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Everything posted by Evan

  1. I've messed up a few times on accident and sometimes I noticed halfway through but I kep eating because I figured I'd kind of be dishonoring the sacrifice if I threw it in the garbage...but then other times I have done just that. One time I ordered a taco salad from Taco Cabana. I specifically told them to substitute the beef with extra beans and they didn't do it. I decided I would just try to scrape it off the top. Well the whole thing collapsed into a nasty, beefy mess. I felt nauseated and mad that they messed up my order. I took it back and got what I wanted. The sad thing is that in that case the animal still went to waste. But I could not have eaten that even if I wanted to. Last time I accidentally ate a small piece of bacon, I got violently ill. I can't imagine what would have happened if I ate that greasy abomination. Sorry, kind of got off track there. As to your question, the answer is FONDUE. I used to go to a fondue party once or twice per quarter. I have learned of some vegan fondue (both cheese and chocolate) and I may throw a fondue party one of these days just to show all my friends how good a compassionate fondue can be.
  2. God help us all I happened to like the G W Douche song hehehe
  3. I feed my dogs your regular old run of the mill dog food. It's the ONLY animal product I buy. There is a lot of controversy over whether or not it's healthy for a dog to be vegan. I know that the Vegan Vixens chick who rescues pit bulls feeds them totally vegan diets. She says it's to remove their blood lust (many are rescued from dog fighting circles). I spoke to a biologist who said that dogs can live without meat for a while but their health will eventually start to decline. He also said that cats can NOT live without meat for very long at all because they are straight up carnivores whereas dogs are situational carnivores so dogs can go longer without meat. He also said that if you have an indoor only cat, you need to feed it a raw chicken wing once or twice a month. That pretty much destroyed any chance of me having an indoor cat ever again. There is a cat that hangs around here, I call her Ora and I let her in when it's cold outside but generally she lives outside so she's free to hunt for herself. There are plenty of field mice around here for her to munch on should she find it necessary. Anyone out there feeding their CANINES a vegan diet or have experience in this sort of thing? I'm too scared to sacrifice my puppies' health right now but as I do more research, I may change my mind. Dogs do have SOME hunting adaptations and that's why I hesitate. But my dogs are very polite most of the time until I make hummus and then they start begging like CRAZY. They don't do that with all food, just hummus. It's really weird. They don't even do that at my parents' house when they are cooking meat. You look at a cat though and cute as they are, they are killing machines. Super sharp claws and teeth, cat-like reflexes (was that redundant). I have never heard of cats eating plants and never saw any eating plants. I love when people say humans are built for meat because we have "canine" teeth. I want to tell them to go kill a rabbit with their canines and then I will buy that argument.
  4. Mmmm makes me want to go back to eating eggs. Yummy! Not..
  5. hahahaaaa Are you the guy in the Ninja Rap video? "Limp Ninja....Stiff Ninja" It was hosted on heavy.com a few days ago http://www.heavy.com/heavy.php?videoPath=/content/contagious/flash_video/ninjarap
  6. Hi Everyone. Anyone else out there get frustrated from time to time with other people's reaction when you tell them they are veg*n? Especially older people that I work with, when they find out generally say nice things like "good for you" or "that shows you have some determination" but I can tell they are really thinking "koo koo, koo koo" I've had people treat me differently after they find out I was vegan, in a negative way. They speak slower around me as if I were too stupid to understand them, the explain things in more detail than they would for anyone else, they don't expect as much from me physically. I want to say "I'm vegan, not disabled!" Isn't it amazing? People think you have to eat beef once a week or more to be a capable thriving person when just the opposite is closer to true. Then with younger people closer to my age, I sometimes get ugly looks when I am offered something and I tell them I can't have it because I'm vegan. They think I'm being a snob or being rude for declining a gift of food, which is not true because I always act gracious everytime someone puts a plate of brisket in my face even though I really want to turn away and make an ugly face, I don't. I think this is just another case of guilty concious manifesting itself in a bad way. I remember when I was a kid and other boys would invite me on hunting trips and I would say "No way, Jose!" they would be shocked. I'd tell them I didn't want to kill anything and they'd be like "it's just a bird (quail hunting) and then I'd see them a few days later at school and I could tell that the wheels had been turning. They still went on their hunting trips but they never used the "it's just a bird" argument again later unless they used up all their other arguements first like "we eat what we shoot, we need to be able to hunt in case of nuclear melt down, it's self defense those quails are dangerous, etc." I have never once berated someone for eating meat. I know it's not the way to get people to see the light. I think it would more likely close them off to the idea of ever going veg*n. I don't run around telling everyone that what they are eating makes me want to puke or that my shit smells nicer than theirs because I don't have muscle tissue rotting in my colon. I could but I don't and I never take a superior tone when I speak of veganism with people who ask questions about it. I am very careful and intentional with how I present and REPRESENT veganism so it's frustrating when I get those "koo koo" looks or "what? you are too good for my grandma's sirloin???" Sorry for the rant, I just had a circular discussion with a hunter and I had to vent a little bit.
  7. One time, when I was at work, my little brother came over (he has a spare key) and cooked PORK CHOPS on my stove, in MY pan. Stunk up the whole house, which is new and so was until then totally meat free. Out of "respect" for my views or maybe he was just trying to hide it, he put the left over waste in a trash bag and put it in the guest bathroom. Only thing is he didn't tell me and he forgot about it. I found it 3 weeks later. Needless to say, I put my foot down on the meat in my house after that. It was a horrible experience. Periodically I take my trash to my parents' to throw away. Since I'm vegan and I compost, my trash is always dry and there's nothing in it that is rotting or stinking. One time he was giving me some crap about my trash in our parents' spare car that I had left there awaiting disposal. I told him "Well at least it's not pork chops!!!" He shut up very quickly.
  8. I bought the hemp kind. It was almost $5 which is a total rip. It's good stuff though
  9. Epcot Center and conservation. Ironic to say the least! How many acres of wet lands were destroyed to build the Mouse Empire Headquarters? How many animals killed or displaced? More than you could count on two hands, I betchya
  10. Actually, that's a myth. We use 100% of our brains. Some of us may make better use of that 100% than others, but there are no 'dormant' sections of the brain. Yes, all sections of the brain are used but only at 10-20% capacity. I think that's what Jonathon meant. When a person experiences brain trauma, functions in the damaged portions of the brain are sometimes rerouted to other areas that are not over taxed. This would not be possible if we already used 100% of our brains. I guess this is a controversial point but the research is out there.
  11. Oh man, that stuff got me through many a late night shift when I worked for the Feds. I love it. I need to get some of it in my house again. It peps you up without jitters like caffein. very good stuff
  12. oh man, I am sorry but I laughed my ass off on this one. I too have impaled myself on various objects. It just makes me shake my head and wonder "Why do things like this even happen?" One time I had this thick needle sticking out of my hand and I had to pull it out just like you said, all movie style. Weird thing is that it didn't even bleed. Done the graphite thing too. Ahh memories
  13. That is really nice that the whole family seems to have gotten involved. Even the dog and the boys could be knights. I love that idea.
  14. man that sucks! I had chronic fatigue in my high school/early college years but eventually it faded out, Thank Allah. I don't know what I would have done if it had lasted as long as it did with you. Sorry to hear it and I hope you find a fixable reason for it soon!
  15. Hi Everyone. I love the idea of eating only whole grains. I mean, why would you eat a partial grain anyway? The thing is, I don't have a pressure cooker and even when I did use a pressure cooker before I totally ruined some rice I was going to cook. Therefore, most of the grains that I eat as side dishes (couscous, quinoa, rice) are the kind from a box that you boil in water on the stove top. Generally speaking, aren't boxed foods bad for you? What's a person to do? Is there an appliance that can cook whole grains faster and with less margin of error? How do y'all get your whole grains other than breads. I do make my own bread with whole grain wheat or spelt flour.
  16. Evan


