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Everything posted by pazios2002

  1. I think you are correct I feel like it will end like the Franklin fight.
  2. I cant wait for that fight. I cant wait to see which MIr shows up.
  3. Super interested in the Lesnar Mir fight. Less interested in the Sylvia Naguira (sp) fight. I really like what Lesnar said about Sylvia losing to Couture, that was funny. Still for me, they wont be champ of anykind unless they fight Fedor. That is always going to be hanging out there. I would like to see these matches Fedor vs Sylvia ( because Fedor would Kill him) Fedor vs Couture (Because i like them both) Fedor vs Lesnar (Because I am intrigued by Lesnar and enjoy Fedor)
  4. actually pedilyte would be better then the sports drinks. Or ofcourse coconut water.
  5. I am very interested to see the result of the lesnar and mir fight. I like what mir is saying about this being about his last chance to stay in the UFC. I like that he is saying he has his act together. I was never a real fan of mir, i thought that he was an unfocused lazy fighter with great ability that you never knew which fighter was going to show up each night., but I have a good feeling about his attitude now. I like him as the color guy on WEC also. Also I am not sure how long lesnar is gong to be around, he ididnt have such a great post fight internview after he destroyed the asian guy. He seemed very subdued and focused alot on how painful the training was and how old his body was at 30. http://www.sherdog.com/Videos/Videos.asp?v_id=1191
  6. Yes, I'm living in denial and convincing myself for as long as possible that they are behind in contacting the finalists and that's why I haven't been notified yet.... Ahh... I love my little world of denial well you'll always be the sexiest vegan 3000 miles away to me. Lol yeah i entered as well. No response i even sent them an action pose. I could be pensive or solving crime there is really no way to know. i guess the mysterio angle was a no go. you should have sent them an action pose with you threatening a dumby iwith a peta shirt on . That would have been funny.
  7. Oh no, you must of been horrified. Now I know there's a reason why they have a all girls weight side. So if things like that happen you won't have anyone starring. Way to go for gutting it out though. No I would rather be on the guys side. The guys looked because they appriciated the whole thing. They probably thought you had a slports bra on anyway. Women would have noticed that you had on a regular bra (seeing all the detail in the craftmensship) then whispered to one another and laughted at you behind your back. I would pick coveted over catty anyday. Noiw granted the guys in that place my have given you the sceeves but in general I would rather have people uncontrollably looking as if at Venus Rsing then Titanic sinking. that is why next time I want to be born the hot chick rather then the guy they just gave the stroke to .
  8. Yes, I'm living in denial and convincing myself for as long as possible that they are behind in contacting the finalists and that's why I haven't been notified yet.... Ahh... I love my little world of denial well you'll always be the sexiest vegan 3000 miles away to me.
  9. What is funny is that "Indie" is considered a small market, according to ESPN, and that didnt hurt his brother any. I guess he has already conceeded that his brother is better then him.
  10. Penn stevenson http://www.mmalinker.com/index.php?mtype=sv&id=1871&name=BJ%20Penn on the left of the screen just run the name of the fighter you are looking for after that.
  11. Thats why I love fruit!!! I was wondering Gigga Dee Gigga Dee
  12. http://www.glam.com/blogs/ifitandhealthy/velocity_diet_explained/?cat=Health+%26+Wellness
  13. So I've noticed...Don't see you post much except those threads. I know i love my life Well actually I post when my point is not made by someone else. So typically it is so I go with that. I not a typer, that is what I have an executive assistant for . Now if this were a sound forum speaking not typing then that would be a different story. I crash the forum
  14. I like the section where all the attractive women (which is every woman on the forum) post their pics.
  15. stunned on the san diego front not so stunned on the giants front. Looking for the packers to take out the giants. But would be alright with either advancing. Both play in the cold outdoors, not pansies. I want san diego crushed and humiliiated for being babies and playing in the heat. But the pats are playing crappy, so just a win would be fine fromt the pats. So I am hoping for the pats and giants/packers in the final. I should note that it is unfair that the shargers face so many injuries from last nights game. I wish they could post pone the conference final until the 'Bolts heal . Hate it wihen teams are missing folks . Never going to know which team was actually better, just which one was lucky about not being injured.
  16. Love your new site. I like the pic of you throwing your hair around. Very nice. That is your sexy vegan contest photo right there.
  17. the only part worth watching is the eliminator. I love me some elimniator.
  18. HGH! well I know, my point was how does he not have a red flag on it so he doesnt hurt someone. Its llike when they made fun of Ted Dansons forehead on family guy. you ever see "Supersize she" on the learning channel, when Joanna Thomas goes through a scrapbook and shows a bodybuiding pic of when she was about 19 or 20 and says "when I was cute..." That had to be one of the most depressingly edited scenes ever. To admit that you have destroyed your body in search of others peoples approval.
  19. I thought the liddell fight was boring. I felt that silva could have hit liddells legs at will and taken him out. But he wanted to only slug it out wtih liddell. Boring. I loved the GSP fight, I am not a fan of Hughes. That being said, I didnt even want to see him that humiliated by GSP. I feel really worried for SErra, if GSP comes at him as focused as he was for the Hughes fight.
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