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Everything posted by pazios2002

  1. catti-bire wrote: 'actually I really like your abs. Good job
  2. did you see them showing Lesnar at the end of the silvia fight, I mean snooze fest.
  3. if you didnt see the franklin fight here it is http://mmafightvideos.blogspot.com/2007/10/ufc-77-streaming-video-rich-franklin-vs.html
  4. Interesting Video, but the little finger on his Right hand distracted the crap out of me. I am going to have to play it without the video.
  5. I agree anderson silva will probably win. I think that although Rich Franklin was coming off an injury and now he is 100 %, that is was the kind of fighter that he was not the injury that cost him. I would really like to see vera win. The more times he can hit those legs with kicks, the better off he will be. Sylvia has such a long reach though.
  6. Usualy the parents and grandparents and maybe the Great grandparents.
  7. i am confused about this too. i remember when he came out of retirement, reading that Randy was signed to a 4 fight contract. he has had only 2 fights so far, so it would seem he still has 2 left on his contract. but in one of these articles on sherdog i read that he has 8 months left on his contract. so i don't know how this contract works. i wonder what will happen if Randy tries to fight Fedor somewhere else. as one article put it "Couture did not retire from mixed martial arts … he simply resigned from the UFC". Perhaps it is that he had 8 months left to have those 2 remaining fights? I dont know it confuses me too. Fedor and Randy would be something, but Fedor has plenty of time to wait as I think that he is 31, and Randy does not he is already 44 Fedor's group's statement on the issue: http://www.sherdog.com/news/interviews.asp?n_id=8422
  8. Based on my experience 75% of you would think I was good looking, and 25 % of you would be repulsed. Based on your avatar, you may be correct Its my best side.
  9. What? How do you get that From what I said? Obviosly Irish girls think I am attractive, and German girls think Im ugly.
  10. Based on my experience 75% of you would think I was good looking, and 25 % of you would be repulsed.
  11. how much time is left on Randys contract with UFC? Is it based on fights or periods of time? The way that Dana says that Randy is undercontract and Dana will be there to promote him when he comes back, seems to me to be a reference to Randy having a ridiculously long contract.
  12. What were your beginning stats? How tall are you? Is that you on the OCFitness stie, at the stove that looks like mine? : That photo looks great. Actually that microwave looks like mine too. Wait a minute, where MY microwave and stove............VP!!!!!
  13. it's all over the MMA sites i have seen, it's on Randy's official website. it's all anyone is talking about right now. i guess it is just so sudden. here is a link to just one of the many articles. I am not surprised at all. Dana sucks. They think that they have the corner on mma , with WEC, Pride and UFC, and now can do what ever they want. Is it even possible to lose more respect for the UFC. Whites respnse: http://www.sherdog.com/news/articles.asp?n_id=9465
  14. thanks for the info. Very sorry to hear about her not wanting to be vegan anymore.
  15. What ever happenned to that film or documentary that Brendan was making with that female bodybuilder? Did it ever get completed?
  16. Me too! Actually, I'm 37. Based on the pics from your current trip pics, I would have guessed 27.
  17. pics of VP are like brownies, you cant have just one.
  18. are pride fighters having that much trouble with the cage? Does anyone think that Liddell over looked jardine?
  19. Lelle great job!!! I say that because I just cant decide, everyone did great. I have four favorites. I just cant decide between them. I am not going to say who my favorites are as I would rather all the contestants think they are one of them.
  20. Did anyone watch fight night live, before the UF premiere? Did anyone really enjoy the first round of the first fight, when the audio was out and you didnt have to listen to the Bobsy twins? Just hearing the arena and the fighters moving around the cage was really like being there. I really liked it. About 20 years ago , NBC ran a pro football game on TV and did not have the color or announcer on . They did it to see if the public liked it better then having the talking heads on . It didnt work , however I do think it would work in this case, and with these two announcers. I am just really tried of Rogan and Goldberg.
  21. No I dont. Although it is true that as the promo says , they are both on their way up the ladders after loses, Liddell lost to Rampage. I still think that aside from Rampage, Liddell just needs to hit you once and your in trouble. Jardine seems slower to me, and requires more hits. I like jardine, I am just saying that Liddell is going to be hot after that loss.
  22. Could you please post a photo of yourself for us? It is my life work to get as sick as I can, but unfortunately my doctor says that my recent blood and gastrointestinal results place me in perfect health. So I am going to follow your advice and start eating animal products, so that I can stop flying in the face of a family history of prostate cancer, breast cancer, diabetes and colon cancer. I am running out of time and need to catch something; God damn vegan diet.
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