition they can't buy out will be good for them, maybe force the UFC to up the ante. Will be interesting to see what happens.
  13. But it's good for you! Come on, it's not that bad!
  14. This was just put up. I know many species are threatened throughout the world, but this is a significant extinction because there hasn't been a marine mammal extinction since the 50s. In light of what's happening to whales and seals around the world right now, we should take it as a warning of what's to come if more action is not taken to protect our oceans. http://www.seashepherd.org/news/media_061214_1.html If you've read my blogs, you'll know I'm a pretty ardent supporter of Sea Shepherd.
  15. It's an acquired taste I think. Doesn't taste like peanut butter. Maybe what "broccoli butter" would taste like if there was such a thing. It's green, so it looks a bit funny on your toast, and it has a very veggie/healthy kind of taste to it. I didn't care for it too much when I first tried it, but after a few eatings, I grew to like it. It's a nice alternative to peanut butter and tahini. Give it a try, if you don't like it, well, at least it's good for you!
  16. I eat quite a bit of hemp in various forms. I put hemp seed on salad, on granola in the morning sometimes. I have hemp powder that I make shakes and smoothies with, have hemp waffles from time to time, we make killer vanilla hemp banana pancakes, put hemp seed on our vegan pizza, and I have hemp nut butter on sprouted grain toast sometimes too (like peanut butter, but green and hempy). There's also some hemp in Vega, which I consume a fair bit of. Oh yeah, and hemp bars a lot too. I'm pretty sure I have a hemp t-shirt, and we use hemp grocery bags. Is that a lot of hemp? I think hemp is a great food - its nutritional properties are widely touted and it's sustainably grown and totally organic.
  17. Apples are awesome cut up with peanut butter, you know, if you don't have any bananas.
  18. Maybe he'll breathe some life into the heavyweights! Time for Tim to go!
  19. I remember you! Welcome back _raVen_! Those smoothie pics are making my stomach growl! I'm gonna try some green smoothies, usually make 'em with just fruit. I eat tons of kale, so why not drink it too! Cheers! Trev
  20. Just had to give my dog a pet after reading that. Thanks for posting the link, great little story. If only there were more stories like that!
  21. From tuesday, Nov. 28th: vancouver aquarium to help conservation by telling people which fish to eat... what? ___ In addition to a controversial expansion, the Vancouver Aquarium has developed a program to help consumers make “environmentally friendly seafood choices” . It’s called Ocean Wise and participating restaurants must clean up their fishy menus by removing one unsustainable fish dish at a time. Does this seem appropriate for an aquarium? I guess it does, given that the Vancouver Aquarium is an entertainment venue with captive whales. A similar program, SeaChoice, has a searchable database and handy, wallet-sized cards that highlight which species on which to dine. Trouble is, fish stores, supermarkets and even restaurants are unlikely to have a clue how their fish was caught. On the surface these “awareness” programs might seem good. Helps siphon support away from factory fishing, right? Wrong. These are just handy, wallet-sized ways for fish eaters to assuage their guilt and keep happily consuming. They’re likely to quickly forget their plasticized convictions in the name of convenience, or price. It boils down to another marketing gimmick to keep the fish industry above water. Whether it’s hook-and-line or drift net, a fish is still killed so the fish-eater can satisfy their own selfish desires. posted by veganunderground # 8:50 PM
  22. At a public, media-covered "burial" I think there would be a mob trying to snatch the coat or dig it up as soon as the event was over. You'd have to destroy the coat beyond just burying it. I still like the idea of donating it to a shelter where it can be used to comfort orphaned wild animals. You could still make that known to the media and they'd cover it. It's a sad story - you'd be giving back what was left of their possible parents to comfort them now that they've been orphaned by human activities like trapping. Might make the connection between the living animal and the one killed for its fur stronger for the media-viewing public.
  23. Wait, they're not FBI moderators, are they?
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