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Everything posted by divamom

  1. hmmm... there is a time and a place for everything.....you may need western medicine again one day...maybe years from now, maybe not at all, but it has a place. I brought all my kids up homeopathic, but combined with Western to appease their dad as well. We took and to this day take very little of anything, --I had surgery and took NOTHING...BUT...smallpox was irradiated through science, cancer has cures cause of science and aids has been slowed--not arrested because of science. Be open in the future...my kids have had stitches, strep ( treated), seizures ( treated), and one even had whooping cough (treated)...I was kicked out of a pediatric practice for my beliefs, but I still have regard...and yeti...its called "practicing medicine"...not a huge fan, but it exists for a reason. just saying'... I do so hope you are feeling better now! Hillcrest Wholefoods...umm, yummy...they have Xan vegan chocolates there, and they almost always have fume salad in the deli. We should try to meet next time...I am headed to La Jollaone in next day or so...doing some career tool stuff. and don't take as a lecture...I am neither pro or anti, but modern day medicine, with all its faults still does more good than harm in its truest sense!
  2. thank you and nice to hear from you both. I always think not good enough. this was tonite...have not worked abs steadily since 11/2011 bad hair and skanky Lucky's.
  3. taking time off..Job Search is critical...will be carrying gym clothes in car...if I miss my 5- 6 am workout--such is life...I need my revenue stream to have muscles!
  4. yup on the Gastro; I choose not to treat the IBS with anything--and I could have had my intestines ripped apart and resewn back in November--I thought it way too invasive as well as there was a 5% chance it wouldn't work---so, I chose the hernia ( worthless surgery as I look back now), and so choose diet and a minimalist approach to treating---for now. Thanks for the thought!
  5. not a nutritionsist, but have a few credentials and certs...whats's your current total calorie consumption...you may be plateuing, again, and its your body's way of saying, "Let's mix it up!" Studies show, if/when we become too restrictive, its more harm than good- i.e., cravings, inconsistent and weight gain...so, ...food for thought. Do you like tofu? I can't stand the texture of tempeh so I never eat it ( blecch- but many say that about tofu), and I do know how tough it is staying gluten free..I am on the same path with that. Off to do cardio at the beach with my iPod...because I CAN! ( beats the fricken' stairmill!) Keep the faith and keep looking up---what happened to the pics you were gonna post?
  6. La Jolla 8825 Villa La Jolla Dr La Jolla, California Phone: 858.642.6700 map & directions| Store web page Encinitas and this one is a LEEDS certified architectural structure, meaning it complies in all the latest of Green and architectural'y up-to-date for energy efficient and a few other snappy things! 687 S. Coast Highway 101 Encinitas, California Phone: 760.274.1580 map & directions| Store web page
  7. bummer on the vest! I was up your way today...college / lemon grove- funky weather. I went to the beach yesterday and walked almost 5 fast- may do again tomorrow- tide was out and so walked the sand- Roller coaster to Diamond. One of my faves the last 20 plus years. I read you walk the Bay ...a good walk. Do you do any local races since you run? I ran w/ San Diego track club for years...great group filled with world class runners and a ton of multi talented athletes. The Coach has been recognized by the Presidents Council for Physical fitness...we are so lucky to love in such a fit city. Have you been to the Whole Foods in La Jolla or the newer one in Encinitas. Hope your stomach is feeling better and your fasting and all is working well with your workouts.
  8. what is it you want from your diet? you have 5 cups of veggies listed yesterday- far from restrictive. are you still losing and what are you craving? do you do ANY supplements?
