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Everything posted by hsorlando

  1. I don't know what it is but I also have been slacking in the weight lifting department lately. And I used to love it so much. Glad you're lifting again, now it's my turn I suppose.
  2. 4am- multi grain cereal w/ soymilk coffee 930am- banana 230pm- Yves burger, black beans, hummus/ celery 6pm - taco, and burrito 745pm- coffee I am a little concerned about weighing myself tomorrow, I've been a bit more active this week, but I have also been eating more carbs. I hope it all balances out alright. I also felt a bit sluggish, and tired a couple of days, but not because of my diet.
  3. 4am- 4 vegan sausage patties, hummus, soy milk coffee 930am- banana 1230pm- Amy's Vegan Pot Pie, celery w/ hummus 6pm-Gardein Santa Fe Chicken meal (vegan), italian beans coffee
  4. I just keep going back to what I read somewhere on a PETA website, I think it was on caringconsumer.com. PETA basically said that in this industry, in this day and age it is basically impossible to be 100% vegan 100% of the time. As long as we do our best isn't that enough? As long as we care about every creature, and do our best to not partake of their destruction whether it's from eating, wearing, using, or abusing etc, I say that we should all be considered to be vegan.
  5. 4am- multi grain cereal w/ unsweet Silk soymilk coffee 930am- mashed banana that was on the bottom of my gym bag Yum! 1145am- sip of soy milk, then went for a run 1pm- big salad, romaine lettuce, celery, guacomole, green pepper, tomato, vegan chik patty, balsamic dressing 730pm- Yves burger, black beans, tomato 830pm- lemon tea
  6. 4am- 4 vegan sausage patties, hummus, soy milk coffee----- 930am- since i never get a break, and no employees care that I don't get one I visited with my Mom and had a banana and another cup of coffee for about 15 minutes. I was still on the floor, but like i said I have to make my own breaks. 1pm- taboule, one falaffel, hotdog, and hummus- went to a middle eastern deli, but they forgot to give us all our falafels. 430 voted, then walked half a mile from voting place to gym- Step class 6pm- 2 burritos 830pm-peanut butter,vegan cream cheese dessert
  7. 4am- multi grain cereal, rice milk- funny thing is its an unsweetened cereal but it was still super sweet I guess I'm not used to having sugar and a little goes a long way coffee during the morning at work 1230pm- vegan hotdog, black beans, tomato 4pm- banana-Yum first banana in two weeks spin class at 430pm- great class, and even the small amount of carbs I'm having seems to be doing the trick, because I don't feel the low energy levels that I had for the past two weeks. Did pretty good in spin too! 630pm- Yves burger, roasted red pepper hummus, organic string beans
  8. From everything that I've witnessed at the gym with people that have knee issues. Squats most people are ok with, it's usually just lunges that cause a problem. Of course good form is also key to preventing more injuries too!
  9. Thank goodness the two week phase is over! I can't wait to eat bananas again!!! My mom and I bothe weighed ourselves yeasterday. She's lost a total of about 11 pounds, and I've lost about 7 in the first two weeks. Now that the sugar is all out of my system it is time to reintroduce good carbs. For this week I will just be adding one good starch, and one fruit daily, and next week two starches, and one fruit. This way my blood sugar levels won't escalate and I won't get those bad cravings. I'm quite happy with the progress, and can't wait to workout a bit more now as I have more energy and my clothes fit better. Today I did Step, went to Whole Foods, and then had some carbs! 8am-coffee, and rest of soy yogurt about 3/4 cup 1230pm- 15 almonds, flavored water- Twist brand 4pm- 2 burritos 515pm- coffee 7pm- celery and hummus
