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Everything posted by trainer_j0hn

  1. Did a few sprints this week. Did some single-arm flexed arm hangs and some single-arm inverted rows. Started doing uphill sprints. On Sunday I did a 400 meter sprint with the incline on 6 in 72 seconds. I about passed out. Then I did 30 single-leg pistol squats on the bosu. On Monday, I did a 2 mile open water swim and got sucked out to sea by the rip current. It was scary. Today's workout, for time: 25 jump squats, from parallel to land on the Bosu 30 squats on Bosu 50 PISTOL SQUATS ON THE BOSU! (It took me 5 sets, but I finished). 10 single-arm chin-ups at negative 18 kilograms (-40 lbs). It took me 2 sets to get 10. 5 single-arm inverted rows at level 12 on our smith (~45 degree angle?) Time: 22:00 After my workout, I had some orange juice, some avocado, some cashews, some peanut butter, and some dark chocolate with mint and coconut oil and some hard cider!!!
  2. I've never heard of the Warrior Diet. I just looked it up. It looks interesting and seems to be consistent with my anecdotal observations. I will have to read more about it! I usually advise clients to eat when they are hungry, to choose nutritious whole natural foods from the Earth, and to make sure that energy intake is proportional to energy expenditure, with respect to health and fitness goals.
  3. That looks yummy and is pretty nutritious. You could benefit from adding some fresh greens (collard, kale, mustard, turnip, spinach, etc) and some healthy fats (avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, coconut, etc) to your diet.
  4. I wish I had the bank to donate to your ride! But I'll post some moral support. I think as a vegan, you will already have an advantage in this type of long-distance event!!! The longest ride I ever did was 100 miles. That was about 6 years ago when I was vegetarian, but still ate a decent bit of junk food like bread and white pasta and pizza and ice cream. It took me about 7 or 8 hours, but I finished. The longest I had done before the 100 mile was a 45. Although I haven't done any long-distance biking anytime lately, I know that my cardio now is better than it was 6 years ago when I did the 100 mile, mostly as a result of following a cleaner diet I think
  5. It has been about a month since I injured my right infraspinatus. Things like taking off a shirt, taking off socks and shoes, brushing teeth, picking up anything, et cetera still result in shooting pain. But I'm making good progress with cardio and legs I think. Did a 400m (0.25 mile) sprint in 72 seconds at 7:30 am. Brutal. I thought I was going to throw up. Then I taught a chest and back circuit class and 2 core classes. I did some single-arm forearm plank. Fun. I had 16 people in my core classes this morning! Then after work, I did the following for time: 30 side to side plyometric jumps, 18 inch tall bench 25 squats on the Bosu 30 SINGLE-LEG (PISTOL) SQUATS ON THE BOSU. This was today's main event. I did 15 on each leg. It took me 3 sets to get 30 reps). Pistols with my left leg are harder for some reason. Leg press: 8 reps @ 135 lbs, 6@225, 6@315, 6@405, 6@500 400m (0.25 mile) sprint in 72 seconds (this one was way easier than the one this morning!!) Time: 27 minutes. After working out, I had breakfast, my first food of the day. I had some orange juice, a carrot cake cliff bar, and about a cup of roasted cashews. 5 glasses of hard cider later I decided to go do some silly cardio (nonsense including but not limited to: single-leg running up and down stairs, single-leg two 200m (0.25 mile) hops, throwing and bouncing a tennis ball and chasing after it, doing nueromuscular drills with tennis ball, single-arm flexed arm hang with my good arm for 25 seconds) outside. It was 90 degrees and sunny today! Other than all the car-exhaust fumes and other air pollution like from the port and various factories, it was nice outside. Did you know that a plant-based diet results in fewer emissions of many air pollutants? I think I am going to have a big dinner with lentils and brown rice and brussel sprouts and vegetables and olive oil and 6 or 7 pieces of fruit for dinner around 11 tonight
  6. The quantity and quality of your food intake are of vastly more importance than the timing and frequency of your food intake. Do you keep a food log? What types of foods are you eating? Are you getting enough vitamins and minerals? I don't like to eat much during the day because it makes me feel sluggish. I always eat my biggest meal of the day right before bed. I find that eating for a few hours at night is a nice way to relax and helps me sleep. It is really personal preference though. Eat when you are hungry. Just make sure to eat nutritiously. And if you are trying to lose a few pounds, make sure your daily energy expenditure is a few hundred calories above your daily energy intake.