  9. BLEW OFF CARDIO. Ate gluten/fat free brownies (egg whites- my bad, but I am right now as my intestines are bad again and I am not eating much of anything w/ out doubling over in pain- so---a whole container of VEGA I can't use--will give to my mentor in life- a 67 year old ultra marathoner that still kayaks, lifts and just this year switched from running to walking as he risks having his ankle fused, and screws his GF regularly- she is 64 and runs 8 miles a DAY---)so, sporadic egg whites, but they make me wanna vomit as well ---doing l glutamine and drinking lots of kombucha and avoiding all raw , anything w/ seeds and o grains when I am like this and nut butters have to be finely ground- its bad---but, life goes on....the brownies go down smooth. as well as potatoes and limited amounts of tofu... wanted to blow my work out off entirely, but I DID it, cause losers quit- WINNERS don't! so small as it was...I did it! • Pull ups or assisted pull ups (3 x 10)- 2 x10 @the 40 help and 1x7 @40 and switched it to 60 for last three • Lat Pull Downs [Close Grip] (3 x 15)w/ 80 • Lat Pull Downs [Regular / Wide Grip] (3 x 10) w/ 80 • Stiff leg dead lifts (5 x 12) w/ 60# barbell • Lunges (3 x 40 steps) w/ 20# • Lying Leg curls (4 x 12) w/ 50 • Single-Leg iso hamstring curls (3 x12) w/ 85 • (Calves) horiz calf raises (4 x 15)- w/ 90 # on each side
  10. so, I had my almost 16 year old take...hmmm....great camera Nikon digital SLR, bad attitude photographer and my posture--OMG..mega pot belly as she gave me 1 minute...that's it , posing etc sucks, no mirror, couldn't check...kids can really suck sometimes ...but...will try with a friend or my iPad tomorrow.... I had 20 mins to lift today; I took it! overhead shoulder press 4 x 10 w/ 25# arnold curls 2 x 10 w/ 15, 1 x 10 w/ 20 lateral raise3 x 10 w/ 10 upright row 3 x 10 40 lb barbell, bent over fly's 3 x 10 w/ 25 shoulder shrugs 4 x 12 2/ 35#
  11. Will have my daughter take a pic of back and arms before she goes back to her dad's for the week. I am super stale and flat and the board is so keeping me on my toes. Anyone reading, thank you for sharing your journey as well..keeps me only toes! Blessings!
  12. I do a lot of cardio..always have. But lifting is the bomb. I have just had a hard time focusing with my current lay off and family issues and getting caught up in "the food". I hate losing weight,so I stay manic about my food. But I always wish I were 5 lbs lighter. Crazy stuff.
  13. Thanks...I know my loose skin sucks, but so does being 50 and having 3 grown kids. That's me hating my legs..you should see my arms, shoulders and back--I could compete tomorrow. . I hate my thighs, and I feel heavy. I know...crazy. By the way,you look awesome in your cutting, and kudos on the guy. It's always fun to have someone interested.
  14. Hmmm...my insides hurt as well as my intestines are swollen,...again. As I I gained 5 lbs overbite So far, 4.5 mile at the beach, 1/2 on boardwalk and 1/2 right on the beach on the sand. Because I can. And it was fast, and yesterday was lunges as well as I had a fab massage last night, so my butt was so tight and sore...Love it. I have so much muscle,..when I hurt it's a god thing!
  15. Most of the weight i gained is off. Yay. So far: 3 mins stairmill Leg extensions 3 x 10 @ 70 Leg press/ instead of squats 3 x 10 @ 100 Walking lunges 4 x 40 w/ 20 # dumbbells Leg curls 4 x 10 50 # Butt blaster 3x 10 @100 Seated calf raise 4 x 12 @ still feeling the lazies and just working through it..like back in the day when i woukd say i woukd only run 2 & ended up running 6. Working thru the valley of the i dont want to. I also LOVE my early AM workouts~ sets me up for a good day. Usually
  16. oh...but Vons/ Safeway will have even more natural; they signed a contract last quarter of 2011 with the largest Natural foods distributor in the country, so you will be seeing even more product in some stores. As for sprouted tofu --- I think its just the brand name. Cause, technically if you sprout tofu, you wouldn't want to cook it for the raw benefits, so even if its sprouted...its then cooked, heated and mushed and then allowed to coagulate till its hard, so any benefits of sprouting are gone. hate to sound like such a know it all...its all I did for 10 years...live in Natural Food stores all across the country and talk with other granola'y head peeps like me.. And, I got paid a LOT to do it. lol. do you shop at the old Henry's now Sprouts, ever? Whole Foods Hillcrest is better, duh. Ever go to Ocean Beach People's? I love our Co-Op! Up here in North County, we also have Jimbo's...and he is one of the primary mover's ( a local store guy here..four stores), non GMO movement.org and creating the stir for more public awareness. Cool, huh?
