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Im Your Man

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Everything posted by Im Your Man

  1. What do you mean ? we must not vaccinate someone who's sick, its dangerous, and it killed her. By the way, stats to date in the U.S.: H1N1 deaths: 3900 H1N1 vaccine deaths: ? (and perhaps many to come) people infected with H1N1 : 22 000 000 Regular flue deaths : 30, 000 I heard someone in the gym today, he said he felt sick like he had the flue for a week right after he got the vaccine. He said he never felt that sick in his whole life. His friend said he's crazy he got this vaccine. Why the USA give the vaccine to all people without adjuvants and in Canada its only pregnant women that have it without adjuvants. Why do pregnant women get no adjuvants... oh I get it, because its dangerous and toxic Why 50% of doctors say this vaccine is useless and dont want to get near it or to prescribe it. Also, a recent study showed that Tamiflue can make the H1N1 virus more virulent because it adapts. This is only when we use Tamiflue in a preventive way though, which is in smaller dose than the normal dose, and while we are infected without knowing it, like when the symptoms are not started yet... Well its not surprising, all antivirals, antibiotics, insecticides, etc do this. We're doomed if we continue like this: in a few decades we will have to face some undestructible, almost immortal viruses.
  2. oh yeah and the vaccine killed one person. But its kept as a secret by the medias. They said a nurse died a few days after being vaccinated... and they said she died of the flue H1N1 and the vaccine is not related to her death (by that, they mean it couldn't have saved her... they dont mean it could be the cause of her death, of course...) because they say she already had the flue A H1N1 when she got the vaccine. Well precisely: the vaccine killed her, not the flue. One must not be vaccinated when already sick: that woman's body was already fighting the virus and then they gave her a shot of the virus and adjuvants, which weakened her immune system even more and killed her. Another thing that the medias didn't talk too much about it: about a hundred nurses got vaccinated with the wrong vaccine ! In fact, they receive a shot of the vaccine with twice too much adjuvants, so they need to get vaccinated again. So in total they will have receive three times more adjuvants than the other people.
  3. Here in Quebec the people are so panicked and they're scared of death so they rush to the clinics to get the vaccine, and they're mad because they have to wait all night in the cold with no bathrooms nearby. ahah... Its so great that in Paris they just opened the clinics for vaccination and nobody came to get a shot ! The first day, about 20 persons came to get a dose of the vaccine. No citizens want this shit, because only 10% of the nurses and doctors in France accepted to get the vaccine. So if 90% of people working in the health care business know this vaccine is harmful or useless, why the population would want this shit in their bodies ? In fact, many nurses and doctors in all countries dont want to get vaccinated for the H1N1, and I'm sure the people who made the vaccine dont want it.
  4. blood calls for more blood. There is a non-violent way to solve all problems. Slowly but surely. So killing these brutes wont solve anything, other bastards will replace them. If you kill one of them, YOU will be seen as the killer in the medias, not them; and people watching the news will say all vegans are fanatics and killers. If violence must be used, I am for revolution to stop all this madness, but only by destruction of material, building, infrastructure, not lost of living beings. But the best tool is to use the medias as our advantage, to tell people the truth, so when nobody will want to wear fur, this massacre will end, but there is no other way.
  5. Yes, we're the humanimal. Hmm... morality, what they mean by it? We made a moral code, laws, based on thousands of years of living in society. We say before civilization we were like beasts with no morality. Now we say we know how to make the difference between right and wrong, we say we are humane (and other animals are inhumane, i.e. they do the wrong) but we kill each others by millions in wars, genocides, homicides. We rape and torture, we let other nations die of hunger, we kill over 50 billion animals per year and most humans say it is not wrong to do so. ''Lower'' herbivore animals know what is right better than us: they dont kill at all. Except if they feel indanger, like if we enter their territory and appear as a threat to them. So yeah, we can tell right from wrong, we just dont give a damn, like the psychiatrist says in the movie ''natural born killers''... because many humans are psychopaths, or have been brainwashed by the medias to feel and think like a psychopath, so they believe there is nothing wrong with killing other species than our own kind. This is OUR moral : it is wrong to kill humans but it OK to kill animals because they dont have moral... go figure. Herbivores have a higher moral code than ours: they dont kill their own kind (or rarely, sometimes the males fight to death) and they dont kill the other animal species. In the article, they talk about the morality of wolves, coyotes, and other carnivores; they may live by a certain moral: immorality. They do only the Bad. They kill all day with no remorse. So they may live in a world that obeys to right and wrong, but they are outlaws in this world, they are psychopaths, killers, etc. Carnivores are pathologic cases, said Herbert Shelton. They are like viruses and other parasites, they live on the depend of others, by killing. The main reason why they do the things mentioned in the article is because they obey to their killer instinct, their survival instinct, mother instinct, etc. They use their intelligence too, to be efficient killing machines. Yes, the universial concept of right and wrong exists in every creature with a soul. Cats feel fear if you punch or kick them, they dont like to be hit because it is wrong, they feel pain, they are scared, they may become depressed and stop eating to commit suicide. But, because they are psychopaths, they dont care about killing others, they have no remorse, no compassion, they are unable to feel as if they were the victim or they dont give a damn. It is time that scientists learn that all animals are living beings with feelings, a soul, etc, they have their own language just like we do, etc. Chimps invent tools to catch food, crows too. Birds make nests like we build houses. Ants live in complex societies. When we teach something to chimps, they reproduce it a different faster way because they understood how the system works, while human children only do it by imitating the same exact way because they dont really understand how it works. But the common idea is that monkeys are only good to imitate us.
