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Im Your Man

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Everything posted by Im Your Man

  1. On the contrary, I think it is the best idea possible. If there's something in your stomach you have more risks to get cramps and also you have less energy to run since your body needs blood and energy while its digesting food. We're better when we can focus on one thing at a time. Would you be more efficient at lifting weights or lifting weights while eating ? The food in the stomach does not give anything anyway, its only once its digested that the body can use it as energy, the body will use the glycogen in the muscles instead, from the last meal. All you need is the body and muscles (and a heart, soul, etc), that's the true energy. Food doesn't give strength, it is only the fuel, like a muscle car already got its horse powers in the engine.
  2. ahah, I predict there will be some vehement criticism to Rainra's post by certain members, including one with the letter Z, and another whose name is in the middle of 2 "x".
  3. dude I haven't explained anything in my third post because I said I wouldn't repeat, I already said and explained in the first and second post, eventhough you found it wasn't enough -- but I don't care. You haven't found or said anything yet to disprove or refute what I was saying and I wish you good luck. It is strange that you say everything I said is not true but you say nothing to refute it. Truth is you just don't understand what I said -- nothing to be ashamed of, I know my English is far from being perfect and perhaps I am not able to explain clearly. Instead of saying what I say is not true you could say you don't understand and you can provide information (with sources or not, if I want to verify I can search, I am not lazy like you) that would confirm or discredit what I wrote. Instead of this you talk shit and say stupidities, it is a lack of time and energy and causes negative emotions that nobody needs. What I was saying is not controversial, you can read and find the same anywhere in any book or website. So if the only thing you want is sources, I'll post some links eventhough it is useless, you can just sit there and say what they write is not true, that's why I prefer writing my opinion based on my knowledge without citing sources, I didn't look at any websites when writing so why would I post a source. The source comes from my mind, I've read stuff and I remember, is it forbidden ? If someone wants to read a book or website they can do it, but if they want to read my post they can read my post, you can post a link to show that I was wrong. If someone don't agree that's fine, I don't care, say what you think is the truth, but stop harrassing people to tell the truth YOU want to hear. http://www.balance-ph-diet.com/acid_alkaline_food_chart.html look at the green to yellow chart for instance http://www.alkaline-alkaline.com/ph_food_chart.html These are just the first links I got when I google "ph foods", find others if you want to. Like you said the ph numbers differs from one source to the other. You don't understand what I mean when I say 'soft cheese', well do you know what the words 'soft' and 'hard' mean ? whatever, the exact numbers change but grains will always be in the acidic foods. When I said some grains are alkaline I meant are low acidic, less acid than other grains. I guess I said alkaline because I wanted to calm you down, you said "not very no" when I said they are very acidic. Some are acidic, some less, those very acidic probably have been processed. Are you happy now ? The description you made of positive nitrogen balance confirms what I was saying since the beginning so there's no problem. By the way in your other post you were insinuating I said one could build muscle if he or she has a negative nitrogen balance. I have never said that and I challenge you to find the word "negative" in that post. You said negative, what I said is perhaps a positive nitrogen balance is not necessary. Forget about negative or positive nitrogen balance if this prevents you to understand me; what I'm saying is most people that lift weights eat lots of protein to make sure they eat ENOUGH of it but often eat TOO MUCH of it. Enough is enough and too much is too much. Too much is never useful, everything which is 'too much' is useless otherwise it wouldn't be 'too much' it would be enough. Get it ? If you eat too much proteins you probably consume too much acid-forming minerals and the body needs to fix the ph to alkaline by stealing calcium from its own infrastruture. That's my opinion, I might be wrong, but why would you want me to say your opinion, it is you who must say your opinion. CHEERS ! bitch
  4. And like usual you haven't said or explained anything. I'm not gonna repeat what I already said. Now its your turn to explain your stuff, but if you don't want to that's ok. As for sources, just search PH foods , and positive nitrogen balance and come back with different things than what I wrote if you want to.
  5. Johan, why do you say things like: "No, Not true at all, you don't have any clue what you are saying"... with no explainations ? If you agree then you don't have to add anything but if you don't agree you should write something otherwise there's no discussions. I don't know if you behave like this because you're too lazy or too ignorant, but one thing is sure is you are arrogant and insolent. Yes, most grains are acid-forming, but some are alkaline. Meats are much more acidic than grains but animal products like milk, cream, butter and soft cheese are less acidic than grains in general. Concerning positive nitrogen balance, I went to read a definition of it and its like what I thought. So I don't know what you are talking about.