  17. I am currently networking my little heart out...I was laid off in Oct of 2011 and chose to not work to invest in family. Anyways, I am looking now, and this is a fun kind of job...demo peeps in the stores..did earlier in my career, but a fun PT job to look into. Cheers! From LinkedIn: Rich Nature is looking for Demo Reps in the PORTLAND , OR area for our Whole Food Stores! Food lover & enthusiasts welcome! Rich Nature, the leading provider of Superior Grade Organic Goji berries, is getting ready for an aggressive demo campaign and we need someone who is reliable, trustworthy, passionate, and outgoing to do our demos in the Portland metro area who also wouldn't mind covering Vancouver, WA (right across the river). Independent reps and demo companies welcome. It won't just be another demo - this one will be filled with treats we've created in the Rich Nature kitchen with our product for sampling. Please email me here: [email protected] and I would be glad to give you more information. Many thanks, and looking forward to talking with you. Visit www.richnature.com! 2 hours ago
  18. Yup, Von's/Safeway is committed on contract,...most stores throughout the entire nation now have an entire natural set. Good stuff. They even have kombucha's in some.. GT's...but not the "classic"...those have a more memorable taste! Sorry to hear about the stomach. I live in gut pain,so I hear you and I am always playing w/ my food and what works. Do you do l-glutamine? It helps w/intestinal lining repair- tossing it out there, I am sure you know or have heard ll. Brrrr, these past few days, huh?
  19. 45 cardio stairmill, level 16- ho hum,going thru the motions,but this is a good thing! Part two...possibly. Life may call. TOO MUCH FOOD. assisted pull ups 3 x 10 1- arm bent over rows, 3 x 10 w/ 32.5 up right rows on a cybex'y thing, 3 x 10 moderate weight bent over bicep rows, 3 x 10 with a 50 barbell bicep curls 3 x 10 with a 30 lb barbell dumbbel bicep curls 3 x 10, 15# fast and furious, back to back ...veins popping and .... But still lazy and demotivated...so bleh.....
  20. Workout part ONE: 35 mins cardio stairmill on 16 interval program Roman chair sit ups 3 x 50 50 push ups Went back in eve: Incline press 3x10 @70 Supine 3x10 70 Dumbbell flys 3x10 w/15 Single arm skull crushers 3x10 w/15 3 x10 assisted dips..light to moderate help Tri ceps pull/extensions 3x10 w/20 pulley stack 10 on stairmill Weak and depleted from life's events', but showing up and acting "as if"
  21. twitterpaited... oooh, food hangover...like being inebriated
  22. you will be the body you train for...I hated my body till recent...have always dieted...nottill 49 did I like it I have a friend that transformed her body w/ weights---70 lbs! Another, 170...I am sure there are many transformations here. At my heaviest not pregnant , I was 40 lbs more...you will be what you work for! ya, vday is pitsy some years. funny what a year brings.
  23. 45 cardio on stairmill, level 16 home listening to podcasts.honing skills. The worst of the binge is over and I am feeling stronger. I feel like I got hit hard by a 2 x 4 for days,...fatigues...mental..I have a big monkey on my back I haven't gotten to budge--my bad. This is today...I am up 3 - 5 since contest pics; post surgery, lay- off, unemployed, and biggest personal crisis to date so, my abs at about 10 weeks of not working hard- and my legs are a constant but...my diet has been bad for me, older and gain faaaast. So this is my starting point,..today. Its all part of leaner, meaner and stronger , faster, better as I am now on the other side--I want to tighten my abs an still work on my legs- the goal is to Benjamin Button as I grow older....always a work in progress will go back to gym this eve and either do more cardio and abs or not at all...not lazy, but things to tend to
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