  6. You dont help them make more money, they would make as much money with another employee. But if you dont feel comfortable working there, leave, of course. But it is better to find another job first, and then you leave... well, it is more safe, but less adventurous, and sometimes it is good to take risks. Or you can suggest your boss to put some vegan items and see if it sells well. It should, because its different then what they sell at other places. I find it sad that all the shops, restaurants, etc offer always the same shit and people buy it. There's only 1 or 2 original stores per city that sells special products that are different. I can't believe there's McShit joints and Starbucks on all street corners and people dont mind, they have no need for variety.
  7. How are we supposed to prove that something is safe? We have generations of people injected with vaccines containing thimerosal, but no causative links to health problems, including autism. Thimerosal was removed from non-flu vaccines in 2002, but we haven't see any changes in toxicology in the intervening years. That's 70 years of widespread use without issue. How high is the burden of proof? Sometimes they test a pill and it causes death or serious problems. I remember once they gave a new medication in a British study and the first 2 person to receive the pill got their heads blowing the size of balloons and got transported to emergencies; of course they didn't give the pill to the others. In 1976 they gave a vaccine to 40 million Americans for a flue that caused 1 death but the vaccine caused 40 deads so they stopped the vaccination campaingn. There are side-effects for ALL medications, including even common stuff like Aspirin. What are the consequences for health other than tiny symptoms, we don't know, but what we know is that cancer rates, allergies and most diseases are increasing since many decades. Why? For instance it is clear that some substances in sprays to mask odors in houses are carcinogenic, but its only now that ther are doing studies to find out if these products sold since many years are harmful. 2 studies shown that they can be very bad for health but of course the companies say that their products are safe. A doctor said that in 40 years of carreer he has never saw a case of cancer caused by anti-odor sprays... but how could he know ? as if someone would show up and say: ''I have a cancer and the only thing I usein my life is anti-odor sprays so it must be because of that''. There are so many junk in everything that its impossible to know what exactly is the cause of what... and most chances its the addition of everything toxic put together that is the real culpit: that's an experiment they cannot do in laboratory: to test the combination of all the products used in shampoos, body lotion, insecticides, food additives, etc on a person and to watch the effect after 10 years of exposure. But its easy to see the results of such experiment on wild animals, they become hermaphrodites and have ton of cancers that they didn't have before, may it be small frogs or huge belugas, as long as they live in water near the shore of cities or facilities. Why would it be different for the human animal ? Its already proven that we are exposed to a high quantity of endocrine disruptors due to the pill and other pharmaceutical wastes in water that we drink in tap water. People consume 50% more anti-depressive than a decade ago , 300% more Ritalin, etc... Its ridiculour to even just think that all this have no negative effects on our health.
  8. there's people sleeping in their car to get the vaccine first or some arrive to wait in line at 4 in the morning and then after waiting 8 hours they dont even get a shot of the vaccine because they are being told they are not in the priority group . ahah, good for them ! some are so panicked that they get angry and the police must come. It reminds me of this story in Island, because the economy is low, McDonalds is closing all their restaurants in this country, so all the crazy people there are waiting in line to get a last Big Mac, there's line ups even in the street, each joint sells 10,000 sandwiches per day... We see how sad hopeless and doomed mankind is with stories like this.
  9. voted for Ruz but everyone is amazing and deserves to win; its just a matter of personal taste. Candyflip has really good definition, Marcina a nice V... You're all very sexy that's for sure. The best competition I've seen so far on this forum
  10. you must not really believe vaccines work, if you fear that your vaccinated kids can get the virus from unvaccinated kids. If I had young children, I would not let them go to a school where vaccinated children play -- they are infected ! In the case of the swine flue, the government is injecting the virus weakened but alive, it is not 'disactivated' like blabbate says, it is active and contagious for many days, so because of the vaccination we automatically infect dozens of million people, and then they might infect the others. Also, what if the 'wild' virus encounters the modified virus ? We could face a catastrophic scenario where the virus mutates to a stronger, more virulent and more resistant strain and its transmissibility increases from 1% to 30% and now we will have reasons to be scared of, thanks to the vaccine.
