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Everything posted by divamom

  1. One of the Whole Foods in Vegas has a huge,bigger than all the other stores in the area, deli/kitchen..it's in a nicer mall area...omg...they have an agave sweetened chocolate by a company called "xan",... Some of the best vegan chocolates ever, they are behind the counter not on the shelf, ...and only the WHole Foods in that region and then only a handful of those (it's called SoPac) have them. ( i really know every store...and i havent forgotten about the smaller chains re: areas that carry books...just have not pulled the list and made time- i gave your card to my local coop that i am running to be on Board of Director's and he said thanks, so when i am working again in the industry will plaster and canvas) Not sure if you do any crap food,but these are probably some of the best vegan chocolate candies ever...like best vegan, gluten free bakery is in Portland next to a Dr.Brew's on Alberta street)..cool on the Olympia workout..he is HUGe! And again, safe travels to Austin (now THAT Whole Foods is to freakin'die for)
  2. Thanks on the arms. Ya...my abs too when I am working..and my ass...but my thighs will be my weak point till I die! Told ya, I was about 3-5 up...I hate feeling big, and I felt big. Old that day, too. All the slutty looking girls there with their muscle boyfriends..As I said, I hold my own for 50 and that s me big...so, I won't complain. Horrible stomach ache, so I did 45 cardio early am on stairmill, level 16-- really into listening to career podcasts as i just started the job searc, and going to put a cut diet back in as soon as stomach ache is gone...get lean and mean for my career search! I went back to do legs in the evening, but couldn't. Really in pain. Pain is relative, and so, I don't complain, but I knew I couldn't over ride my stomach ache. Grrrrrrrr
  3. Love it! I am thinking of a full moon hike tomorrow nite..it's "iffy" - the downhills are hard on my hernia, (sunavabitch), but more moon trivia of sorts...cause we all like need to be a bit more Luna! In the movie, "An American Werewolf in London", every song in the movie had the word "moon" somewhere in its title..and, it is a "wonderful night for a moon dance, with the stars up above in my eyes...."
  4. 45 cardio Needed the time off...may move legs to Monday morning.
  5. Saying goodbye to the bakery is sad indeed...but it's a hello to your goals being achieved even more! I trashed my knee for 14 weeks in 1997 after my daughter was born and was training for a marathon,....needless to say I didn't run it that year. I did exactly what you are doing and Gaia suggested...I lasted two pool workouts,- cant stand chlorine..and it's outdoor here year round (So Cal), and because I had 3 small kids, I did a lot of stuff similar to Pilates and similar type workouts in my house and a lot of weights at home with a bench, etc. the damage was so bad, that I didn't do lunges agin until 2010... I sheared a ligament or something.....baby it, cause those knees take a beating and even though you have lost a significant amount of weight, you still have a heavier load and if the long term goal is to do this for life, then baby it. It sounds like you have a good read on your body. On the stationary bike, do you change your levels? Do you ever elliptical? I know you said you were upping cardio to twice a day..maybe reassess that plan and come back to in a few when the knee pain lessens. When i was still working as a trainer, I usually worked with the bigger girls and it became sort of a passion, and women like you , that take the bull by the horns and do complete 360's have a story..cause not all the women that are big do it..and you are doing it. I feel lazy reading your stuff! Again, thank you. So, when you gonna post the pics?
  6. A funk, my diet is"off" and my head space is cluttered...waited too long to go to gym due to other committments and lasted 14 mins on stairmill,...preoccupied...today was a day off anyways,as I have been 5 days straight. Will start tracking my food...I Am in a panic my jeans won't loosen, despite my adherence to more protein,less carbs, and frustrated as some ofnit is out of my control...I really screwed up the hernia surgery I had and i think my lower abs are gonna be crappy forever,or until my jeans are too loose. Not sure if I am building, or maintaining...but my pants feel tight and that is a bad mental place to be. Will do 45 cardio tomorrow and legs. Adding horiz leg press back in as well as plié squats. I still am not happy with my quads and hams. Bleh.