  7. Thanks Herc! I was wondering when someone might comment on my log!
  8. The fact that there is no evidence is precisely why it is unsafe. Absence of evidence of harm does not = evidence of absence of harm. It is perfectly valid to claim that genetic modification is unsafe, and I will explain why. First, we must define safe. Google defines safe as "Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed." Because the effects of genetic modification are entirely unknown, we cannot assume that we are protected from danger or risk. When dealing with unknowns, we cannot assume that we are not likely to be harmed. Until we can be confident that we are protected from danger or risk and not likely to be harmed, the activity is unsafe. Suppose that there is a very tall tree by the river with a branch growing out over the water. You want to climb the tree and jump off of the limb into the water because it looks super exciting! The depth of the water is unknown. There is no way to determine the depth of the water at this time. There is also no way to determine what might be underneath the water, hidden from view. Perhaps there is a fallen tree under the water. Maybe there are rocks. Maybe there is an alligator. Given these circumstances, if someone told you that jumping is not safe, would you think "We don't know whether or not it is safe to jump." ? Until the depth of the water is known, jumping is not safe. Suppose that you are blind and deaf and you are considering crossing a roadway while alone. You don't have any evidence suggesting that a car is going to hit you. Is crossing the road safe or unsafe? The effects of genetic modification are unknown. Until we fully understand all of the long-term effects of genetic modification, production is not safe. The precautionary principle is not a challenging concept. I am convinced that most scientists and doctors today don't receive sufficient instruction on the philosophical disciplines of epistemology, logic, and ethics.
  9. Recent comprehensive literature reviews have concluded that there is currently no scientific consensus regarding the safety of genetically modified organisms. There are numerous concerns with GM organisms and the scientific community remains divided on many of these issues. While the nutritional value of GM foods is likely similar, there are concerns regarding allergenicity, toxicity, and gene transfer. Additionally, there are numerous environmental concerns. Simply put, the health and environmental effects of genetic modification are unknown. GM organisms have not been around long enough for us to have valid long-term data on the subject. The scientific community is divided in their predictions. In cases of uncertainty and potential harm, we abide by the precautionary principle. The potential benefits of genetic modification do not outweigh the potential for harm. Our time and resources would be better spent on creating seed-banks, saving heirloom seeds, trying to reverse the unsustainable trend of monoculture factory farming, et cetera.
  10. Thanks HorseSense! I made some edits, added some text and some pictures
  11. Hopefully none of us here consume whey! I read this nifty article that Fallen Horse posted. Thanks, Fallen Horse! http://www.suntimes.com/lifestyles/12891917-423/our-preoccupation-with-protein.html I decided to post a comment, which then turned into me writing a book, so I decided to post it here in case anyone wanted to read it. We all know that lunk at the gym who drinks 4 protein shakes per day, but has probably never even seen a kale leaf! I agree with the article that most people in the U.S. are way too preoccupied with protein! I'm a hardcore athlete and I'm lucky if I get 80 grams per day. The recommended daily intake of protein for the average person is only 0.8 grams per kilogram of body-weight. Thus, a 150 lb. person really only needs 55 grams of protein per day. For my clients who are lifting weights and interested in building muscle, I usually recommend that they increase their protein intake beyond the RDA value to about 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body-weight. A 150 lb. serious weightlifter needs at least 68 grams. For hardcore elite-level athletes, studies show that a protein intake of up to 1.4 grams per kilogram of body-weight can be beneficial. A 150 lb. hardcore athlete should aim for 95 grams. Unfortunately, many fitness magazines (and the supplement companies they are funded by) run all sorts of misinformation campaigns in which they try to convince people of all sorts of unscientific nonsense. My favorite protein myths are: 1. "You have to eat 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body-weight." This is by far the most ridiculous protein myth. The fact that this myth employs two different systems of measurement should be a clear giveaway that this claim is not scientific. Protein intake is measured in grams of protein per kilogram of body-weight. This first myth is not only inconvenient and potentially expensive, but excessive protein intake can also strain the kidneys as well as cause other minor digestive problems like constipation. Another problem is that focusing so much on protein intake can sometimes distract from obtaining other more important nutrients, especially micronutrients and phytonutrients. I'm sure you get more than enough protein already, but do you get enough calcium and Vitamin A? Add some collard greens to your diet! Collards are not only the most nutrient dense food on the planet, but they are also a good source of protein. They receive a nutrient balance (completeness score) of 81. A measly 30 calories worth of collards boasts 5% of the daily value (RDA) for protein, 133% Vitamin A, 59% Vitamin C, 11% Vitamin E, 638% Vitamin K, 8% Riboflavin, 8% B6, 41% Folate, 14% fiber, 14% Calcium, 14% and Manganese just to name a few. When I eat collards, I don't eat 30 calories worth, I eat about 200 calories worth, representing 7 times the above percentages. You do the math http://i48.tinypic.com/2115ruq.jpg When you compare a Brassica vegetable like collard greens, (our state food!) to a protein powder in terms of number of nutrients by weight or in terms of number of nutrients per energy content, collard greens are more