    Soy Delicious Peanut Butter Zig Zag. Eat it. You will never desire dairy ice cream ever again. Their Fudge Brownie and Cherry Nirvana are not bad either.
  17. awww Skeletor is so cute. He looks like a lovely friend
  18. Evan


    Yes, ducks are quite awesome, I hope to have some living with me before too long. They are so cute and make such a delightful sound and their poop is good for the garden. Let's all adopt a duck (if plausible)
  19. Sorry Evan... I haven't been on forum for a couple of weeks... The use of the 'nic' Nakeddragon isn't a nudist reference, Don't worry, nobody's perfect Just kidding. Cool anyway.
  20. Hi Slightly Bitchy I was going to abbreviate you to SB but that looks like Strong Bad from HomestarRunner so I won't do that. Anyway, welcome.
  21. How cool, I'm really loving this group. I only cut my hair once every two years, I donate it too. cool cool
  22. Hey, don't worry. One of the most famous strong men of all time had huge forearms that out shined his biceps and that man's name was Popeye the Sailor Man!
  23. Alex, I had my calendar up when it was still January and a maintenance man came to my house to do some work. He saw your picture and said that when he grows up, he wants to loos like you. I thought you'd like to know. I wanted to tell him if he really did, he should go vegan but frankly I just wanted him to get out of my house so I could go back to sleep.
  24. I used to style my hair with conditioner and it never caused hair loss but I guess it could depend on active ingredients and other factors. Now a days, I don't use shampoo or conditioner. I just rinse my hair with clean, refreshing water 3 times a day. I also swim fairly often so I make sure to rinse that chlorine out. I sprits water and jojoba oil mix for styling and conditioning. No need for shamppo and conditioners that really only build up and make you need to wash more often.
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