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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. Growing up I used to live near Philly, so the Flyers were pretty much my home team. But every time they got close they would end up messing up. I don't really like them either but since they haven't won a cup I thought it would be nice if they at least won one game during the finals. Now that I live in Florida I am all about Tampa Bay Lightning. I was so happy they won the Stanley Cup right after I moved down here. But they also haven't come close since.Ice hockey is definitely an interesting sport to follow.
  2. Actually the name is Artichoke Red, and they are on Facebook. I have their link on my facebook page.
  3. I am unbelieving that the Flyers are going to the Stanley Cup Finals. They haven't made it to the Finals for a very very long time. I hope they don't blow it!
  4. I will miss this show sooo much! I have to say at first I was upset by the ending, but not now. I watched some interviews with the cast, and if they thought it ended well then who am I to say it didn't. I love the writing, acting, scenery, action, and everything else about Lost. I can't wait to buy the rest of the set. As someone else said in another blog, I think. I will be a Lostie forever!
  5. Hey Robert! We have an all vegan store now in Orlando. I wasn't sure if you knew that or not. Anyway the name of the place is "The Red Artichoke" I believe. It is on the same street as Etho's Vegan Kitchen about a half mile down the road. I will try to get some more ideas of what stores in the Central Florida area might like to carry your book.
  6. Welcome! I grew up in Wilmington, DE, but moved to Orlando, Florida in late 2002. When I went back to visit relatives Delaware seemed a lot smaller, lol. What part of DE are you in? And are there any vegan friendly places there yet?
  7. Just wanted to welcome you to the group!
  8. Not much going on right now. Going to Boston in 2 weeks! The past 2 weekends I've been getting caught up on VBBF. And I finally finished my last unread post. This has taken me quite some time because I was on an internet hiatus for about 6 months or so, and couldn't stay updated on everything VBBF. Hopefully that will never happen again!
  9. Did go for a run this morning, so Yeah for me! I ended up sleeping in a tad bit later than I thought I would but eventually went for my run around 10am. It wasn't too long because it was getting hot. After I'd say about 2.5- 3 miles I stopped at a StarBucks and got one of their oatmeals. It's made with water I checked a while ago on that. I also got in some walking. Walked back to my studio apartment from Starbucks, and then walked to post office, and grocery store. The walking probably equalled about 1 mile, maybe a bit over. Then later on in the afternoon I picked up my bike from one of my jobs, and rode home.
  10. Congratulations on this wonderful change! If you like meat I would probably just start experimenting with the fake meat products. Tofurkey has some pretty good deli slices. There are also new Gardein products available in the frozen food section of grocery stores. Just like with any other food you have to find what you like.
  11. Ok tomorrow morning I plan on going for a run. It will most likely be between 3 and 4 miles. I'm also seriously considering doing less group exercise now that we have different direction. I figure the four classes that I will still take, which are 2 Body Pump, and 2 step classes, and going back to running 3 times a week should be just about enough. That's 5 cardio workouts, and if I add a free weight workout that would be 3 strrngth workouts which brings it to 8 workouts a week. Then if I decide to add an extra workout like a spinning class with the tri coach that would be extra points, added, and hopefully extra pounds subtracted.
  12. Welcome to the group. Sounds like you're definitely on the right path.
  13. hsorlando


    Welcome to the group! Don't worry transitioning to being vegan doesn't have to be difficult. You'll have tons of support here.
  14. Welcome. Gym hunting can definitely be a chore! There are so many to choose from. I know several people on vbbf like 24 Hour Fitness. Like their name says its open 24 hours. Don't know whats in your area but there are many name brand gyms including Lifestyle Family Fitness, LA Fitness, Ballys Total Gym, YMCA's, Gold's, and so many others to choose from. And don't forget the tiny one of a kind gyms. I went to one in Portland and it reminded me so much of the gym in the Rocky movies. Happy gym hunting!
  15. Welcome to VBBF! I think you'll like it here.
  16. I known this is totally belated, but just wanted to say congrats on the comp! Looks like you worked real hard, and it definitely paid off!
  17. Just wanted to welcome you to the group. Hi!!
  18. Welcome to the group! Its an amazing place.
  19. Finally getting caught up on reading all unread posts. So wanted to officially welcome you!
  20. I'm on Twitter, but have no clue what I'm doing there! LOL.
  21. Been going through a lot lately, some of it good, some not so good. Lets see where do I start? I got my own studio apartment, well actually it's more like a one bedroom apartment in the Downtown vicinity. Loving it, but its also costing me more money. But this was expected of course. Don't have a bed yet, but am working on getting 2 shelves, a queen bed, and a couple of other knickknacks from an acquaintance that is moving. I still have to buy things like towels, silverware, etc. I really don't want used dishes, cookware, because of my being vegan. And I'm not really into using someones used towels, even if they are washed. I guess that either makes me a snob, or just somewhat picky. I don't have a vehicle, but my mom's that I co-signed on has pretty much fallen apart, and not worth keeping. Not going into too much detail it is causing the most financial problems, mainly with the payments. I have learned my lesson, but in order to get a new vehicle and trade this one in I will probably have to co-sign so my family can get another car. My brother finally went to court for his divorce, and custody of his 2 girls. It was a long day but ended well, he got them, and basically has full ciustody. But the court system doesn't call it that, he is the custodial parent. I have been going to an animal sanctuary that has cats, dogs, and wolf-dogs. On Thursday I got locked in the cat room, and got to walk 2 lovely dogs. So I think they are getting more used to me. It is amazing this one dog Raja, was very aggressive the first time my smallo group went. The only one that could get near him was the woman that runs the place. Anyway now only about a month or so later the dog is taking treats from us, not barking nearly as much, and just seems so much calmer. I
  22. Lets see when did I laugh last? On Thursday at the animal sanctuary I got locked in the cat room where I was scooping out litter boxes. Then the person that runs the place laughingly shut off a light as she left and my friend and I couldn't find the switch to put it back on. Yesterday I had a converstaion with my mom on the phone, and 15 minutes later we still had no plans made. And neither of us was making much sense, because we were so tired.
  23. We have this equipment at the gym that I work at. It's pretty cool too. I have not had an opportunity to use it yet, but it looks like you could get in a killer workout with it.
  24. Yoda rules!!!!!!!! I love this thread, Star Wars is the best! And I just had to revive this thread!
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