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Everything posted by DV

  1. Okay, I voted. That's the problem with Capricorns, we're too practical, serious and rational to actually believe in astrological traits so we rarely respond to these types of threads. From Wikipedia: Associated traits Astrologers assign personality traits to the signs. The following are traits more widely associated with Capricorn. Note that no scientific research thus far has been able to prove such correlation. Many astrologers consider planetary aspects to hold a key influence which may override sign location and thus conceding many exceptions. Practical Disciplined / methodical / organized Prudent / cautious / careful Ambitious / focused Trustworthy / dependable / reliable Serious Self-reliant / independent Steadfast / persevering / stable Persistent / dedicated Hard-working Rational / reasonable Responsible Shrewd / wise Aloof / businesslike Tenacious Self-critical Traditional / conventional Career-oriented Authoritative Competent Strong
  2. Chris (SydneyVegan), I was going to send you a PM but decided to send it publicly so that some new members might understand that an outburst by you is an extremely rare event. I, like many other members, have stopped posting on the forum for numerous reasons and one of those reasons is that there are not more members like you. You are one of the few members who actually lift weights seriously and has the physique to show for it. Your knowledge of lifting and nutrition has always been of value to the forum, as has your usual diplomacy. I'm sorry that you've been pushed to your limit as I know how you feel. The "can't we all get along since we're vegans" sentiment is a nice one but unrealistic. And advice to ignore bullshit posts on this forum is also unrealistic for someone who cares about the integrity of the forum. Hang in there if you can because the forum REALLY needs members like yourself.
  3. It's a process and it takes a long time. You need to mentally accept that you won't have washboard abs while bulking. I have 3 different sizes of the same style jeans right now - just bought the most recent one at 157 lbs! It's a bit easier now that the weather is colder and bodies are more covered, but I still feel your pain. If you are having a very difficult time, you can always take a day where you decrease your calories by 800-1000 calories. You won't gain muscle on those days but you should lose a bit of fat. A slow, steady bulk done with some off days will take longer but should result in more muscle/less fat gain. Remember that you are not alone in your bulking!
  4. After your body uses it's glycogen stores it will turn to the fat stores for energy. Fat is broken into fatty acids and glycerol - which is converted to glycogen by the liver. Unused amino acids eventually get converted into fat but are not a good source of ready energy. This is one of the reasons that many bodybuilders use a high-protein, low-carb diet in the cutting phase before a competition - fat can be burned more efficiently for some people when doing this, although it can definitely give you less over-all energy (until you eat higher carbs again). While carbs can give you energy, eating simple carbs by themselves can give you a wide swing in your insulin levels which can result in a lowered blood glucose level (the "crash" after eating a candy bar, for instance). Steady-state insulin levels are healthier for you and steady-state energy levels are easier to obtain with complex carbs (such as the whole fruit mentioned above).
  5. Thanks for the link! Loved his books, so I'm looking forward to listening when I have more time today.
  6. Do you put ANY thought into your posts? You post off-topic, irrelevant, nonsensical and contradictory (to your own posts) replies regularly. This is not a value judgement but an observation. I realize english is not your native language but I am beginning to believe that the confusion in your posts is not purely related to a language barrier.
  7. No, where ? what's wrong with him ? It's different but not so much. what's the scientific study behind your reasonning ( don't tell me you don't need one' date=' but that I need one for "food combinings"). Maintaining : the body is always rebuilding. To build more, eat more. [/quote'] Strong logic comparing male to female . I also have a hard time believing either of them are bigger than dv, let alone stronger. Richard's arms were listed @ 13" on bb.com, I'm sure DV isn't too far from there. As far as tim or durian, unlikely. Good eye, Zack!! Flexed is 13" and relaxed is 12 3/4" - but I'm planning on increasing those numbers!
