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Posts posted by Jason

  1. You've inspired me JW, I'm going to add much more raw back into my diet.

    I don't foresee me becoming 100% raw, especially living in Montana.

    Summer might be easy, but winter is/was very difficult.


    The Vega food bars are raw, but the powder has some cooked ingredients.

    I have Vega occassionally, I consider it a food.

    Not sure about hemp powder, but I'm pretty sure rice protein in an isolate.

  2. Whatever I've had for the last 2 months feels much better.

    I started my 20 rep squat program again today.

    I started from the beginning since it's been so long


    After warmup:

    95 pounds X 25 reps

    Just a little bit of coughing when I was finished.


    Add 5 pound every 3 days until I get to 200x20


    A little later in the evening I spent an hour on the inclined treadmill

    Less incline and less speed than I was doing 2 months ago.

    Still some minor coughing

  3. The link that Jason provided shows that you can get a ton of protein on a purely raw diet.


    Avi isn't raw, but he does get enough protein.

    I was just saying that nobody should ever need to supplement protein.

    Eat enough calories and you will get enough protein.


    I hope to join you soon JW.

    My goal isn't 100% but very high raw.

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