  11. Chicken eggs and maybe other shit. Avian flu vaccine is made with human foetus, polysorbate 80, some heavy metals, etc. There's the list of ingredients for food that people put in their bodies but most people don't read it and its the same for the vaccine, they will get this shit injected in their bodies without wondering what's in it. If they would have to show the list of ingredients for the swine flue vaccine... Its not even tested, or not well tested, for a few days but what about the risks at long term? and there are so many different versions of it, from diffrent companies, that it will never be possible to trace exactly if some side effects or even death is really related to the vaccine. Some vaccines were tested without adjuvants and then they are given to the population with adjuvants. The governments say that if there are problems due to the vaccine the state and the companies that made the vaccines will not be guilty of anything because its a special case, its a pandemic so they must hurry up, no time for precautions... a pandemic my ass, there would need to ba at least a billion people dead to be called a pandemic. In 1976 in USA they gave 40 million doses of a vaccine for a flue virus that killed just 1 person, while the vaccine itself killed 40 people and left many others paralyzed for life and autistic. They want to give a vaccine without adjuvants in it to the pregnant women because otherwise it would be harmful to the foetus... but for the rest of the population its ok to inject mercury-ethylene and other stuff, of course. If they dare to make this vaccine obligatory for everybody, I hope there will be a huge revolution, we shouldn't accept their idioties. I would prefer that an infected person spit on my face so I would get the virus rather than to have it from this 'vaccine'.
  12. The governments are worried that the virus will spread to a pandemic but now they are giving the virus to the whole population with the vaccine. Reuters press agency estimated that about 4,6 billion doses are ready, so we will have everybody infected. I love science...
  13. VeganJoe is that you on the first pic ?
  14. You can eat a lot of calories and proteins as a vegan. The most calorie-dense foods are vegan, like avocados, olive oil, bagels, etc. Try hemp, rice, beans, soy, etc... When you eat meat your body needs to convert it into human protein anyway, just like with plant-based foods. Animal products are more acidifying; a study showed that acidosis causes a loss of lean mass -- a plant-based diet is lot more alkaline.
  15. Joe, the link is not working. I do believe there is a link between nutrition and cancers, it depends in what case. There is a link between dairy proteins and breast cancer so a vegan diet is helpful.
  16. I tought the swine flue were just tiny symptoms like the regular flue; when its worst like in your case, be careful, even if the doctor says you'll be fine. There's a 13 year old guy in Toronto he died of it even if he went to the hospital: those retards sent him back home, then he collapsed and his parents took him to the hospital again where he died.
  17. The nurses and workers of the hospitals are now told to get swine flue vaccine otherwise they cannot work and are sent home without pay; still, about 25% of them will refuse to get vaccinated. In the province of Quebec, 8 million people, only ONE (1) person died of the swine flue since the month of August ! And it was a 87 year-old woman who would have died anyway of something else like the regular flue. Its a big joke, one person in 4 months and they call this a big epidemy or even a pandemy. What's sad is the state decided to print some stuff, simply to give information about ways to protect ourselves from infections but in fact it is only to promote the vaccination; it is a 12 pages booklet sent in EACH HOUSE ! Imagine how much trees this kills, a total waste of paper, and it doesn't even say a word about eating more fruits to increase Vitamin C which is probably more efficient than to be vaccinated. Even if a virus can kill, it is natural and it is an important part of the evolution of our specie: only the strongest survive and those with the weakest immune system die. Hitler didn't have to do stupid things like he did : Nature is already taking care of everything -- natural selection. With science and technology we try to avoid natural deaths but we should focus on stoping the deaths that we are responsible for causing, like nuclear bombs, guns and wars, cars...and AIDS ! The most deadly and widespread virus was created by man; science is responsible for the biggest massacre of modern times.
  18. What do you mean ? You dont need to search very far to find vegan meal plans. There's some meal plans for bodybuilding in the Nutrition section of this website, on the main page before you enter the forum. There are also plenty of books with vegan recipies and then you just need to choose amongst those recipies, you have your 3-6 meals per day, add some protein shakes if you want, (just replace soy with hemp or others if you dont want always soy) and add some snacks like fruits. What you lack is imagination.