nutritious either way, and in the case of the latter, collard greens are orders of magnitude more nutritious. Here is a commercial protein powder; it receives a nutrient balance (completeness score) of 34. There is far less nutrition in 100 calories worth of protein powder than in 30 calories worth of collard greens. http://i48.tinypic.com/15ects.jpg 2. "You have to consume protein every 2-3 hours or you will go into a catabolic starvation mode state and start burning muscle for fuel, plus eating every 2-3 hours will increase your metabolism." Neither of these statements are even remotely true. Most people have plenty enough glycogen stores and stored body-fat that they could probably go days without eating before the body would seriously start breaking down muscle tissue for fuel. Although heart rate, oxygen consumption, and several other variables do affect energy sourcing, most generally, the order in which the body burns sources of energy is as follows: Alcohol, high-glycemic carbs (simple sugars), low-glycemic carbs and plasma free fatty acids, glycogen stored in the liver, glycogen stored in the muscle, and stored body-fat. Burning muscle tissue for fuel would be an absolute last resort and generally only occurs in starving individuals, such as anorexic populations or people in certain undeveloped countries. However, this myth helps supplement companies sell protein bars and protein shakes. Convince people they need protein every 2-3 hours + the fact that most people don't have time to cook every 2-3 hours = higher sales of convenient protein supplements. 3. "You have to consume protein within 30-45 minutes of your workout or your workout was a complete waste and even counterproductive." Sure, protein is important, but the main concern after a tough workout is replacing glycogen stores. High-glycemic simple sugars should be your first priority after a tough workout. I like fresh fruit and 100% fruit juice after a workout. Then you can prepare a large nutritious meal with some protein in it when you get home. This myth persists because convincing people that they need to consume 85739959372^47283 grams of protein within 0.000003 seconds of finishing their workout helps supplement companies sell more protein bars and protein shakes. Almost everyone in this country has some type of vitamin, mineral, other micronutrient, or phytonutrient deficiency. Protein deficiency, however, is almost unheard of: http://i46.tinypic.com/2cpxg9e.png Mail your protein powders and shakes to Africa where they belong! The time you eat and the frequency at which you eat are of relatively little importance unless you have diabetes, hypoglycemia, or some other metabolic disease. Eat whole natural foods from the Earth (organic when possible). If you could find it in the wild, it is probably healthy for you. If it comes packaged and processed and shipped from 4000 miles away and has 50 ingredients you can't pronounce, it is probably not healthy for you. If you are a serious weight-lifter, make sure you get at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body-weight. If you are a hardcore athlete, increase your protein to 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body-weight. Put down the protein powder and pick up some bok choy!!!! If you aren't a cabbage fan, you can be like Popeye. http://veganismisthefuture.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/popeye_go_vegan_by_jimotaku-d396dmd.jpg Popeye is a VEGAN BEAST!!
  12. Right on! I recently started incorporating squats into my leg workouts as well and am enjoying them! I had tried heavy barbell squats when I was younger, but then I heard a lot of horror stories and became worried about back problems and hernias, so I stopped doing them. Now I do a lot of body-weight squats (air squats), squats with kettle-bell swings, dumbbell front squats, thrusters (front squat to shoulder press), squats on the Bosu (balance board) and single-leg pistol squats! I have been having phenomenal results with the single-leg pistol squats! I even did a few on the Bosu today!!! They are so intense for the stabilizer muscles and for the core!
  13. Smoking anything is bad for your heart and lungs though. Smoking will negatively impact health and fitness, so if you know anyone who smokes cannabis, you should encourage them to switch to edibles instead. By the way, what was the point of your post?
  14. (This is actually yesterday's entry, I just didn't have time to post it yesterday): I ran 800 meters (0.5 miles) in 2:25!!!! Then I attempted some close-grip pronated chin-ups, but I could only do about 15 because my muscles have seriously atrophied. I ended up completing 30, but it took 3 sets. I didn't feel any pain in my shoulder when doing the chin-ups, but I'm feeling some pain now, although I am not necessarily attributing said pain to the chin-ups. I cooled down with some rotational rehab work for the shoulder with some 3 lb dumbbells. Breakfast: Some roasted sunflower kernels and a few glasses of Olde English malt liquor. After my run and chin-ups, I had a carrot cake Cliff Bar (the best flavor ever by the way)!!! Snack: ~1/3 cup of natural peanut butter Dinner: Some brussel sprouts, some pinto beans, some brown and wild rice, olive oil, and vegetables Dessert: 2 oranges and a glass of grapefruit juice. I doubt I got enough calories today so I'm not going to add it all up and get depressed about it
  15. I spent the weekend swimming and climbing some trees and rope swinging out over the river. It was a pretty good workout. Today I taught a bunch of abs classes and did lots of planks with clients. My own workout today: 500 meter sprint in 1:28 Single-arm dumbbell squat to shoulder press on bosu: 15 @ 25 lbs, 12 @ 35, 10 @ 40 20 single-leg (pistol) squats Single-arm overhead dumbbell walking lunges: 60 meters with 25 lb dumbbell overhead Hack squat machine: 12 @ body-weight plus 220 lbs, 15 @ body-weight plus 220 lbs Time = ~24:00 Breakfast= 2 apples Lunch = A banana, some sunflower seeds, 2 cliff bars and some natural peanut butter Snack = 4 beers Dinner= 1.25 cups (dry) lentils, 0.5 cups (dry) brown rice, tomatoes, onions, olive oil, garlic Dessert= A mango, 4 oranges, and some blueberries 4300 kcal, 202 g fat, 450 g carbs, 110 g protein
