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Everything posted by DV

  1. I would like you to know that SeaSiren's return to the forum and announcement that she is competing this year has inspired me - to try competing next year. I can't make the time commitment this year but I can definitely put on more muscle mass in the next 8 months. Thanks again, SeaSiren.
  2. Unless you live in the northern parts of the U.S. There was a study done a few years ago that looked at this and it found that the sun exposure it the northern states (in the winter) was not strong enough for most people to sythesize adequate vitamin D. Now, I know you're wondering how this study was conducted. Well, they used foreskins from circumcised boy babies (don't worry, the parents signed a release form). But seriously, other studies have been conducted using humans and the circulating Vit D in their bloodstreams. Additionally, those over age 50 don't always sythesize vit D well due to their kidneys not converting it to its active hormone. Recent theories on osteoporosis implicate lack of adequate vitamin D. And this makes sense when you consider that the highest rates of osteoporosis are among the countries furthest from the equator during winter months. You just need to visit Portland in winter to believe how this may be true - we are PALE in this state! But don't take my word for it. Google Vitamin D and osteoporosis or sun exposure. There are some reliable web sources out there that reference their information. This has been a popular research topic in the last decade.
  3. Yes Isaac, I take the VegLife. I don't get out in the sun often.
  4. VegLife makes 400 i.u. tablets and I think they're available at New Seasons. If not, try Whole Foods.
  5. Wednesdays are almost always good for me. As well as Mondays and Tuesdays. Maybe after your competition?
  6. So where and when would you like me to bring my items to the yard sale? Should I just bring them by People's the day of the sale? Or would you like to see them earlier to get an idea of what to charge?
  7. Good luck Robert. We are out of town and return April 29th. Otherwise, we certainly would have come to support you.
  8. Haha. I'm around for the next few weeks. Let me know what works best for you. Just make sure you have a few extra minutes for looking through another Chinook Book.
  9. Hi LL! Please hold the Forest Park one for me.
  10. How many pounds do you have left? I'll take at least 3-4 of them. And no shipping!!
  11. DV


    I'm an advanced practice nurse so I do know a bit more about this. However, I won't go into the physiology of the human endocrine system and the causes of diabetes. Rest assured, eating fruits and vegetables will not give you diabetes. I read through all of wnddrrwmnn's posts and myspace page to familiarize myself with her history (limited though it may be). It would seem that any woman in her 30's who has battled obesity for most of her adult life is at risk for developing diabetes. Weight gain and the consumption of simple carbs (not the complex carbs of whole fruits, whole vegetables and whole grains) are correlated with diabetes. As for elevated liver enzymes - there can be many causes and I won't even guess what the cause might be without knowing which liver enzymes are elevated. Dealing with the information given by doctors and nurses can be confusing for many patients. We use words and phrases that are unfamiliar and easily forgotten or changed by the patient when repeated. I witness this every day at work and amongst my own family members. Wnddrrwmnn may have misunderstood some of the explanations she received from her doctors or she may have simply "heard what she wanted to hear." Her initial post on this forum identified her as someone who has tried diets before and who believes we are supposed to eat meat. Perhaps veganism and a raw foods diet were stops on her life journey, but not the stops that were able to bring her the health and weight loss she has been seeking for years. Additionally, we don't know how much alcohol she consumes or what medications she may take that could have contributed to her health problems. I hope that she finds the health she is seeking. In the end, I don't think anyone should be concerned that a whole foods vegan diet or raw diet will result in diabetes, elevated liver enzymes or a 100 lb weight gain over 1 year - unless too many calories are being consumed vs expended and/or (possibly) too many of the wrong foods are being consumed.
  12. Are girls welcome? Actually, are older women welcome? I don't work Wednesdays so that's always one of my training days.
  13. Thanks for the update, Robert. We were out of town for March (and will be for April also). For those of you who visit the farmers' markets, the Saturday PSU farmers' market opens next Saturday.
  14. I will bring some items to the Yard Sale!
  15. I just saw this thread. You're welcome LL! And I just got another Chinook book (I can't stop buying those things) so we'll be meeting again........
  16. DV

    my intro

    Welcome Lotus!!!! Nice to see you here and always nice to see you in person.
  17. n. Hope yours turns out to be nothing. But please don't take our advice. Only a dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis.
  18. Congrats on the new apartment! There's nothing as nice as using your car less and your bike more. Good luck with everything.
  19. Don't feel too sorry for him. He ate an entire half of a raw apple pie on Sunday!
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