  19. When I said virus is #1 menace to mankind I was talking about threats that can decimate the whole population of humans on the planet. In no way heart attacks are gonna make disappear all humans -- except if there would be a virus that cause heart attacks ! But anyway, all deaths are due to heart attacks Its not what I mean, what I mean is, like it is the case for mutant insects exposed to insecticides, a virus may evolve to a more virulent strain faster when exposed to vaccines. With vaccines, we stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies but at the sametime we constantly stimulate viruses to become stronger by adapting to those same vaccines. Adaptation is inextricably linked to the notion of time, and Science is continuously transgressing the natural order of things so it will result in unatural things, like mutants, new diseases and new viruses and premature extinction of the human specie. We give vaccines to babies that would normally have the antibodies later once their immune system developps (as if we say: ''Nature made another mistake, it gave a weak immune system to babies and young children, let's try to fix the mistakes Nature did by injecting dozens of vaccines''). Vaccines are useless because if we take the example of the Swine Flue, its already spread worldwide and then it may come back to America in the form of a new strain for which the vaccine is already too old and therefore worthless.
  20. ahah, the photo is pretty cool, thanks ! I'll have to go look what's bboying because that's what you do each day
  21. Yes and also I've read that during some epidemies the people that were vaccinated were getting the virus and dying just like those who were not vaccinated. Off-topic, but about modern medecine trying to cure cancers I've read that the rates of success of radiotherapy and chemiotherapy are good for just 3-4 common types of cancers (between 80-97% success) but in all the other types of cancers the success rate is catastrophic, like 4 or 5%, and the patients are litterally killed by the treatments, not by the cancer, which would have killed them many years later, or who knows, never, if they would have tried to heal by themselves rather than giving their life to science. Or it survives to the antibodies, adapts and becomes stronger, finds new hosts by contamination, multiplies, becomes stronger, etc. If its the same antibodies than why vaccinate ? I guess you mean the unvaccinated person is hit more violently than the one who is vaccinated. But let me tell you one universial law: we never trick Nature. Science is a weak opponent to Mother Nature and even if some nuclear bombs destroy planet Earth, Nature will still remain the winner in the rest of the Universe. In a thread about GMO's (or it was originally about MSG but it drifted to gmo's thanks to me) a member of this forum board said that we humans are not putting anything different into Nature with those GMO's than nature would occur normally in nature anyway but by taking MORE TIME. The notion of time is important, because there is a difference between the extinction of human race NOW or in a billion years. With mutant insects it is the samething, and with vaccination it is similar: maybe we will have to face a deadly virus next year instead of in a thousand years from now. Why, despite vaccination, pandemics are still #1 threat to mankind ? (or tie with world wars or other stuff).. Because vaccines are not going to save us, but rather could be against us. Very little cost for who ? The pharmaceutic business that makes hundreds of billion dollars ? Or us who pay with taxes the state orders millions of doses, each dose costs like 70$. About evidence, well how could we trace very precisely that many cases of autism and allergies are not caused by vaccination ?
  22. When a virus finds a vaccinated person, maybe afterwards it will multiplies into a more virulent one. Like a muscle that you train to failure and then next week it is stronger. Since massive use of insecticides and GMO's, we now find insects that are more resistant and adapted to resist those insecticides and GMO's, so they release a new poison each year. Maybe AIDS was created by mankind. Maybe this new flue virus is due to vaccines for the regular flue. Apparently its only due to transgenese of the virus in pigs maybe due to intensive farming and got to humans probably due to the farmers and meat industry. But how crazy a human being must be to be willing to be vaciinated even against the regular flue ? Or those that take Aspirin 'preventive' doses daily. In a recent documentary by the NFB we hear that today, the average American kid receive about 60 doses of vaccines before the age of 6 years old ! May be more or less, and it includes doses for the same vaccine too.
  23. Canada ordered 50 million doses of the swine flue vaccine, what a joke ! We are not even 30 million people in canada. At least its good that some people still call it the Swine flue. In canada we call it the A Flue (H1N1) the pig farmers declared war to this name, saying there's no epidemy to pigs... so what? the virus comes from a pig.
  24. ahah... I hear this often from those who belive in the power of vaccines. But think a little bit: you must not really believe vaccines work, if you fear that your vaccinated kids can get the virus from unvaccinated kids. And I've got some new for ya: THERE ARE unvaccinated kids in schools and unvaccinated adults EVERYWHERE, even in hospitals. You are saying everybody entering hospitals are vaccinated... but they are sick and they got viruses. Now what will you do, never go out of your house again? Vaccination is another big mistake perpetrated by mankind and only for money: each vaccine creates a new generation of virus which is stronger than the one targeted by the vaccine: 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. Just like we do with pesticides and insecticides: we need more and more of this shit. How will we turn back, if its not too late ?
  25. Moi ! what's ''bboying'' ? Don't forget to post that pic of me with the metal thing to train forearms !
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