  10. Welcome to this amazing vegan community!
  11. Yeah, and by the way I never have received it in my email.
  12. Thanks vegan joe! Wow, someone actually ready my boring post, ha ha! So here's another one. 4am- vegan bacon, vegan cheese, diet raspberry tea (odd beverage choice, but it's all I had) coffee 945am- 1 cup silk soy yogurt 1pm- hummus, falaffel, taboule, from middle eastern Deli
  13. 4am- 4 vegan sausage patties, small amount of soy milk, vegan cheese coffee sustained me all morning 1pm- 2 vegan chicken patties, tomato, black beans, diet raspberry tea 430pm- spoonful of crunchy natural peanut butter 630pm- big salad: spinach, guacomole, celery, tomato, vegan chicken patty, light balsamic vinagriette dressing- water
  14. 4am- same as above, except soy milk not vegetable juice coffee decaf 930am- 1 cup soy yogurt coffee- regular 1230pm- big salad- spinach, tomato, celery, green pepper, guacamole, vegan turkey deli slices,lite balsamic vinagriette 230pm- hummus 730pm- vegan burger crumbles, tomato , celery, and hummus 9pm- lemon tea
  15. Well that settles it then, I am also in this category, whatever the term may be. I tend to do it all. If I work out with Robert I load the leg press as heavy as possible, and boy does it feel good! But I alos do more of an endurance strength workout in Body Pump. And go somewhere inbetween those two if I lift alone. At times my focus is completely off weights, and on cardio. Same thing there I can't just pick one cardio activity I need a variety.All that matters is that we're at the gym, and we're training vegan style!
  16. 4am- same as yesterday Its a good thing I can get free coffee where I work because its all I have until the afternoon because people don't seem to care if I get a break. 1230pm- vegan chicken patty, black beans, tomato, flavored water 4pm- soy yogurt 1 cup 7pm= 1 1/2 vegan hotdogs, tomato, celery and hummus 8pm- sugar free popsicle, lemon tea Had a great cardio workout in Step tonight. Didn't have time to do weights. I need some motivation to get me back into lifting weights! I think I need a good dose of the weight room, but I just want to get in and out of the gym after work asap.
  17. I know these food posts are BORING! But they keep me honest. It sure doesn't look like I'm eating much, no wonder I don't have that much energy to workout. Thankfully next week I will start adding good wholesome carbs, and have more energy so I can do more serious, and consistent workouts. Looking forward to starting up spin classes again. Even if the trainer was in a bad accident during a triathlon, he's recovering every day, and still there to beat us up. If I had trouble walking, and had fractures I would take a few days off! Also looking forward to more Body Pump classes. Hopefully when I get a different job I can run mornings, and do classes, or visit the weight rooms at night.
  18. 4am - vegan bacon 3 pieces, vegetablen juice, vegan cheese coffee- drank more decaf than regular 1230-pm lentil soup, celery and hummus 4pm- soymilk w/ cocoa powder and zsweet 6pm- vegan hotdog, black beans, canned tomato 8pm- leftover coffee from my coffee maker
  19. I am actually also thinking of taking up kickboxing. We used to have a pretty decent class at the Y. But for some reason they changed the format to the cardio dancey kickboxing that doesn't resemble kickboxing whastsoever. So I found a place nearby that has an actual boxing ring, and teaches mma, and kickboxing. They have classes and private sessions too, I always feel good after punching something! ROFL
  20. Thanks, only a week to go before I can start adding more carbs back into my meals. 730am- coffee, 4 vegan sausage patties, vegetable juice, and a bit of vegan cheese 1230pm- guacamole, celery, favored water 430pm= vegan burger, black beans, tomato 7pm- lentil soup, celery and hummus 830pm- lemon tea
  21. 8am-1 cup soymilk, coffee a very tiny bit of silk soy yogurt 930am- Zumba class 12pm- after shopping at Whole Foods, grocery store, and a Produce market I went home and ate Yves vegan jumbo hotdog, black beans,tomato 3pm- a weird desert from the diet I'm on- tofu, peanut butter, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and Zsweet 7pm- soup, salad, water 8pm- herbal lemon tea
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