  7. I am OK. I had surgery mid Nov and a host of bad bad bad,,,I will add one more bad things happen ...all following being laid off from a really amazing career job...and my sanity and anchor is always the gym! Always. Still not working, but I had to get strong from the train wreck that occurred in my life...I just came through the most awful times...at one point I was down about 7 pounds from where I am now and all I can say is that the gym saved my life. I d like to be down that 7,...actually, it's probably 3-5 now, I don't weigh..I use my clothes and I am freakishly accurate when I do weigh. So there. I am contemplating writing what really happened as its a Hallmark movie or Jerry springer( and for those that watch southpark, a pabst blue ribbon white trash moment) So cool you have a non vegan , but vegan friendly man in your life! And a sweet one, too. People like you on forums, whose goodness oozes..well, thank you. Your beauty and radiance shines through, as do many others here. So, how was the work out under the weather and is the tooth/sinus any better? oh, and the sushi looked divine! Your BF is a keeper!
  8. My best years were a good lifting partner. I train alone now, or sometimes with one of my son's cute lil 23 yr old friend ( I will not touch, I will not touch, I will not do)...but nothing compares to the "right" training partner. Kudos to finding that pairing and gosh that is a hella hella lot of weight woman! Sweet! How is the "cutting" going?
  9. 45 cardio stairmill, level 16- aerobic program 3 x 10 assisted pull up 3 x 20 back extension w/ 20 lb plate 3 x 10 1-arm row w/35 3 x 10 cable row w/90 3x 10 w/50 lb barbell bent row 3x10 w/30 lb barbell bicep curls Blew off preacher curls and abs Emotionally drained and i feel fat, despite being good w/ food and cardio the entire week- and upping my protein grams and cutting my carbs way way way back. 3 weeks of not tight but junky for me has put my head into a dither!
  10. love your blog photos...and I am/was an outdoorsy girl. Life the past few has brought me in more, but out whenever possible. Have hiked Whitney, love Yosemite and up until 3 yrs ago when I had to quit running, ...I ran in a canyon ( I call it MY Canyon...have tons of pics)...or on the beach 6 days a week for I can't tell you how many year...20 maybe.. The gym is a new thing for me, but like a fish..I have adapted to my water. your blog photos rock!
  11. lessee..today s TH 35 minutes stair mill early am- short on time, so round #2 later Round #2 15 mins stairmill 50 pushups 3 x 10 incline press w/ the Big Boy's bar and sissy 5# plates on each side 3 x 10 supine press same as above end of bench , in between I did abs 3 x 25 in/outs 3 x 10 dumbbell flies w/ 15 lbs 1- handed "head bangers" 3 x 15 w/ 15# dips (assisted) 3 x 10 w/ little help on weight 3 x 20 tri cep dips on bench 3 x 10 triceps pull downs on cable machine w/ rope...i think it was 20, it may have been 30, but it was challenging 100 Roman Chair sit ups/, at 2 sets of 50 some guys in his 20's said I looked like a bathing suit model, and one of my son's friends..a 22 yr od kid told me I have the most amazing body. Both lil cutie pies. Sometimes, cougars like hearing little cubs mewww. Total ego boost and made my day!
  12. divamom


    nawww...a lot of vegans have bad diets...but a lot of meat eaters do, too! Sandra is also our resident, "Rabbi", so a wise woman, indeed! I just happen to be one of the organic granola'y head types, and I try to stay away from processed things...and it seems MANY here on this site are more concerned with good nutrition as well. I work in the Natural Foods Industry, so, its a way of life, but always open to learning, and do a bit from peeps all over, including this board. killing comes naturally...hmmm...like Dexter!
