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Im Your Man

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Everything posted by Im Your Man

  1. For 10 days when I was at the meditation centre my last meal was at 11 a.m, going to bed around 9:30 pm and was sleeping perfectly. Yes I was hungry sometimes, so what ? I can fall asleep, and I am not like those people that can fall asleep so easily and who continue sleeping even if their neighborhood is under a nuclear attack. People who are not able to think, sleep, drive or do anything just because they are hungry should try to experiment with fasting someday, as well as meditation, and be aware of the sensations in their body to learn to remain calm and equanimous when observing those sensations instead of reacting to it, with fear, panic, or just reacting to it automatically. Those are all subject to the Law of Impermanence, sensation of hunger appear and disappear, often within minutes, without ingesting food.
  2. Ask them where carnivores like lions get their B12. In the meat of herbivores. And where herbivores get b12 ? Eating grass. Same for calcium. Or ask them where they get their Vitamin C. Eating tons of shrimp brains ?
  3. ahahah ! Great ! Can I use this in my signature ?
  4. Humans are such hypocrites. Yes we confess that we are responsible for polluting the atmosphere, the soil, water, and that this is causing harm to the planet, but we always put the blame on others, them, with their SUV's, or the industries, etc. We admit we harm the environment but then we say it is the Earth that will destroy us, with the earthquakes, tsunamis, etc; while in fact it is us that are destroying us, because we are the cause. All the bad things we do, it returns to us. It is hypocritical to think that what we do will not turn against us. This is the Law of Nature. Fishermen say that fish eat all the fish in the seas, of course... We say that its the cattle, the pigs, the cows, the farm animals that pollute water and air with manure and methane, while we know it is US, all this is our fault. We say that the blue algaes spread in lakes and are toxic to humans and animals, it is an economic tragedy for tourism industry, people cannot swim in lakes and river because of those invasive algaes (at least it is a problem in Quebec), truth is that the proliferation of those algaes is entirely due to human activity! water dishes, often loaded with phosphates; fecal coliform from septic tanks Phosphate fertilizer; agricultural and industrial waste; the absence of natural vegetation, because we destroyed it. All this can be resumed to : Humans. Algaes are the Poison of Lakes... No, WE are the poison.
  5. If you buy all the products that researchers are telling us its essential, its not gonna cost you 7 cents per day but 7 hundred dollars per day ! Besides, it is much better to spend 0 cents per day than 7 cents per day Next thing we'll learn is that B12 supplements increase the risk of some diseases... An example: calcium supplements increase heart attacks by 25-30%, we can read this in an article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), a meta-analysis from researchers of New-Zealand based on 11 studies, but we can read about this in different articles about calcium.
  6. Sorry, vegetarians fit more in the parasites category, not with the herbivores.
  7. If what you mean is that we are more intelligent than other animals, does this give us the right to kill just for gluttony, lust and greed? The level of intelligence is just one difference among a thousand others that make each animals and each being different. Being more intelligent dont make us better (we are the worst specie, we kill billions of other creatures and we even kill millions of our own specie in wars) or dont give us superior rights such as using animals without any respect. We are different than other animals but all animals are different, with different language, diet, etc. We are primates, mammals. If you are not an animal, then you might not need to sleep, eat and go to the restroom... There are two types of animals: the ones that have no respect for others, such as mosquitos, bats, carnivores and other parasites and vampires, that keep bothering others to steal their blood or take their life. They kill all day long without any remorse, like psycho serial killers, they do nothing except the Bad. Even scavengers are not that worse, because at least they let others live in peace and they will only come bother you after you're dead... The other type of animal are herbivores, frugivores, vegetarians, vegans, etc. They eat superior food at the bottom of the food chain, so less toxins , and they live their life peacefully without bothering or killing others , "live and let live". They have respect for others, "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself"
  8. We need to suscribe to that magazine to read the full article and it costs something ? Can someone post the full article here ? The term "save the planet" is too simple, too green and does not reflect the reality. When we say saving the planet, we actually mean to save mankind and other animals. The planet does not need to be saved. We need to be saved. If the temperature and seas rise, WE will be swept from the surface of the Earth, the planet will be different but fine. If we pollute the atmosphere or if an asteroid crashes, we can't breathe and we all die, it will be a century long night and later it will come back to normal. Let's say we destroy it almost totally: we and other animals will disappear, but the planet will not disappear, it will come back the way it was before we destroyed it, or it will become a bit different, with new animals and new plants, it may take a few million years but the planet will always change. It is puerile to think that the planet needs us to continue existing or that we have the power to make it a sterile desert like Mars for eternity. SAVE US. GO VEGAN.