  8. I would not agree that we are almost identical to a primate that shares 98% of our DNA. I am very different from my male husband and we share almost 100% human DNA (except for his lacking a bit of DNA in that Y chromosome). If that little bit of genetic difference can completely change our hormones and sex organs, what could 1-2% do to our digestive tracts? Why would we have a similar diet to a creature that does not have a similar brain? To underestimate the significant differences that a 1-2% difference in DNA can express is to overly simplify genetic similarity. Subtle differences can be significant in the ways that they differentiate humans from chimps. It is difficult to have these types of discussions without knowing the knowledge base of those involved. If anyone has questions about the importance of DNA differences, there are many basic genetics text books available at public libraries.
  9. I'm not sure how hemp grinds as I haven't tried it. Flax is an oily seed but does not grind into a butter, however hemp will get to that stage if you grind it long enough. Just give it a try and let us know how it turns out, Johan.
  10. I give all of you, especially SydneyVegan, a lot of credit for trying to debate with I'm Your Man. He's the Sarah Palin of Canada.
  11. a potato is different than a potato w/ steak eventhough the potato has some proteins in it. A steak alone is different than w/ potato, steak has no carbs. You're mixing up what nature assembled together and what she did not assembled together. If we follow your reasonning, we could say that a human body (containing muscles, cells, bones, brain, arms, etc) is the samething than a human body in which we graft an arm in the middle of his eyes; but that could cause his death. You're asking the digestive system to do extra work because you're too lasy. This will affect the life of the organ that you overload with work. This entire post shows your complete lack of understanding of human digestive physiology. Let's get this straight. I've studied human anatomy and physiology at the graduate and undergraduate levels. You have not. I work with humans in an operating room every day and my understanding of physiology is central to my work. You do not. But just like a christian who believes the earth is only 4,000 years old, there is no shaking your unfounded beliefs. You do this forum a great disservice, IMO, when you spout off about something as though it is fact or you have some special knowledge - when all your knowledge comes from some dubious website or some dubious publication.
  12. Well now, THAT was the most logical, easy to understand answer I can imagine. Good points, as usual, from VeganEssentials.
  13. A coffee/spice grinder is a good choice for small amounts. A food processor also works but I think it's easier to go overboard with them and turn your nut flour into nut butter. Either way, I haven't gotten the same consistency as purchased nut meal (or flour). Mine usually has larger chunks and more oily. If you are using the nuts/seeds with a grain flour, adding some of that flour may allow you to get a finer grind on the nuts without turning them into nut butter - since the other flour will absorb some of the oil from the nuts. Hope that helped.
  14. See, someone always has to step into the discussion with logic, intelligence, science and physiology. Just when we were having fun.
  15. Jeez, Chris, you always have to pound us with facts and logic!!! Didn't we already rip apart that Tim VanOrden ridiculousness in another thread? I imagine that if you are eating a stupendous amount of fruits then you could get the daily minimum of protein for someone who is maintaining a lean frame. An underweight person might even be able to grow some muscle. However, the amount of calories could be such that a lot of cardio would be needed in order to not gain fat - leading to a situation where it is difficult to put on muscle mass. Then there are the constant trips to the toilet.......... But seriously, there are no fruitarians who are bodybuilders for a reason. Maybe some endurance athletes might dabble in it - but not the ones at the top of their game. Let's get one point very clear. Building muscle on fruit is COMPLETELY different than maintaining muscle on fruit. It twists me when some guy eats tons of meat, starts bodybuilding, becomes vegan - and then calls himself a vegan bodybuilder the next day. A vegan bodybuilder, IMO, is someone who has built his/her muscle, to some degree, as a vegan. A fruitarian bodybuilder would have to do the same. With those ground rules, let the games begin!