  6. I'm sure the books that will influence me a lot I've not read them yet. I'm sure some books could have a great impact on my life and I will look for some of the books listed in this thread. I've read many books when I was around 18 but then I stopped I don't know why. Many books that I liked but I wouldn't say they changed my life drastically. Books about life, I liked some books by Henry Miller, and "Martin Eden" by Jack London is probably my favorite novel yet. Concerning nutrition and health I liked Herbert Shelton stuff like "Superior Nutrition" and also Douglas Graham's "the 81/10/10 Diet" both these books for the way it criticizes society and medecine and offering a new conception and new standards for health and nutrition.
  7. If you're eating whole food like rice, beans, pasta, nuts, veggies and fruits, it is pretty easy to get enough calories and you probably don't need protein supplements. If I eat a raw diet consisting of only fruits and veggies, I try to supplement with one or two Hemp protein shake. Because fruits and greens (with just a little bit of acocados or nuts, like 3 or 4 times per week) provides enough proteins only if we eat enough calories but its a lot of fruits and veggies so if I dont have time or apetite to eat all this I supplement with hemp protein. Anyway I only do this in Spring and Summer to lose some bodyfat and as some sort of detox for the body and mind. Marcina was kind of right when she says it is not the protein that causes osteoporosis but phosphorus, sulfur, etc. Like DJShrew said, most proteins are rich in acid-forming minerals and metals like sulfur, iron, etc but some foods high in protein are alkaline. Grains dont have as much protein as animal products but they are very acidic on the PH. To be healthy the body needs to maintain a healthy PH slightly alkaline, if there is too much acid in the foods it needs to take calcium from teeth and bones to compensate. Oatmeal is very acidic, adding raisins in it make it more neutral. To eat greens with protein, etc. I believe what many bodybuilders try to do is to eat more protein then what they need so that they have a positive nitrogen balance, it directly leads to a negative calcium balance. Is it really necessary to have a positive nitrogen balance in order to grow muscles ? I don't think so but if it is I wouldn't suggest to do this all year or all life. The body needs a break at least once a year. We often hear : pro bodybuilding doesn't mean healthy. But why not, I think the body can build more muscles when it is perfectly healthy rather than when it is acid sick, the body always healing itself to get back to a normal PH.
  8. Seems like a funny discussion going on here.
  9. Only working out at the gym once or twice a week now, week-ends. Full body 30 minutes session, than maybe some yoga, cardio on sunday. I work 4 days a week, physical job, nothing really heavy though, but I try to use my muscles more than I would normally need. So in week-ends I lift heavier loads, 6-8 reps or sometimes 12 reps. Leg extensions 250 pounds for about 6 reps. Bench press is not impressive yet, still about 120 pounds for about 8 reps. But I'm really lazy, I could go to the gym in the morning all the days I want to, and in the week-ends I go once or twice but I'm not really motivated, today I was there 20 minutes before they were closing. I need to get in shape again and to enjoy life more than this. The main problem is I don't sleep enough, which is not good for progressing. Today I was looking at a poster in the gym, so stupid: it says "Be cut in 3 weeks and get a 6-pack", it was in French actually, saying "obtiens un 6-pack" so its like "obtain" a 6-pack. I find it sad that in this material society obsessed by monomania to buy always more things, even muscles are seen as objects that we need to get otherwise we're not cool. This kind of distracted me for a few minutes during my training. Edit: I mean Leg Lift, not leg extension. http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh240/organicspiral/muscles/DSC02493.jpg http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh240/organicspiral/muscles/DSC02498.jpg
  10. I know that in USA the h1n1 vaccine is adjuvant free, thimerosal free... which is great. But I heard a doctor saying a vaccine without adjuvant is useless, that's why they put adjuvant; the squalene is like presenting the virus on a plate to show it clearly to the immune system and the thimerosal is necessary for sanitary reasons during and after the making of the vaccine and other adjuvant is there to boost the immune response. Whatever, I'm against the massive vaccination for free and all the propaganda from the medias, it costs 1 billion $ to the canadian government, this will probably cause higher taxes... and they want to do this each year. They should offer the vaccine only to those who want it (and they would have to pay the 8$) instead of harrassing everybody and trying to make unvaccinated folks feel guilty (which doesn't work for me). I think I got the swine flue, 3 days, easy to fight for my immune system, doing the regular activities like going to work. If it was the swine flue I'm protected for life, if it wasn't maybe I won't get it, maybe I will and heal, or die, if I would get the vaccine I would need to get a shot each year is that it ? The vaccine causes 1 death per million, officially, that's what the medias tell. But I know at least 2 other cases of death due to the vaccine that the medias didn't even tell. With all the side effects, there are more problems because of the vaccine than the virus itself, and let's wait and see in 20 years what happens to the vaccinated people. There is more cases of death due to the virus since they started the vaccination, more people dying now that 50% are vaccinated. Indeed perhaps many of the victimes of the virus may be victims of the vaccine.
