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Everything posted by Renecarol25

  1. Why don't you post your whole workout instead of just bench? I'd like to see how you (and others here) train.
  2. The gym is going great! I feel SO motivated. I'm going to be curling 40# dumbbells again in NO time at all. I know .. I know I should measure my strength in my bench press but I LIKE using dumbbells for bench and I'm not going to be doing anywhere near my barbell PB of 135# with dumbbells anytime soon. So I'm talking about what I can curl! I am on my way to being STRONG again. I'm sick of being weak. Tonights upperbody workout DB Incline BenchPress 3 x 8 x 35/40/35# DB Flat Bench Flyes 3 x 10 x 20# DB Bicep Curls SA 3 x 8 x 25# DB Upright Rows 3 x 10 x 20# DB ShoulderPress 3 x 10 x 20# DB Shrugs 3 x 10 x 50# (first 2 sets I accidently had one db of 55 without realizing so next time I will do 55s) Forearm curls cm 3 x 10 x 55/60/55# Tricep Pressdown cm 3 x 10 x 90/95/90# Lat Pulldown m 3 x 8 x 70/80/90# Seated Row m 3 x 10 x 80# I happened to look in the mirror when I was resting between sets of my forearm curls and my bis were bulging.. like if I had been flexing. Amazing.
  3. In college one of my teammates started taking creatine and she swore by the stuff but honestly she never looked any different to me. I think it was all psychological. I take a B-Complex (just because they are good for you and help with mood) and Vitamin K (so I don't bruise) but I'm not consistant with taking vitamins.. I figure as long as I am eating right then I don't need supplements.
  4. I don't mind sharing what I had today.. I'm trying to lose some weight and get cut as well. I have lots of muscle I seriously want to show it off. breakfast bagel with strawberry jam lunch tofu with vegetables preafternoon workout luna bar and gatorade dinner gardenburger riblet with a spinach salad (broccoli, carrots, snowpeas, bacos, sunflower seeds and a vinagrette dressing) total somewhere around 1700 calories with approx 20% coming from fat and protein and 60% from carbohydrates.
  5. Thanks! So I just got back from my very first SPIN class. It went amazingly well. Kind of like that 20K I ran last year and had only practiced running 5-6 miles beforehand. Surprisingly I ran the whole 20K at a comfortable pace but then had trouble walking for the following week. I think I'm going to have that same problem as I was fine in the class - going strong - but now my legs feel like they are going to go on strike on me or something. Before the class I spent 10 minutes on the stepmill to get my heart rate up. I'd didn't get it up to a running pace but to a fairly fast walk. I won't be skating around tomorrow yelling 'jump' at my daughter like I planned. Hopefully I will be okay to do my upperbody workout while she is practicing.
  6. DB Single Leg Split Squat 3 x 8 x 35# DB Deadlifts 3 x 5 x 20/35/50# (will need to do much more weight next time) Standing Hamstring Curls 3 x 10 x 50/60/65# Leg Press 2 x 10 x 250# m Calf Press 2 x 10 x 250# m They were out of the good rental skates in my size so I got a smaller size and they were too tight so I ended up not skating very much. Renee
  7. This will be the same stuff I am posting in my weak@ss log over on vf. I still feel really weak since I can't lift as much weight as I used to. But I am definitely going to be more active now that we've switched gyms. I'm thinking upper body 2x a week and lower body 2x a week for now. Some yoga, spinning, aquaaerobics & lots and lots of skating. abbreviations I use mostly I do free weights with dumbbells these are marked DB and weight is per dumbbell. BB is barbell weight is listed as total for the whole thing. cm is cable machine and m means the standard machine that works that specific body part. July 11, 2005 DB Flat Bench Press 3 x 10 x 35/40/35# DB Bicep curls 3 x 10 x 25# DB Upright Rows 3 x 10 x 20# DB Shoulder Press 3 x 10 x 20# DB Shrugs 3 x 10 x 45# Forearm curls cm 3 x 10 x 55# (my forearms were really feeling weak from the other stuff I did) followed by an hour of yoga.. did lots of ab work in the yoga class. closer to pilates I think than what I'm used to. I realize I forgot to work my back during my weight session.. will definitely hit my back hard on my next upper body workout.