  13. divamom


    wow..a forest. Ergo..Tarzan. slaughterhouse. hmmm. Interesting...as we all have to make a living...would be interested in how that came about, as its certainly a unique occupation! I have a great diet, as you pointed out a lot of vegans don't......been veg/ vegan close to 34 years...and like Sandra, have worked with peeps for years- training, etc...but mostly women as well...its YOUR thread. I wouldn't know what to do with meat, and at one point was told I would have the body of my dreams if I ate meat. I guess I will still dream. Forest, eh? Clue on which continent?
  14. "F" me, all the stair mills were taken at 5:30 am so I switched gears 3 minutes level 12 on stationary bike 3 x 10 assisted pull ups 3 x 10 lat pull downs w/90- regular grip 3 x 10 pull downs with interior reverse grip w/90 5 x 12 good mornings 2/ 70 lb barbell 3 x 40 steps walking lunches w/ 20lb dumbbells 4 x 12 leg curls w/ 55 3 x 12 each leg isolated leg push backs for gluteus ( don't know what the heck its called) 4 x 12 seated calf raise w/ 70 lbs...ran out of time.... need to go back later at some point for my 45 cardio part deux 45 cardio. stairmill 35 on 16-aerobic, 10 more interval with leg extension
  15. Question: you're naturally thin...or don't gain easy? Agree, impressive pic on the leg press.
  16. i am up 3 from there...it was 5!!!! My abs aren't as flat right now, as I am dealing with some other things internally and needed to relax a few weeks on the diet, so, I have cut my carbs back again and back to heavy protein consumption and I need to go from 45 cardio back to an hour cardio, but its OK. I needed a break from "diet" --so kind of ate for a few weeks-- gluten free bagels, organic vegan spread and vegan cream cheese...and really bad love affair with Envirokidz rice treat bars!!! I hate losing more than 5--so, thats that. and again, thank you. and yes, you will one day...commitment! Its a Lifestyle!
  17. 45 cardio stairmill, level 16- fat burn for 35 and interval for 10 w/ leg extensions back (technically its hips) on the slow intervals part two is later- shoulders and traps this afternoon- or tonite Part Two: butt blaster...google it-- its just a regular butt blaster, guys! another not so good day, so I had to modify it from standing to sitting on a bench for a lot, and in a hurry...liek I want OUT in 45 mins ...so I almost always split my cardio and weights and do two workouts a day. My intensity is somewhat moderate...but for me...lazy!: Overhead shoulder press w/dumbbells 4 x 10 w/ 25 Arnold press 4 x 10 w/20 lateral raise 4 x 12 w/10 bent over fly's, 2 x 12 w/20 and 2x 12 w/22.5 upright rows 3 x 10 w/ 40 barbell dips ( assisted) 1 x 10 w/ hardly any help 1 x 6 w hardly any help 1 x 6 with lots of help and 1 x 12 w/ lots help ( Not really, but for me, yes) 25 roman chair sit ups...feeling the hernia again...surgery was Nov, ran 6.5 HARD on NY day and have been trashed ever since. Gained 5 Lbs in a 3 week period...have lost half of it, but its diet. Found the best frozen vegan protein, non gmo, yummy soy chicken stuff ( have been eating for years in Orange county, but just now having it for sale to peeps. Out of here!
  18. 45 cardio early 5 30 a.m. stair mill, all level 16 but mixed up, empty stomach not feeling 100% on weights, came back at 2 pm - leg day- hernia that was operated on in Nov is hurting so : leg extensions 3 x 12 @75# could/can't squat or lunge well my insides are killing me, so: Squats w/ 20# dumbbells, 4 x 15 Plie squats, 4 x 25 w/ 15# dumbbells calf work on horiz leg press, 4 x 15 - light, like 150# butt blasters, 3 x 12 on 100# leg curls, 4 x 12 and varied the weights between 35 and 50 50 ab curls-its all I could do I absolutely hate when my insides hurt as it was a leg day and I love my squats and walking lunges and I couldn't. next time!
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