  9. Good news I really like what Georges does for animals, each month he organize a showing of the documentary Earthlings with French voice over (made by Georges himself) in a university, theatre, restaurant or anywhere its possible, and each time it is free and about 700 people can see the movie and get a copy of the dvd. Recently he bought a raw vegan restaurant called Crudessence in downtown Montreal, the menu is amazing: smoothies, raw lasagna, raw pizza, Om Burger, etc...
  10. By the way if you continue to eat poultry, eggs, butter, occasionnally, it is not a vegan diet Try it 100% to see the results. To achieve "vibrant health" though, you might want to stay away from anything processed, non-organic, avoid eating too much, eat raw food, and some people might say the only way to achieve vibrant health is low-fat raw vegan, so a lot of sweet fruits and green salads. To answer your question, yes I do feel more energic than when I was eating meat or vegetarian with cheese, eggs, etc... My blood pressure was higher so when I was lying down or sitting and then standing up I was feeling dizzy. Sometimes I was feeling tired, depressed, etc. Since I'm vegan I feel better in my mind because of what I eat and I also have more strength and endurance.
  11. Hi and welcome ! Me too I've tried the Blood Diet, I still avoid eating too many tomatoes (which I replace with strawberries) or bananas, because I find I don't digest them very well, but I don't really believe in this diet, animals of a same specie eat the same food no matter their size or blood type. Have you tried Ayurvedic diet ? Very intersting, this is many centuries old, based not only on body type but also your personality. Judging from your avatar I think you are a Pitta, like me, so that means your elements are Fire and Water. During Pitta season (summer), you must avoid heavy and hot food because this would add even more fire into you, you don't want that, becaue "opposite heals". So eat lots of fruits and raw veggies. Earthlings is good but if you don't watch it because you find it too long, here is one which is only 30 seconds, so you don't have any excuse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYVuhJCRuuo
  12. Ok...what if I tell you I got a blood test and everything was fine ? I don't have a car, I walk or use skateboard, bike, bus, subway, but those things costs some money. Yes I go to movies. With 27$ I can go see 6 more movies. It is better than swallowing some pills, especially if they aren't essential, since there is B12 in the fortified foods, or, as I said, probably in everything, all the flour products, because of the insects. It is BeforeWisdom who assume he is getting enough B12, by consuming supplements without testing his blood (maybe he did, but he didn't answer Ducati's question). Maybe I take risks by going to the movies instead of buying B12 pills, but so far I've taken the right decision, I'm not sick or dead. By the way, beforewisdom and veganessentials, you seem to think that I encourage people to not buy B12 supplements. It is not true, I HAVE NEVER SAID THAT PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BUY B12 SUPPLEMENTS. Beforewisdom even said that because of me some vegans might die. Each individual is responsible for his own life. I talk for my own experience, which is: sometimes I consume B12 pills (in the past and in the future, but currently I'm not) or b12 fortified food. Like FallenHorse said, b12 and ALL vitamins are important, if you are not getting enough, do what you need to do.
  13. Maybe, or you or I could be hit by a car and die instantly... Don't worry guys, I always make sure to get some B12, I consume fortified milks for morning cereals or oatmeal, or some protein powders have some, or nutritional yeast, etc. But because I don't eat those things very frequently these days I am thinking about buying B12 supplements soon, like a did some years ago. It is sad if some vegans get sick or die because of B12, but it is stupid to say it is because of them that veganism is a failure, or to say veganism is a failure, you want to see it succeed, what are meat-eaters gonna think, etc. There are plenty of people getting sick in all kinds of diets, for instance omnivores that die of heart attacks and diabetes; it is not the diet, it is each individual, they don't eat this diet properly, they eat too many sweets, sodas, deep-fried stuff, etc. Another example: Islam may appear to be a violent religion, but Islam means Peace, it is a religion of peace, like all other religions, even if there are some terrorists that don't practice this religion properly.