  16. Nice article! Go Australia!
  17. Welcome! What part of the Netherlands? I definitely want to visit Amsterdam sometime soon!!
  18. Eating whole fruits is definitely more nutritious than drinking fruit juice! But it is still a shame to see government bureaucrats hating on a natural fruit juice, especially given the state of food, health, and fitness in this country. I think their time and resources could be better spent. I'm not familiar with the POM company either. What kind of animal testing were they involved with?
  19. yawn. Pomegranate juice is awesome and has all sorts of health benefits. It tastes great and is much more nutritious than most other juices. I'm not sure why the uninformed opinion of some random lawyer is of any interest to anyone in the health or fitness community.
  20. WITS is way more legitimate than jokey certs like ACE, AFFA, AFPA, NETTA, ISSA, etc., but it is less respected than NSCA and ACSM. ACSM is the most legitimate certification. I am getting my ACSM certification now just to have something else to put on my resume, but I am still glad I did WITS through my local college. I had no problem getting personal training jobs at fitness centers with WITS. But ACSM is the gold standard. WITS is legitimate, but not very well-known yet. Some local colleges partner with WITS to offer courses and certifications. I took a summer course through WITS and a local college and enjoyed the experience. The class was taught by a power-lifter with a PhD in exercise physiology. I really liked the fact that we got lots of class time and hands-on experience. Too many certifications these days are just study on your own at home with a book. We had lots of class time and lots of lab time. I had to complete a written exam (which was pretty difficult!), a practical / lab exam, an internship, and a CPR class to get certified through WITS.
  21. I think you should eat more. 1100 kcal per day is too low. I don't think anyone should have their calories below about 1500 per day. Your lifting routine looks okay, but the order of exercises could be improved. I rearranged the order of exercises in your current plan slightly to increase safety and effectiveness. Exercises that are difficult, important, or work large muscles should be toward the beginning of your workout. Exercises that are easier, less important, or target small muscles should be toward the end of your workout. Abdominal and other core work should be last. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you! Lower body day 30 min cardio Squats Lunges Deadlift Leg Press Leg curl / hamstring machine Back extension Some type of abdominal work Upper body day 30 min cardio Lat pulldown Chest press Some type of rows Bench dips Tricep pressdowns Concentration curls Front dumbbell raise Lateral dumbbell raise Some type of abdominal work (Roman chair is fine if that is what you like).
  22. How unhealthy is it to eat almonds and cashews and sunflower seeds that have been roasted in vegetable oil? Nuts and seeds are a huge part of my diet! I really like pumpkin seeds because they are so high in protein, but they are hard to find and hard for me to afford. I eat a lot of sunflower seeds, almonds, and cashews. I recently noticed that most all of the roasted almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds at the grocery stores are really greasy, and vegetable oil is the second ingredient on the label. I don't see dry-roasted nuts and seeds very often; the only brand of dry-roasted I saw contained MSG. I know raw is probably better and healthier, but I'm a bit allergic to raw almonds, and it is hard to eat cups and cups of raw sunflower kernels. How unhealthy is it to eat almonds and sunflower seeds that have been roasted in vegetable oil? Do the benefits of the protein in these outweigh the negative effects of consuming so much vegetable oil?
  23. I taught a few abs classes today. My own workout today: 0.5 mile (800 meter) run in 2:30! Single-arm forearm plank on my left arm= 2 minutes (which was way harder than I expected! My shoulders give out on planks way before my core gets tired). Breakfast= A few handfuls of roasted sunflower seeds Lunch= 2 apples, 2 bananas Dinner= Brown rice, black beans, collard greens, tomatoes, olive oil, and a glass of grapefruit juice! ~2200 kcal, 100 g fat, 300 g carbs, 60 g protein. I don't think I got enough calories today, but the collards are loaded with micronutrients, so I feel okay about it!
  24. If you are training chest and back correctly, your arms will get more than plenty of work!
  25. I'm not sure that a range of 20-25 necessarily counts as high-rep training. One can build plenty of muscle doing sets of 20-25 reps. For example, try 4 rounds of: 20 chin-ups 25 dips Also, lmfao at a study based on the use of the knee-extension machine! What a joke!
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