  11. yams and carrots are good in that kind of soup Because otherwise just split peas will taste nothing. So don't be afraid to put ingredients that add taste; besides mustard, you can put some nutritional yeast) be careful not to put too much otherwise it taste horrible) and Bragg's liquid aminos (or soy sauce) instead of salt. I suggest you put these things in your bowl rather than in the whole soup which is cooking, so in case you put too much, then you can just add more soup to dilute. Eat this soup with bread so it becomes better proteins.
  12. Hi ! Its so great to hear about the success of a family that thrives with veganism and physical activity. Welcome !
  13. Masochism is one of the best quality for bodybuilders But I prefer the feeling I'm so light I can fly, after doing a set of calf raise.
  14. Cool On the 1st pic you look like you're running so fast and will win the race Good luck for the next one.
  15. From an article today: 36 serious health issues due to the H1N1 vaccine and one death. The dead person is an old man that died right after he received the vaccine. He died within 3 weeks ago but its only now that they talk about it, while they talk about victims of the virus the same day it happens. Let,s add the other death related to the vaccine and which they never talked about, the woman who was already infected and they vaccinated her. Anyway, over 30 problems and this is only the beginning. I would like to know if there are similar problems related to the vaccine in USA. If not, then it means its caused by the adjuvant in the canadian version of the vaccine, there is no adjuvant in the US vaccine.
  16. If the guy is wanted by the police, I wonder what is the punishment. I don't know in USA but in Quebec and perhaps Canada there is almost no laws for cruelty to animals because animals have no rights, they are properties, like objects and people can do whatever they want with their objects. There are some punishment but its ridiculous.
  17. I thought that at least he would throw the dog from high enough to kill it, but that kind of sick bastards enjoy torturing animals, it prepares them for their future life of psycho killers that will shoot people from a tower. And now on tv there is a documentary about people with a passion for hunting, so there's this woman saying how proud she is that she killed a deer for the first time, "I felt good", "I wish I will be able to continue this all my life and I would like to teach hunting to my kids as they grow"
  18. eating the banana peel ? I've heard it is better to not put too many banana skins in compost because it would slow down the whole compost, I guess it cannot be digested very well in the stomach either. I'm curious, how did you get the idea to eat the skin and what are the benefits/nutrients ?
  19. Man you're cut, awesome abs, obliques look solid.
  20. Hi and welcome ! Hong Kong must be awesome. You seem already in good shape for having trained 2 months only.
  21. By the way, its awesome that you have a Wikipedia page Robert ! I'll go read it right away
  22. VeganJoe, on your new avatar, you look like Tom Hanks in that movie where he's on an island.
  23. Mercury is toxic and deadly for humans, causing neurological problems. I've seen a video shot on microscope showing neurons being destroyed right after we inject an infinitesimal dose into the human brain. No wonder 1 out of 2 persons get degenerative diseases like Parkinson and Alzheimer after decades of normal exposure (told to be ''safe'') to all kinds of products, foods that contain mercury and other toxic substances. Yet Blabbate, the governments and companies are still saying it is ''safe'' and we have nothing to worry about.
  24. Do your best at each session, intensity, concentration, for about an hour. And then you wait a few days until your muscles are repaired, when they're not painful anymore.
  25. Do you work for the government ? Because you sound like a politician lying about safety and all that. What is called safe may be just under the thin red line that separates life and death and may be 'safe' for the time of one tiny exposure but not safe for the thousands of times we are exposed to those substances. Also, let's say it is true that a product is 'safe', but then add another product labelled as 'safe', so both added together are already less 'safe'... and we are exposed to about 30,000 substances that can't be found in nature and were created by mad scientists and unleashed in society to be tested on us, some human guinea pigs. Arsenic is safe, blablabla... even the US governement banned the adjuvants from the vaccine. If we would believe what you are saying, there would be no harmful substance in this world... yet people are dying. Studies show that Bisphenol A, found in plastic bottles for water, etc is toxic and causes a dozen of diseases like breast cancer, prostate cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and even asthma and diabetes. We find Bisphenol A in ALL urine of EVERYBODY. These diseases and all diseases are increasing since decades. They say the adjuvants found in the vaccine are supposed to stimulate and boost our immune system... some toxic products that any intelligent person wouldn't want to inject in his body even in infinitesimal dose. I heard a guy saying that the experimental vaccines given to soldiers during Gulf war had 1 million less squalene than the H1N1 vaccine... ''the H1N1 has 1 million times more squalene in it than what they gave to soldiers that gave birth to mutant and mutilated kids with no arms, etc...'' lol, but its not more crazy than what governement say, always talking about the safety of the vaccine and drugs while keeping the nation in a state of constant fear about the pandemia so they will go get vaccinated. A vaccine that took 2 months to be made and tested for a few days, while it should have taken 10 years to make and many months to test it before giving it to million of people...
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