  14. Sounds like you are not a good human being. Have compassion and peace inside, instead of negativity, be respectful instead of unhappy and miserable. I want to see veganism succeed. If vegans don't take b-12 they will likely get ill, quit and then encourage other people to quit. Veganism already succeeds. It will succeed completely when all the population will be vegan, the reason we're not there yet is not because of B12. The meat-eaters that don't go vegan don't think about b12 to remain omni, or if they do it is just based on myths, not facts. You put this link for like 10 times in this thread. I've already read the article. Sorry, I meant tablets... I know the b12 in tempeh is supposdly a form of b12 that we cannot use. When you write that high sanitation standards in the food industry destroy much b12, I guess it means it destroys the b12 in meat and eggs, since those are irradiated, cooked, etc. In a USDA report, it says that lots of crushed insects are present in food products such as pastas, peanut butter, chocolate and fruit juice, sometimes 40g of insects per 100g of food, so that's a lot of B12, no need of pills. About waiting for symptoms, like Ducati I'm not sure there are irreversible damage at the stage of the first sy,ptoms, please show a study to back up your claims. If the damage is irreversible as you say, why do you claim that vegans who experienced B12 deficiency quit veganism to eat meat again, as if it would solve the problem, if their nervous system is already permanently affected. And no need to eat meat again even if a vegan developps B12 deficiency, just need to start taking supplements.
  15. Beforewisdom, why is it so important for you that you post about this since decades ? Its each individual's health/problem; why you don't chose to go on much important croisades, like peace in the world. I believe that if each individual becomes a peaceful person, there will be no more wars or no crimes at all. Being vegan is a good start. To supplement with b12 is not so important, unless people start experiencing symptoms. 25$ per year is still 25$ less in your pocket, it is better to wait for symptoms so then you know if you need it and you know if the supplements will make a change. Otherwise you will supplement all your life without knowing if its necessary or not. 25$ for 25 years is already 625$. Is nutritional yeast (like the FiveStar - or something similar- flakes or brewer's yeast) are as good as templets ?
  16. By EU you mean Europe ? GMO will be permitted in the countries of europe ?
  17. I really enjoyed the book 80/10/10. Lean and green had a blood analysis after years as a vegan raw foodist using tons of spirulina, and not supplementing with b12, his b12 level was fine.
  18. That's cool they're doing this. Much better than most restaurants. Here in Quebec the trend is to lots of red meats and rare meat, tartare, foie gras, etc...
  19. Cubby, I think it is you who wrote few weeks ago that you fast during the day but you fill your belly to maximum in the evening and often feel bloated. You're loosing the benefits of fasting doing this, you digestive system suffer more than eating smaller meals at regular times. Then why doing this, if only for esthetical reasons of low bodyfat or for athletic reasons to improve performance during workouts on empty stomach ? Ruz, it seems interesting your training program and IE schedule, and the positive results too ! I'll look at the link soon. I've been fasting 19 hours per day for 7 days, I was at a Vipassana meditation center. We eat breakfast at 6:30 and then lunch at 12. I was eating apples and bananas at 5pm for the first 3 days but it was causing digestion problems so on Day 4 until the end of my stay at the center I was only drinking green tea at 5pm. I didn't exercise at all during those 10 days and walking just a little bit, but didn't notice any loss of lean mass, and no difference of bodyfat due to fasting. I was eating a lot though, at breakfast and lunch. I think I'll keep on with something similar, but about 15 hours fasting per day, and only raw food after noon, last meal at 5pm. If I eat later in the evening it will be only vegetables, salads, or cucumbers, etc...
  20. I ate french toasts today: bread in a pan cooked with strawberry soymilk and coconut oil. It was delicious with agave nectar, raisins, cherry jam, hemp seeds and vanilla soy ice cream... I'm not used to all that sugar though so I felt a bit dizzy...
  21. She's right, it can be this. Also, you might want to try other sports or just changing a bit your training, because some competition-oriented sports may cause stress to some people, or some training programs may be intense; there are better types of physical activities for each type of body and mind. For instance: someone might feel much better doing circuit training or endurance rather than low-reps or powerlifting, and some people might feel easily irritable and stressed after a session of hot yoga compared to yoga performed outside in fresh air. Samething with food, work, etc, every choice in lifestyle has different effect.
  22. I told my boss i didn't eat meat the day before he had us go to his house for a christmas party and what do you know.....even the salad had ham sauce dressing.On top of that they kept trying to give me wine when i told them i didn't drink the day i started working for them. Does it even matter if you come off rude to people like that? lol, ham sauce dressing, I didn't even know it could exist. You should have said : "how about some dog sauce, or human sauce dressing..." . it's not polite to invite you to a dinner where there's nothing you can eat. It is different than the founder of my massage school, who invited everybody to a huge dinner; he's not even vegetarian, I was the only vegan and there was maybe 2 vegetarians out of 25 people, but all the food was vegan ! There were salads, korean rice, faux-meat like mock fish, mock shrimps, etc... The only thing that wasn't vegan was the desert, some cake with ice cream.
  23. Myspace was good but now Facebook is more popular. If you wanna start a group there's also things like Yahoo groups and Meetup.com
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