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Everything posted by pazios2002

  1. What I need is a vegan woman to go in the clothes.
  2. Im an not really excited about the silva and Liddell fight as liddell has been fighting crappy lately. However I am looking forward to the other fight, I think that it will be good because Hughes sees an end to his career, so he will be more focused then before. I still think that St. Pierre will take him out though. . I dont think st pierre will take some one for granted any time soon, since what happened with serra. I really wanted to see hughes and serra.
  3. I see that the initial volley has no rest between them. ARe you doing them in a rotation as a set then back up to the squats What are the rests between the other exercise sets.
  4. Have you been listening in on my conversations
  5. I am so relieved to see that you don't eat practically nothing EVERY DAY. I am totally perplexed by the fact you can sustain yourself with so little food. I mean, it's obviously working for you, and I see your point about the mental factor. I guess the thing I wonder about most is whether you make gains eating like this, or simply SUSTAIN your existing muscle mass like this? I have not seen your pics, but the comments others have made lead me to believe you have a nice physique -Chris some of jimi's (occts) pics http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/rob/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7933
  6. dude you just describe my breakfast. I dont know how you make through the day with that great body on such a little amount of food.
  7. You're not alone my friend. My browser won't let me veiw it either. I just get the PDF file and it stays white. INitially I got the same thing, but I tried it a second time and received the PDF
  8. that is exactly the only time when I use the term "vegan" when I am trying to tell people all the tiings I dont want in my food. It doesnt matter they are chinese anyway and cant understand me. anyway. When I feed people I never mention the fact that there isnt any animal products in the food. they just eat it and like it.
  9. I think your video should be more interesting then the clip you linked. I think anything would be more interesting then that one. hahaha Also maybe I am a snob, and I probably am, but it would take a vegan 16 weeks to get six pack abs. Our diet is at the top of the food chain. Pussy if your voice is southern then you should do it with your own voice. The stupid Firm group stopped doing their out of South Carolina and now I dont have my daily fix of Y'ALL.............I am stuck with "cant get theer frommm heeer" ugh Also peoople like me trying to fit 60 words into 3 seconds. I like this guys vids. http://www.youtube.com/scooby1961 you should create a whole video journal and show how veganism gave you the nutrition you needed. You got a great body, let people covet it and use it to switch them over.
  10. No about setting the record straight about what really happenned between him and the ufc.
  11. interview that randy gave a while ago that I just found. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hynuyBi9YBA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onZvJX2LCrM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nStn6GGhUEU&feature=related
  12. Good everning Mac. Holy crap, that was fast
  13. I don't think it's offensive to say what you prefer or what you tend to find sexy or attractive. I agree with you. Yesterday I watch the new Spice Girls video and the only one I found attractive was the one who wasn't uber thin and ripped. Nothing wrong watching the spice girls What spice girl was that? Umm.... (reaching ten years back into my memory) I think she was called Baby Spice. I know they all have real names but honestly I can't remember them anymore. The blond one. oh my god baby spice, she is one of only like 10 blond girls I have ever fallen for. god I loved her. Now she looks so old. Hard living.
  14. I have one of those, but with my luck he'd be sending the postcards to me.........
  15. your photos are set to private. you should take digital photos now and compare them with the professional ones you have. Also you should try a pic as a brunette. Also photos that are more girl next store (little more fuller) rather then I can bounce a quarter off my tummy leaness. In other words I cant resist a brunette and I cant stand a woman who shows more self control then I do when it comes to eating.
  16. hope mac rips tommy a new one. Not happy that george didnt wait longer on that eye poke.
  17. I was wondering why there is an interim champiosship fight between Hughes and St Pierre http://www.sherdog.com/news/articles.asp?n_id=10137
  18. I have deleted my response and would like to say "I'm sorry" to everyone who may have read it, including veganpotter. Peace. stop doing that until I have a chance to read it. Always make a copy and send it to me.
  19. Richard how many names do you have on youtube? The same clip is under two people. Great stuff man ............Great stuff.
  20. last night fight was something. There isnt anyway that they both deserved 5000 dollars. JkD kid won both rounds. Even if it did go to a 3rd round, Jesus boy was beat. Christ he was jogging around the ring for crying out loud. JKD kid found his range on the kicks and would have taken him out. And what about Jesus guys extremely hot and extremely crazy wife.
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