  8. If I could live anywhere - I'd want to live in Virgin Islands except during hurricane season. Yes we have hurricanes here but so far my house has always been standing after they blow thru... it'd be a lot worse living on an island. I'd like to be somewhere it is always warm. Here the weather changes drastically during January and February it could be like 70 and higher one day and then a day later the high only get up to like 40. Its hard to deal with that.
  9. I'm going to talk to the yoga instructor tonight about Lex taking her class. I know she can do the Pilates class because that instructor tried to get her to sign up before. Yeah it would've $8 a class then. This instructor (for tonight's class) offers a Wednesday class specifically for kids so it could be that she wants the monday class to be for adults only. Teaching Lex to swim is going to be a LOT harder than I thought.. so I may end up signing her up for lessons afterall. I haven't given up YET. I'll give it a few more weeks to see if I see any improvement. So far I'm liking the new fitness cneter - I've went skating 3 times already.
  10. Renecarol25


    Welcome Corey, Its nice to see new people joining the group. Renee
  11. Welcome Brendan, I just recently joined this board but I already knew a lot of the group from other places like veganfitness. Renee
  12. We joined the fitness center where my daughter figure skates today. I had been planning to start paying a daily rate for both of us so I could start teaching her how to swim. She has learned a little from camp but I want to work with her more (I was on the swim team in high school and college). And I was planning to get skates and start skating with her more often (not have to pay a rental fee in addition to the daily rate). So that is working out for us. And we talked about it and we are going to start taking their yoga and pilates class. At the gym we were at you had to be at least 12 to do anything. Its going to be awesome.
  13. My gym membership ran out this week and our family owned gym got bought out by a small local chain. They are raising their rates by 150% way more than double what I should've had to pay to renew. So I have no where to workout as of right now. I am doing some gym-shopping.
  14. It could be that he wasn't used to consuming that much fiber? which may cause stomach cramps. Sometimes the body reacts wildly to having 'good' stuff in it when all its had is crap for a long time.
  15. It could be that you need more iron or zinc in your diet. I know I get plenty of those particular vitamins in my natural diet without supplementation. K on the other hand.. is just not a part of my natural diet aside from spinach (I actually try to have spinach a few times a week but that is still not everyday) so I need a supplement. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/uspdi/202599.html
  16. In 2 years I'll be 30 myself. I'm aging gracefullly .. like a vegan should:)
  17. Rob - you must be too picky I'm sure there are lots of veg*n girls out there who'd love to be with someone as great as you! Its worth the wait to find someone though so don't compromise. I used to date meat-eaters once upon a time. When the last meat-eater I dated and I broke up I decided that dating a meat-eater probably wasn't a good idea because there's no way I'd want to marry or worse (have a child with someone) who ate animals. Renee
  18. Someone needs to fix where it says joined in 1969 I'm sure nobody here was born that long ago. Happy birthday.
  19. heh - we had this conversation at work last week. Someone brought in food among that food was eggs. I was asked why I don't eat eggs and I said because it turns my stomach thinking about what it is - menstrual waste. Anyway we had a long talk about whether there was an unborn fetus. No there is no fetus in eggs that come from the store. It is just menstrual waste - no baby. I was vegetarian a LONG time and went back forth over the issue of eggs an awful lot in 24 years. If there had ever been a baby in there then eggs would have NEVER been an option for me to eat. And right now eating menstrual waste is NOT AN OPTION. There are much more appetizing things I can eat.
  20. I know first hand how hard it is to be a vegetarian child in a very un-veg friendly world. I have a five year old daughter and I know it is tough for her to be different. I try to be helpful and understanding and to guide her. There were times in my life where I gave into peer pressure and ate meat when I was little. I expect more from her.
  21. Hey Rob, Could you put my friend Mike's design on your shirts and market them here in the US? I know a lot of people are interested in getting some shirts with the designs on them and no one seems to keen on doing it here. Renee
  22. Vitamin K. (not Potassium that's a mineral - you need the vitamin). A daily supplement should clear it up and keep you from bruising easily in the future.
  23. When I was in college I subscribed to Vegetarian Journal. It only comes out (could be different now) ever other month. I also subscribed to Vegetarian Times but I found Vegetarian Journal to be way more useful. I think I still have some of the old magazines.
  24. wow Rob I hope it is getting better now. What the doctor say on monday?
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