  16. It is IMPOSSIBLE to eat protein alone, fat alone, carbs alone - unless you are eating MANMADE isolates such as processed grains, sugar, oils or protein isolates!!! Even bananas contain fat and protein, albeit small amounts, along with carbs. Our GI tracts have developed over tens of thousands of years (unless you're a believer in 'intelligent' design, hah) to process any mix of macronutrients. You stomach is highly acidic and your small intestine is basic (alkaline). Food gets digested and absorbed at different points in the GI tract, depending on the composition of the food. You do not need to worry about the acid/base content of the food you put in your mouth as your GI tract is "smart" enough to take the guess work out of it for you. Now, if I were trying to promote a book or website I might tell you something different. Reality, however, is free of charge. If you study human physiology, then study the components of different foods - you will come to logical conclusions. I certainly don't expect that to happen, however. So, if you want to believe in food combining (or food non-combining? I can't keep up with the contradictions anymore), then do so. Belief is a powerful thing. But there is little logic, physiology or science behind the theory.
  17. Richard Dawkins is one person. I'm not sure who you are referring to as "these people?"
  18. Great for marathon runners, not for bodybuilders. I'll stick to my tofu and seitan after workouts and have some grapes right before competing.
  19. We should realize that strong belief in something can make it true for certain people (or it can be complete coincidence). The placebo effect is very strong for some individuals and there are studies which show that the effect is statistically relevant. Some people can also be hypnotized while others cannot. So, if an individual truly believes that his or her diet/god/politics/etc are the best/healthiest/most effective then that just might be true - for that individual. When it comes to diet, humans are notorious for lying (consciously or subconciously) about what they ingest. Studies done with people today are bound to have a large margin of error since you cannot observe someone 24/7 and no one will write down what they eat for years on end. There are too few raw foodists who stick to the diet long enough to even get an adequate sized study group. Therefore, we'll never have any absolute scientific proof of whether or not a whole foods vegan diet is superior to a raw diet. But if personal observation is just as good as the scientific process, here goes. An associate of mine went raw and got really slender and somewhat pale. He went back to eating a wider assortment of cooked and raw foods, started taking supplements again. While he touted the health aspects, tremendous energy, etc of raw foodism when he first converted, he now says that it didn't continue for long. Today, he's more muscular and has more energy than when he was raw - and he looks a lot better. (And yes he did "detoxify" long enough and have high colonics and take spirulina and sprout his nuts and all that - he bought into the whole package like a reborn christian). It's all in belief and perception. Anorexics think they look fat. Raw foodists believe that heated foods are toxic. Others believe optimal health can be found eating according to their blood type. They are all correct if they believe it strongly enough. At least for a time. Or until their belief falters. Or until another truth reveals itself.
  20. I voted for Nader in 2000 but only because I was living in a very blue state so I knew I would not be taking a vote away from Gore. I would like for there to be more choices but would not risk it this year. Even if Nadar did become president, things would stay essentially the same. The President has some power but he/she doesn't control congress or the supreme court. Checks and balances exist. That's not to say that a President can do some good or bad, but more than a few people need to go along with him.
  21. C'mon, BeforeWisdom. It's like a train wreck - you have to stop the car and look! Even you can't take your own advice on this one. But you're correct that time spent debating nutrition on this forum might be better spent doing something else. However, some of these discussions lead to further research on certain topics (at least for me), which can lead to further knowledge. I've given knowledge and I've received on this forum. And sometimes I receive a whole lot of laughs, usually in the nutrition section.
  22. Sorry, vvginovv. We've had a recent flurry of spam and usually they don't introduce themselves in the intro section. I wasn't sure where you were going with this as your first post here and made an assumption. I don't think most people would consider Total Raisin Bran with soy milk to contain 100% of everything. While some adhere to a strictly whole foods diet, most members here eat some processed foods and don't find them all to be scary, even if they have added sugars. Since vitamin supplements come in many formulas, I don't believe you can compare vitamins supplements in general with a fortified cereal product. Some people do have digestive problems that hamper their ability to absorb adequate nutrients but a healthy digestive tract can absorb some, if not most nutrients from the foods/supplements ingested. Welcome to the forum and feel free to post in the intro section!
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